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5 Mar, 2022 | E-commerce Development

How to maximize your e-commerce business with a native android app?

How to maximize your e-commerce business with a native android app?
E-commerce economy has been on the rise, and with the excess use of smartphones, the focus has shifted towards mobile app development. The retail market has seen a radical shift, and 40% of total worldwide internet users now use it for purchasing products. Mobile apps have been the epicenter of disruption in the mobile universe. Of all the time users spend on mobile devices, 90% is spent on mobile apps. E-commerce has understood this scenario well, and they have started exploring the mobile app universe through an android mobile application development company. Android app development has gained traction among e-commerce businesses due to its freemium concept. The platform allows free app usage with in-app purchases used for revenue generation, and it is the sole reason android apps have a 74.3% market share among other giants like iOS and Windows. If your e-commerce business needs a platform like the mobile app to grow, know how you can build with an android app?

Mobile-First Approach:

E-commerce business is about shopping for goods online, and with 3.2 billion smartphone users worldwide, e-commerce businesses need a mobile-first approach. Android has already been a disruptive force in the app market, and with Android 11, there is more to look upon. Mobile-First approach is vital for your business. It is simple; the market is driven through revenues, and for e-commerce, revenues come from purchases a user makes. With the ease of mobile devices and their digital payment features provide higher incomes for e-commerce development.

Native Features:

Why are natural features beneficial to your business? Natural elements are platform-specific, and they help your apps perform well on that platform. Android platform has an excellent native platform with a native environment to enhance your app performance. Benefits of a native android app for your e-commerce business. Ease of navigation with excellent UI/Ux support on the native environment. Secure payments with state-of-the-art data regulation and data security. Faster checkouts than e-commerce website for the ultimate shopping experience. The mobility factor dictates traffic as the accessibility to your products can be anywhere and anytime. A native android app can help your e-commerce business reach more customers through its more massive userbase. Mobile app marketing can help your business achieve more organic traffic and improve your business generate more leads with the better conversion.

Better Customer Journeys:

Pleasant customer journeys create loyal customers and build customer associations with brands. With an android app developed through android mobile app development company, will help you generate more magnificent customer journeys. You can introduce in-app customer support with interactive features. You can develop different categories of products and services through product pages on your app. Ease of login and digital payments makes android apps more attractive or e-commerce businesses.

Building Trust:

Android 11 rollout later this year will redefine security in the Android versions over the years. With this rollout, Google is introducing new security measures that will allow users to determine whether they want to provide data access to an app or not. It will enhance the user’s trust over android apps, and for e-commerce business, faith is a huge factor. Users need to have confidence in your android apps to share their financial data with your app. Boost your e-commerce business with our professional ecommerce development services and native Android app expertise.

User Engagement

User engagement is all about customer experience for any e-commerce business. If an e-commerce business earns $1 billion annually, it can expect to receive an additional $700 million with investment in customer experience for three years. An android app developed through frontend development using XML and a backed development in Kotlin can provide a better user experience for your business. If you are not well-versed with such technical expertise, you should look for an android development company.

Innovative Integrations:

Android apps have always been innovative in integrating new technologies. For e-commerce businesses, leveraging Google’s innovative integrations can be fruitful for the business. Google introduced AR/VR(Augmented Reality/ Virtual Reality) developer SDKs for any android developer or android development company to develop AR/VR based android applications. E-commerce businesses can leverage such technology integrations to enhance their UX and provide customers with real-time product experience through AR/VR. Further, companies can even use Google’s speech to text technology for better voice commerce opportunities.

Signing Off:

E-commerce economy is reaching for the moon, with soaring revenues and exponential growth. But, it also means that you are up against many competitors in the market. So, you need to buckle up and be ready with the entire arsenal. The biggest arsenal today in the age of the digital era is a mobile app and what to choose better than an android app for your business. So, if you are looking to scale up, choose the best android mobile application development company and develop a highly interactive native android app for your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a native Android app?

A native Android app is a software application that is designed and developed specifically for the Android operating system. It is written in a programming language such as Java or Kotlin and can interact with the hardware and software features of an Android device.

Why should I develop a native Android app for my e-commerce business?

A native Android app offers many benefits, including increased customer engagement and loyalty, enhanced user experience, and improved brand visibility. It can also provide a more personalized shopping experience, which can lead to increased sales and revenue.

How do I get started with developing a native Android app for my e-commerce business?

The first step is to find an experienced Android app development team that specializes in e-commerce. They can help you with everything from planning and design to development and deployment.

What features should my e-commerce Android app have?

Your app should have features that enhance the user experience, such as easy navigation, a search function, and a shopping cart. It should also include features that increase engagement, such as push notifications, social media integration, and personalized recommendations.

How can I ensure the security of my customers' data on my e-commerce Android app?

Your app should be designed with security in mind, including encryption of sensitive data such as passwords and payment information. You should also regularly test your app for vulnerabilities and ensure that it is up to date with the latest security patches.

How can I promote my e-commerce Android app and increase downloads?

You can promote your app through various channels, such as social media, email marketing, and app store optimization. You should also encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews and ratings on the app store.

How can I measure the success of my e-commerce Android app?

You can track metrics such as downloads, engagement, and revenue to measure the success of your app. You can also use analytics tools to gain insights into how users are interacting with your app and identify areas for improvement.

Written by Tarun

Tarun is a creative and passionate Full Stack Web Developer at WEDOWEBAPPS LLC. He not only performs his duties with a strong sense of dedication but also possesses excellent skills in working with diverse teams to make the project a success.