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14 May, 2022 | Mobile App Development

Turn your sharp idea with reality via business mobile app development 

Turn your sharp idea with reality via business mobile app development 
Over the years, we have gained invaluable experience in the development of sites, mobile applications, The integration of complex systems in the structure of companies. Our rapid response team takes up projects of any complexity. Understanding the business needs and converting the idea of your dream into reality is our priority towards success.

What wedowebapps LLC following when customers want to convert their idea’s into reality.

Monitoring progress

Daily metrics (timing, quality, budget, the efficiency of the project team) help control the budget and release new versions of products on time.

Continuous integration

Continuous integration (CI) automates the process of building, testing, and installing software. We have experienced business mobile app development geeks who are doing this all.

An Approach & Analytics

To design the interfaces of the future application, our business mobile app development masters conduct a comparative usability analysis of its analogs with business needs and to track the interaction between business and users through a mobile application, We conduct a business analysis that allows us to find bottlenecks in the customer's internal processes.  To understand how the audience uses the application, we implement analytics tools, monitor screen switching, application states, form filling facts, and build funnels in sections of various user parameters. To test the hypotheses and identify the best solutions.


Studying the psychology of the audience and user behavior through qualitative research is one of the main aspects of application development. To conduct research, we use methods of in-depth interviews and observations, assess the convenience of products for a potential audience through usability testing, and conduct surveys for the segmentation of the audience. Moreover, to create logical structures and understandable naming, we use card sorts of various types, and diary studies allow us to study the long processes of interaction with the product.

Mobile solutions for e-commerce

Smartphones and mobile are always at hand. Therefore, they become one of the critical channels of interaction with customers. Our business app development companies are specializing in developing great-looking apps for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices too.

Implementing eCommerce platforms

Turn mobile devices of your customers into an indispensable, convenient, and active channel for communication with the brand. Our business app development companies specialists implement both ready-made and custom-made eCommerce platforms using the most advanced mobile technologies.

Design & development

We design application interfaces for smartphones, tablets, smart clocks, and Smart TV, based on analytical data and taking into account the specifics of projects, platforms, and devices. with the help of Invasion, we can demonstrate the operation of the interfaces directly on the phone.


We have a full arsenal of tools and technologies for developing projects for our customers. It can be either native applications in the languages Objective-C, Java, C #, or hybrid cross-platform solutions with dedicated business logic based on the tools Xamarin (C #), AVIAN (Java) or RoboVM (Java). For writing server parts and middleware, we use PHP, Java EE / SE, C #, we work with SQL / NoSQL, and we design an architecture that will stand high loads.  Let us make turn your sharp ideas into reality and help you to engage your customers in new ways.


The cost of errors in the development of applications is high, but testing on a wide range of devices on different platforms guarantees the release of a quality product. During development, we also use UNIT-testing and UI-self-testing using tools such as KIF for iOS, Espresso, and UI Automation for Android.


The application cannot exist by itself: the OS is updated, new technologies become available, the needs of the clients change - all this affects the functionality of the application. We provide technical support services for applications: for flexible models, with monthly fixation and short sprints, and with quarterly or annual budgets and long-term planning.


We Define, Design, And Build Complex Bespoke Platforms.  Call today for a free quote. Get an attractive mobile APP for your business.  Let’s connect with us for your dream idea for business applications and convert them into reality with our technical geeks.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is business mobile app development?

Business mobile app development is the process of designing, developing, and launching a mobile application specifically for business purposes. These apps can be used for a variety of functions, such as increasing productivity, streamlining operations, and improving customer engagement.

Why should businesses invest in mobile app development?

Mobile apps can offer many benefits to businesses, such as improving customer engagement, increasing brand loyalty, providing a more personalized experience, and boosting productivity. Additionally, as more people rely on mobile devices for their daily tasks, having a mobile app can help businesses stay competitive in their industry.

What are the steps involved in mobile app development?

The mobile app development process typically involves the following steps:

  • Conceptualization and planning
  • Design and prototyping
  • Development and coding
  • Testing and quality assurance
  • Launch and deployment
  • Ongoing maintenance and updates

How can businesses find a reliable mobile app development company?

To find a reliable mobile app development company, businesses should do their research and consider factors such as the companys experience, portfolio, client reviews, and pricing. Its also important to have open communication with the development team to ensure they understand your specific needs and goals for the app.

Written by Jose

Jose is a Project Leader at WEDOWEBAPPS LLC. He has knowledge about both project management and time management. His expertise includes analyzing the technical needs of the clients, proposing effective solutions and delivering large-scale projects on time.