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6 Apr, 2022 | Magento Custom Development

Why everyone wants to work in Magento custom web development Industry?

Why everyone wants to work in Magento custom web development Industry?
Internet since its inception surprises us at every stage and slowly it has become part of our day-to-day life. Penetration of the internet now has global value and stands for an important role. Now as the day passed we will have more impact of data and more surprises with the introduction of AI and machine learning. Post-pandemic the market for online selling has risen to 850% compared to 2019. The companies have turned the pandemic into an opportunity and started selling products online increasing more number of sales at low production costs.  Now where there is internet there is strong technology backup behind it. Same with the online selling market we can say, there are almost 30+ technologies or languages or tools we can say used for developing eCommerce websites. Out of 65% of the market, shares are acquired with Magento owned by Adobe, and turned out to be a market leader. Magento web development and Magento store development are some of the common and popular terms used by developers who have expertise in this domain. The basic needs for anyone who wants to pursue a career in Magento are knowledge of PHP and basic HMTL. Magento is an open-source platform providing an end-to-end solution for setting up and running a successful online business. Small, medium, and enterprise-level of companies use it and have got fruitful results from it. At WEDOWEBAPPS we have a well-defined team of developers who have expertise with custom Magento web development and have a certified level of exposure working on more than 80+ stores and online businesses helping 100+ clients across the globe. The main key area or structure for starting an online eCommerce business is:
  • Store setup
  • Product Listing
  • Product detail
  • Cart page
  • Checkout page
  • Payment integration
The Magento platform is such versatile that it supports more than 50+ payment gateways from which customers can choose the one which provides good transactional rates. The structure of the platform is categorized so nicely and in a proper manner that a professional developer who knows the platform can easily able to set up the store in a couple of days. There are many predefined templates/themes available for various domains to choose from. Also, the Magento library has many Magento custom modules in their storefronts available for free and paid uploaded by different developers across the world. After a successful run of version 1, Magento web development released version 2 as part of their major upgrade program last year and has insisted all businesses switch to the latest version for Magento development services with better performance and better growth. Having said that businesses who are currently running their stores on version 1 won’t be impacted or will have any issues with their sales or performance. The only thing they will lack is the support and updates from Magento in the future run as such Magento development company has decided to stop the support of version 1 and is now focusing only and only on their new latest upgraded version. Those businesses who are planning to switch to the latest version can contact our team which has a high skill set and exposure migrating from version 1 to 2. The entire process of migration is seamless if given to professionals. Our team does a thorough analysis of the site, backend, code structure, theme, database, etc evaluating every detail to make sure that the process is a stress-free and easy fix. Entire customer data including customer details, orders, products, product descriptions, content, and order history needed to be migrated on the new setup. In case there is any custom module development on version 1 then we need to again develop the same thing for the new version as well to make sure that the functionality works well like before.

Benefits of migration:

Benefits of migration There are numerous advantages of the latest version over the older version in terms of productivity, performance, and mobility. Magento 2 version offers a great shopping experience to their customers.

Exclusive Databases

The new version provides an extension to multiple databases for different information to form fewer clusters and get quick responses.

Advanced SEO Suite

The new version adopts an updated SEO suite plugin with enhanced features to enable and boost sales and potential leads for the platform. This plugin has inbuilt meta templates which create meta for different categories and product page elements across the site. It also allows the automatic creation of XML sitemap and store indenting which in return improve better search engine rankings.

Improved Catalog Browsing

Magento 2 has Elasticsearch as the default option for search engines in the enterprise edition which provides easiness to a customer who searches for products more quickly across the store. Options like auto-complete and returning accurate results are some of the key benefits of the search.

Email Reminders

This is newly introduced a feature where merchants can send automated emails to customers based on their shopping activities. It's a kind of AI based on features we can say. Different email reminders can be set based on different events and merchants have full control over the offers and discounts set to each batch. Read also: The Ultimate Guide to Magento Website Development Services

Multiple Admins

In version 1 there were limitations for having a single admin the latest version has overcome providing multiple logins where multiple admins can be created for each admin and can monitor sales and online products individually.

Improved mobile shopping

Due to the increase in mobile users, the no. of shoppers increases too as such user finds it handier to browse and shop online from their smartphone and tablets. With a mobile-friendly template, the website performs more scalable on a small device to give the user a rich experience.  We do offer high-end solutions and development with Magento store development and customization for your business and offer high value and return to your business turning your store to be a profitable venture in the future run with setting neat and clean code with pre-SEO enabled features and enhancements which help you to boost your online presence and ranking in search results when you get to launch your store online.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Magento custom web development industry so popular?

Magento custom web development industry is popular for several reasons, including:

  • Versatility: Magento offers a versatile platform that can be customized to meet the unique needs of various businesses.
  • Scalability: Magento can handle high volumes of traffic and orders, making it an ideal platform for businesses that want to scale up their operations.
  • Flexibility: Magento offers a flexible architecture that can be easily customized to meet specific business requirements.
  • Security: Magento has a strong security framework, making it a reliable platform for businesses that handle sensitive customer information.
  • Open Source: Magento is an open-source platform, allowing developers to easily access the codebase and customize it as per their needs.
  • Strong Community: Magento has a large community of developers and users, providing ample support and resources for those working in the industry.

What skills are required for Magento custom web development?

To work in Magento custom web development industry, one needs to have a strong understanding of PHP programming, web development, and database management. Additionally, knowledge of Magento's architecture, customization, and integration with other platforms is also important. Strong problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and the ability to work collaboratively with other team members are also essential.

What kind of jobs are available in the Magento custom web development industry?

There are various job roles available in the Magento custom web development industry, including Magento developer, Magento designer, Magento project manager, Magento architect, and Magento consultant. These roles require a mix of technical and soft skills, and each role has its unique set of responsibilities and requirements.

What are the career prospects in the Magento custom web development industry?

The Magento custom web development industry has a promising career outlook, with strong demand for skilled developers and designers. As more businesses move online, the demand for Magento experts is likely to increase. Additionally, as Magento is an open-source platform, developers can continue to improve their skills and contribute to the platform's development, enhancing their career prospects.

How do I get started in the Magento custom web development industry?

To get started in the Magento custom web development industry, you need to gain the necessary technical skills and experience. This can be achieved through formal education or training programs, online courses, and practical experience working on Magento projects. Additionally, networking with other professionals in the industry, attending conferences and events, and keeping up to date with the latest trends and developments in the industry can also help you succeed.

Written by Tarun

Tarun is a creative and passionate Full Stack Web Developer at WEDOWEBAPPS LLC. He not only performs his duties with a strong sense of dedication but also possesses excellent skills in working with diverse teams to make the project a success.