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31 Dec, 2022 | WooCommerce Development Service

7 Effective tips to make premium WooCommerce Website

7 Effective tips to make premium WooCommerce Website

It is anticipated that global eCommerce sales will reach $4 trillion by the year 2020 since multiple small businesses are reserving their spot in this industry. Thanks to the plug-and-play WooCommerce platform that allows quick and easy setup of the website to sell your products online. It's quite easy to use and you can set up a professional-looking website to sell your products online in just a few clicks without spending too much money. 

And the brownie point is that: These simple WooCommerce tips will help you to build a premium WooCommerce site without even hiring a designer.

In this post, we’ve shared some quick and simple tips for your WooCommerce website to improve your online store. In simple words, we’re going to tell you the ways to improve your WooCommerce website to a premium WooCommerce website driving traffic, sales, and conversions and meet your business goals. 

So, are you ready to implement the WooCommerce tips shared by us? Let’s get started. 

1. Make Sure to have Flat Navigation for your WooCommerce Website

In a nutshell, I recommend you to have a flat navigation system. But, what does it mean, and why it’s so important?

A flat architecture reduces the number of clicks a visitor needs to perform to reach their desired landing page. You can simply consider sites like ASOS and Myntra that display the link of their popular categories or highly relevant content (related to sales, marketing, limited edition product, etc) on the homepage to reduce the number of transitions for users. 

With the help of this flat and concentrated menu, the number of clicks between the homepage and the deepest layer of the page is reduced. As a result, the visitor to your online shop will find their product easily with a soothing checkout experience. It’s a great way to improve your website SEO and for bots to crawl your website.

2. Make products easily discoverable with categories and subcategories management

Though it seems like a very simple tip if implemented correctly, you’ll be shocked to see the results. One of the most common mistakes people often commit while designing the WooCommerce website is adding proper categories and sub-categories to find the item. Whenever a customer visits your online store, it is very likely to sort the items during their search and categories help them to get their desired product. You can even include appropriate subcategories to further narrow down the results. 

But, what’s the need for category pages when everything can be displayed on the homepage?

The first and the biggest reason is ranking in SEO. The more specific pages with long-tail keywords your website will hold, the more it will appear in the search result queries. So, having a dress category is great by adding subcategories like “Festive Dresses” will give you better rankings in search engine results.

3. Integrate the “Live Search” feature to your WooCommerce Website

To make it easier for your customers to get what they want quickly; it is recommended to integrate the “live search” feature. With this, your customers will be able to view the most popular and relevant results based on their query in real-time which will speed up the online shopping process. 

You can add this feature to your existing website using the “WooCommerce product search extension “to narrow down the results as you type.

4. Add a price comparison plugin

Adding a price comparison plugin to your WooCommerce website is an excellent way to reduce abandon rates. Since customers are not sure about the actual value of their chose product, this feature will help them to see where the value lies and helps them in making a correct purchasing decision.

If you haven’t integrated this feature, you can take guidance from an experienced WooCommerce development company and get it integrated with your website.

5. Do not forget to offer live chat functionality

Customers are always looking to get quick solutions to their problems. And, a live chat functionality makes it easier for them to share their concerns and get quick feedback that eliminates manual processes like phone and email.

You can make use of a chatbot service to make sure that you don’t spend your precious time answering those obvious questions that your bot can answer. Questions that require human intervention will only be routed to your customer executive personnel.

6. How will you handle out-of-stock products?

Every eCommerce stores come across such a situation. If it's for a few days, then there won’t be such an issue but what if it remains out of the stock for a few months?

Deleting the out of the stock products will reduce your website rankings in Google. In such a case, you can redirect such products to different but similar ones. This will help you offer goods and an opportunity to re-activate that old product. If you’re using a Yoast SEO plugin, this option is available. If you think that the product won’t come back, redirecting to 301 is highly recommended. 

7. Boost up your Store speed

Does your website take forever to load? Does your product page load within seconds? If your website takes more than seconds to load, you’ll probably lose potential customers. 

Apart from that, Google gives high ranking to the websites that load quickly with lesser bounce rate. So, the first step is to use Google’s Page speed tool to identify the ways to boost your website performance. 

Apart from that, you can re-compress the large-sized images, remove the excess clutter from the repository, embed the videos, and remove junk files. 

Any more WooCommerce tips?

So, I hope these above tips will help you to create a marvellous WooCommerce online store. As you can see, they aren’t complicated and can be handled even without prior development experience. However, if anything complex situation pops up, you can take the assistance of the WooCommerce development services to ensure a quick loading website. 

So, get started towards making a better WooCommerce store today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is WooCommerce?

WooCommerce is a popular eCommerce plugin for WordPress that allows users to create an online store and sell products or services.

Why is WooCommerce a good option for creating an online store?

WooCommerce is a user-friendly platform with a wide range of features and integrations, making it easy to create and manage an online store. It is also highly customizable, allowing you to design a unique and professional-looking website.

What are some tips for designing a premium WooCommerce website?

Some tips include choosing a professional and responsive theme, optimizing website speed and performance, incorporating high-quality product images and descriptions, offering multiple payment options, providing excellent customer support, utilizing email marketing, and integrating social media.

How can I optimize website speed and performance for my WooCommerce website?

You can optimize website speed and performance by choosing a reliable and fast web host, minimizing HTTP requests, compressing images, using caching plugins, and optimizing code and database.

How can social media integration benefit my WooCommerce website?

Social media integration can benefit your WooCommerce website by expanding your reach and increasing brand awareness. You can integrate social media by adding social sharing buttons, displaying user-generated content, and running social media ads to drive traffic and sales to your website.

Written by Milan

Milan is a co-founder of WEDOWEBAPPS LLC. He has been at the forefront of the business, expanding it globally with the latest technologies. He also has a passion for sharing his expertise with clients and other enthusiasts. He usually writes about technology, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship.