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7 Mar, 2023 | Magento development

Hire Magento Developers: Everything You Need to Know!

Hire Magento Developers: Everything You Need to Know!
There is no doubt that the demand for Magento developers is growing rapidly. After all, the open-source platform with PHP built-up cannot go wrong with Ecommerce sites. Data says that merchants can grow 5 times better and faster with Magento. The power of Magento is 1.2% which holds accountability for 12% of Ecommerce websites. 250000 merchants trust Magento as their Ecommerce platform construction. The reason why Magento developers and Magento experts are in such high demand is the capabilities and excellence of Magento. From easy integration, smart inventory, management reporting, and analytics SEO URLs to friendly security, Magento services are number one everywhere.

Why Hire Magento Developers?

Magneto has been considered one of the best Ecommerce platforms in the digital market. It was first released on 17th November 2017 as a handy Ecommerce platform and has now become the largest one for Ecommerce stores.  As time calls for digitalization, retailers have put significant consideration into choosing the right online store platform. After all, the Ecommerce market is expected to turn to 6.3 trillion in 2023, predicting a rise of 10.4%. In the coming three years, it’s been noted that the market will become $8.1 trillion strong. Considering all such numbers and data, if you feel the Ecommerce market would work, what is the first thing you should consider - the platform’s versatility and architecture? Here’s when the Magento platform wins the game, so you should have Magento developers by your side.  Let’s look at Magento in detail and how to start your Ecommerce store and hire a dedicated Magneto developer without any extensions. Let’s dive in!

What Are The Different Types of Magento Developers You Can Hire At WeDoWebApps? 

At WeDoWebApps, we have to Hire dedicated Magento developers specialized in each section of the platform's integrations. From certified frontend to backend developers, the team is equipped with expertise in specialized segments as listed below:
  • Certified Developers

With expertise gained over more than 5 years of experience, certified developers are proficient in creating extensions with custom features, faster and new PWA with front-ends, Vue and Hyva theme storefront, shipping and payment gateway integration, and Magento 2 upgradation with API integration. WeDoWebApps has more than 20 Magento-certified developers credible to take your Ecommerce site as you envision.
  • Frontend Developers

Ideally, a frontend developer is entitled to help the business achieve goals by creating custom designs and code making, enhancing the look and feel of the website. They are efficient with the latest web development technology implementations to keep up with the competitive spirit. They have expertise in JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap/jQuery. They design the website from beginning to end by including and creating custom header visuals, pagination and design, and responsive layouts with LESS and SCSS stylesheets. WeDoWebApps have more than 10 Front-end developers.
  • Backend Developers

Backend developers take control of the back-end part of an e-commerce store that includes coding and the functionality of the website’s appearance on the front. Their roles involve creating and managing databases to build and customize interfaces. Most backend developers have also worked on frontend and website development. Because of such an essential role they play in the web development and management segment, Backend developers are extremely high in demand. WeDoWebApps has more than 15 backend developers holding multiple industry experiences.

Steps to Hire a Magento Developer At WeDoWebApps 

Hiring a Magento Developer for Magento Ecommerce store development or for Magento migration services is extremely easy with WeDoWebApps. While the process is extremely simple to follow, it is also detailed to ensure that the ends are met well. To hire Magento Migration experts or Magento developers, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Consultation

Consultation is the first step in the process of hiring a Magento developer for developing a Magento store. All you need to do is to reach out to the team of WeDoWebApps by filling out the form available on the website or email on the mentioned address, and the team shall soon revert to your query. Thereafter, we would schedule a meeting wherein we would discuss in detail your needs and requirements and how we can help you reach there.

Step 2: Project Discussion

The next step here is project discussion. This makes up for a very integral step in the entire process. The project discussion session would have a 360-degree focus on your needs, how your E-store can be enhanced, and what can be added to make it more compelling and selling with efficient solutions.  Your project would be studied in detail and looked into each segment with expert supervision so that it is clear on factors of what it is and how to proceed.

Step 3: Developer Selection

After analyzing your project, we sit for the developer’s selection. The team is a pool of talent, and every developer has extensive experience on the Magento platform under various industry verticals. However, to choose is a decision that lies with you! You would be presented with each developer's profile depending on your project’s requirements and desired custom features. You can study the profiles, shortlist some, sit for a one-to-one interview, and proceed with your decision. 

Step 3: Project Initiation

Once the project has been discussed thoroughly and the developer’s selection is done, we start with the development process. Here, the developer selected starts working as per the given specifications and brief. One thing that is well-ensured in the entire process is that we are in constant touch with the client, and everything proceeds after approvals so that the result is exactly what the client envisions.

Step 4: Payment Process

The last step in hiring a Magento developer is the payment process which includes payment discussion of the total cost and the ways it can be done. There’s flexibility in the number of payment options we provide.

Achieve Your Magento Goals with WeDoWebApps!

At WeDoWebApps, you can build an excellent Ecommerce store that aces the game of functionality. Wondering how? Read the pointers given below!
  • Ecommerce Website Code Reviews

Magento is an open-source platform that enables free downloading and also comes with user-friendly support. It is loaded with features and an expansive backend user interface. The customization options are impressive and extensively available.  If you have a growing company, it is simply brilliant. The community is of dedicated users with huge payment gateway integration options and numerous opportunities to adjust template designs and themes.
  • Custom Development and Design

The custom functionality development and design in Magento enable you to attract more traffic through beautiful and vital themes. Crafting appealing visuals for apps and websites will help them look elegant. The custom development of Magento services and sales will enable you to experience better sales and conversions. 
  • Magento Upgrades

Upgrade your website from Magento 1 to Magento 2 and improve the website’s performance through Magento data migration and upgrades ensuring seamless data running and security. Magento 2 takes automatic upgrades which means that all the recent updates would be auto-updated on the website and app. Migrate to Magento 2 with our migration experts and experience ease and efficacy in the online store operation.
  • Ongoing Support and Maintenance

All the required updates, bug-fixing processes, security measures, patchwork, and integrations are smooth in Magento. This means that your Magento application would keep running smoothly without glitches and bugs with our support.

Industries Catered by WeDoWebApps 

We have helped multiple industries grow through Magento 2 development and migration services. From having enhanced special features of all the websites and applications to making them seemingly responsive for specific users, all the special needs have been served individually and precisely to the needs.
  • Food

As per data, 9.8% Magento stores sell candy and sweets in the food category while 7.9% Magento stores sell table goods and dessert products, and 7.7%  sell meat and seafood products. As a whole, the food industry has taken the road to digital stores and new features. Food and beverage Ecommerce is inclusive of chocolates, supermarket and spirit manufacturers. Ecommerce merchants have benefited from Magento website and app support through leveraging of competitive landscape compensating for the right platform’s need and thriving strategies. Hire Magento developers now!
  • Travel

Ecommerce stores catering to travel and luggage bearing can be inclusive of product and bookings type of services with latest features. Selling around travel can be inclusive of:
  • Luggage product selling such as bags, tents, hiking jackets and other travelling accessories
  • Hotel booking facilities through Magento website or application set-up
  • Travel consultancy 
All such business ideas can be explored on the Magento platform and taken to digital product and service assistance. Hire Magento developers on Travel Niche now!
  • Fashion

Fashion is such an explicit industry and most of the fashion world has shifted to Ecommerce platform support. From fashion products to influencing, buyers as well as sellers prefer digital stores for fashion niche business ideas. Some ideas include:
  • Selling hair care products 
  • Selling skin care under various industry verticals such as natural, organic, brightening and so many more
  • Selling cosmetics (the voluminous one)
  • Selling clothes and apparels
Costume designing and expert’s suggestion corner Fashion is already selling high on Magento, and if you have an idea around, hire a Magento expert for the same, now!
  • Design 

Another great set of volume found in the Ecommerce vertical is design solutions. Listers of products and services revolving around includes:
  • Selling design raw products such as stones and marbles for construction
  • Selling interior design products
  • Selling visual designing services
  • Selling costume designs 
Honestly, there's a mammoth to explore under this domain, so if you have something like that in mind, hire a Magento expert, now!
  • Book

Having a digital library is another innovative idea we have explored with a few clients and it has worked quite well, because reading online is quite convenient and a preferred option amongst enthusiast and avid readers. Some ideas or selling option around books include:
    • Selling e-books at reduced margins
    • Selling audio books through narrating the narratives, it’s quite preferential land in demand.
    • If you have any innovative industry vertical of the same, start with Magento ecommerce solutions!
  • Retail

Retailers' businesses have been simplified by Magento Ecommerce platform. From helping to cut down the cost of setting up a real-time store to helping retailers extend the boundary though global platform support, WedoWebApps have built many digital retail stores on Magento. You can sell everything you sell in your normal retail store such as:
  • Textiles
  • Grocery
  • Shoes
  • Accessories
  • Jewelleries
  • And more
There are many retailers who have already started selling on Magento 1, however, one significant issue is such retailers neglecting to migrate from Magento 1 to Magento 2. The most common reason for them is interpretation of it as an insignificant migration. However, it isn’t true! We’ll find that later in the blog.
  • Furniture

We also have had clients who have reached out to us for building a Furniture shop online. There've been clients whom we have helped build the furniture business from scratch, and there have been clients who wanted to have an E-commerce platform besides a real-time furniture store. There are multiple aspects of selling furniture online that includes:
  • Selling second hand furniture
  • Selling authentic wooden furniture
  • Selling furniture on custom demand only (Like client reaching for a specific furniture type)
  • Iron and metal furniture
  • Painting and designing of furniture
  • Plywood company
  • Furniture rentals
  • Furniture blogging
The Ecommerce furniture industry has been one of the most profitable of all. Especially one that includes rentals and custom furniture making. If you want to take your furniture business online, consider Magento, it is the best digital infra for your shop! Hire Magento developers now!

Things to Consider When Hiring Magento Developers 

A Magento developer is ideally responsible for developing the Magento store, implementing customizations and optimization, and carry and also avail maintenance and support. While there are ample opportunities to explore in the context of Magento development, hiring a Magento developer doesn’t stand easy and simple. The pool of Magento experts in the entire market seems too wide, but finding a real expert requires the right interpretation of skills. As an online retail store owner, vetting a strong and skilled Magento developer for your digital store building is imperative. Considering the problem, here is a list of skills and capabilities to look for while hiring a Magento developer. Follow along!
  • Professional Experience

Professional experience is the first thing you need to look for in a candidate while hiring. However, you must play smart here! If you need critical, advanced features and complex Magento assistance, then you need to look out for someone who would enable you to perform core Magento tasks. However, if you require someone to do basic stuff, you can hire a less experienced professional and save some pennies. This process is called hiring as per needs and you must follow it! The knowledge of Magento developers is directly related to the extensive experience they have in the field. Thus, look out for a portfolio and the kind of Ecommerce website the candidate has worked on before. You must look for a candidate who is well aware of your Magento platform and carries in-depth knowledge of the same.
  • Magento Certificates

After you have taken a look at the professional journey of the candidate, it is time you verify the courses and certifications the developer has accredited to himself. They are validations for the developer’s abilities and skills. There are numerous examinations Adobe conducts to evaluate the proficiency of developers and qualified ones who passed the tests. If you are seeking an advanced Magento developer, you should certainly look for hiring a certified Magento developer with a Magento advanced-level certificate. Adobe certifications are considered best in terms of professionalism, coding standards, and knowledge of the ins & outs of the Magento platform in depth. There are different levels of certifications by Adobe that define the level of expertise held by the developer. Look for certifications that match your requirements. Hire Magento developers
  • Developer’s Portfolio

Have you taken a look at the previous works of the candidate? No? Why? Do it now! It’s good that you have looked for certifications and years of experience, but what kind of knowledge do you have in the visual appearance of the works? This can be evaluated when you study the developer’s portfolio. E-commerce platform building and optimizations are a blend of problem-solving skills and creativity. The developer’s ability to sell products online while addressing the bottlenecks and making them appealing to the users must be sound enough! All of this would become easy to examine when you take a close look at the developer’s work portfolio.  If I haven't received it, as for the portfolio for the online store. Estimate the developer’s versatility as you study the portfolio.
  • Ratings & Reviews

When hiring Magento experts from a platform, you must look for the reviews and ratings that are mentioned there. This process will help you filter experts who have outgrown their performance and also ones who might lead you to misinterpret skills. While looking at ratings and reading reviews, you must also examine other metrics that include average response and project completion rate that shows the dedication of the developer towards work. Amongst all, the client's testimonial assessment is integral.
  • Availability & Communication

You would want your developer to communicate effectively and timely. You might not want to hire an offshore Magento developer because the different time zones might be a hurdle in efficacious communication.  This would further lead to delays in the progress of the project. All of this connotes that you must find a developer who can align with your working hours and works as per your schedule. When hiring a developer remotely, it is also important to discuss the preferred channel of communication and the level of comfort that comes alongside it.
  • Turnaround Time

Discussing the project’s timelines and delivery specifications is also an integral step when hiring a Magento developer. You must have a very close estimate of the time the developer would take in completing your project.  Some critical Magento issues include Magento store downtime and security thefts which is when time becomes an important consideration. An ideal Magento developer must work on defined deadlines and should be able to address issues instantly. An ideal developer would put a specific project deadline and give you regular updates on the progress without you having to ask for it. 
  • Pricing Policy

Here comes the most important part of hiring a Magento developer: Cost. When in talk with a candidate, you must keep the pricing points clear and so should he. Thus, you must find and thumbs up to a developer who can fit into your budget and required timeline with complying with your payment terms whatsoever. The general charges of a Magento developer are based on the number of working hours, but you must not leave it for later. Calculate a close figure and then lock the deal. Alternatively, you must come to terms if trying to fix a certain cost that is not based on the number of working hours. The most important part here is to have clarity on cost, payment cycle, payment mode, and the basis on which it is to be determined.
  • Post-Development Support

The last thing here is to look for someone who would extend post-development support too. A developer’s need in a project doesn’t end as the new website or eCommerce store goes live. As a business owner, you would require a technical expert for later occurring needs like fixing bugs on your Magento store. Hiring another Magento developer solely for support services can cost a heavy pocket. Hence, you must get in contact with a developer who can offer a combined package altogether. The developer would help you maintain the Ecommerce website for a specific time.

Types of Magento Services We Offer

  • Magento Consulting

The first service to make it to the list is Magento Consulting. Here, we help you configure your needs and shortlist ideas for your Magento Ecommerce development Whether you require Magento website development or a Magento 2 migration, we’ll help you evaluate your needs well.
  • Magento Migration

If you already have an Ecommerce store built on Magento 1, we help you migrate to better features, customizations, and optimizations to Magento 2. E-commerce stores on Magento 1 are avoiding many cool and levelled-up technologies that migration to Magento 2 would provide.
  • Magento Rich Designing

Resonating with the type of product your Ecommerce store caters to, we help you set up an enriching and feature-rich design that your customers would find easy to operate. A simplistic ordering process with lucrative layouts is the theme we follow.
  • Magento Maintenance and Support

Our Magento developers not only cater to store development but equally participate in the post-development support and maintenance of the Ecommerce store to keep it free from bugs and malware attacks while enabling regular updates and post-development optimization needs.
  • Payment Gateway Integration

We facilitate smooth and bug-free Magento Payment Gateway Integration that allows you to integrate selected payment gateway with Magento hassle-free which would further ensure that transactions are smooth. Payment gateway integration becomes integral as most customers tend to pay online through cards and e-wallets.
  • Store Development and Customization

We leverage all the required support for setting up a Magento E-commerce store and customize it to products and business needs. Develop a store on Magento 2 and look at how you can make it specific to your ideation.
  • Dedicated Magento Team

Suitable to your Magento needs, we have a dedicated team to help you execute the plans just the way you have envisioned. Whether it is Magento store development or Magento 2 migration, you can hire Magneto developers likewise. 
  • Magento Extension Developer

Our Magento Extension Developers help you build, integrate and customize Magento extensions as per your e-commerce specifications. By performing core modifications, they would maintain the integrity of Magento updates.

Should You Hire a Freelance or a Dedicated Magento Developer?

Hiring a Freelance Magento Developer

Let’s take a glance at the pros and cons of hiring a freelance Magento developer. Pros:
  • Reduced development cost
Hiring a freelance Magento developer would cost less because you might not look at the certifications and market value of the person which would lead to a depleted cost you would have to pay.
  • Easy to replace
A freelancer is an easy-to-replace option since you are not tied up to a team, and the contracts aren’t as vigilant. The contracts with freelancers, if any, are not rigid.
  • Easy to find
The freelancer industry has revolutionized since covid and many office employees have shifted to freelance work modes. Thus, it's not a tedious job if you go out and find it. Cons
  • Difficult to verify credentials 
Verifying credentials and certification is still a challenging job when working with freelancers. The process is not professionalized enough to help collect and verify documents. 
  • High risk involved
Freelance work is mostly remote-based. Thus, there is a high chance that a freelancer drops out of the project midway, or doesn’t show up the way it should have. 
  • Lack of customer support
With a freelancer, there’s no scope for a customer support team available on the go. Thus, the support would always remain a gap in communication and support.
  • Theft of intellectual property
Because of the high level of uncertainty, there are high chances of pushing data and software piracy. If the person you would work with on a freelance basis isn’t someone you know for a long and have had associations before, it is hard to trust them with business’s sensitive details.
  • Micromanagement Requirement
Working with a freelancer means the absence of a project manager who would get the job done for you. Thus, you would be solely responsible for micro-manage everything.
  • Delayed work
Another great possibility when working with a freelancer is missing the deadline. Most of the consequence is a result of the fact that there’s no absolute affirmation in contractual terms defining certainty of time and work.

Hiring a Dedicated Developer 

Now, let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of hiring a dedicated Magento developer. Pros
  • Certified developers
Hiring dedicated developers from an enterprise has the maximum assurance of finding someone who’s well-certified. It is because you are dealing with an enterprise or an entity that’s bound to give you what you asked for.
  • Custom Magento Development
The fact that dedicated developers are experts and have already worked on credible projects (as shown in their portfolio) enables them to execute your custom Magento project efficiently.
  • Stability
Dedicated developers you find from an entity aren’t just committed to you, but to their team. This is a factor that assures stability in what they do and how they do it.
  • Dedicated Project Manager
When you find a dedicated developer from an entity, you also get a project manager who would coordinate with you. Thus, you would not have to sit with the designer or developer and get things done, the only thing you must do is communicate what you want to the project manager. This is much simpler when compared to working with a freelancer.
  • Easy to check experience and expertise
When you tie up with an entity to provide you with Magento developers, checking experience and expertise becomes simple and easy because there are others to validate and you can find it personally through the entity. The fact that it is out in the market increases visibility and lessens the chance of manipulation and fraud.
  • Clear deadlines
When you get deadlines from dedicated developers, it does not come from them but from the team or the enterprise and that is a better assurance than what comes from an individual. Cons
  • Higher costs
One of the most prominent disadvantages of hiring a dedicated developer is the higher cost that comes with professionalism, certification, experience, and commitment. There are other added charges because this is the source of revenue for a functional enterprise. Quality would always cost a little more.
  • Delay in communication
Dedicated developers have a fixed number of working hours just like an employee, thus communicating beyond that specified period can be a challenge. However, you can resolve most issues during working hours, thus, you can combat this problem. Magento developers

6 Must-Ask Interview Questions While Hiring a Magento Developer

  • What Kind of Experience Do You Have in Magento Development?

The experience of a seasoned Magento developer and the challenges he faced during his journey and previous clients' experience might resonate with challenges you would face in developing your Magento website or Magento migration. Time is a good factor in understanding if the developer is experienced or still stuck in the learning phase. For instance, you would not want to hire someone with less experience because that would likely increase your development cost. An experienced developer would also help in Magento 2 migration from Magento 1 for E-Commerce platforms. Note: Questions would vary as per the developer’s experience in the field and related technical background. 
  • What are the various Product Niches you have worked on in the past?

This question will help you understand if the developer has some sort of knowledge about your product through past experiences. The e-commerce market is a product store, thus, every different product has its significant way of representation. Thus, you must enquire if the developer has worked on a Magento project for Ecommerce store development of a product similar to yours if not the same. In such a case, you would not require much effort in delivering ideas and ways to enhance the look and feel in a certain way. You would put yourself in a winning position if you hire someone who’s worked closely to your expectations in the past.  For example, a Magento 2 developer would be familiar with ad support, shopping cart facilities, payment gateways, order management, and shipping facilities. Some questions you could ask include:
  • Tell me about your past work experiences.
  • Could you help me understand how my product’s order would be managed on the Magento site?
  • How long have you worked on Magento 2?
  • Can you explain the Magento entire database?

This question is specifically important for backend developers. Ideally, Magento’s adherence is to the EAV database model and consists of a few supporting tables with metadata.  The metadata comes in use when attributes of products are sparse and numerous. Classification of TVs can be based on the size of the screen or its resolution, and women’s clothing stores can be more on color and size. EAV helps in a clear and organized architecture store that results in an optimized web back-end.
  • Are you also creative besides being technical?

A Magento website developer or a Magento migration expert must definitely have a very tenacious technical background, that is where the expertise lies. Thus, there’s no question of the technical background being somewhere absent. However, one area where you can put light is the creative space. Generally, technical experts aren’t very interested in creative backgrounds. However, if you find someone who is also creative besides being technical, it’s a total win-win situation for you. How? Creativity will bring better ideas without you having to put your brains into it. Hence, you would get something great at the same cost.
  • How can Magento Apps’ efficiency be enhanced?

The Magento 2 app performance can get affected by many factors. Here’s a list of ideas that a good candidate must answer (at least half of them) and contribute to the app's increased performance levels.
  • Cache activation
  • Disabling modules that are not in the current platform use
  • Optimization of application servers
  • Sheetstyles movement to the top page
  • CSS expression avoidance
  • Least use of Magento log
  • Script movement to the page’s bottom and deletion of all that aren’t in use any longer
  • Image optimization
  • Should we now move to some technical questions based on Magento?

Technical interviews can be stressful, but the key is to move really slowly. So, the first list of questions should be like ice-breakers to help them relax a bit.  After you have asked questions on the project and experience, you must swiftly move to the core technical and advanced features of Magento questions. The point of making them comfortable is to help you get a real-world understanding of their skills.  You can ask them about XHTML and PSD conversions that allow developers to convert PSD into a full-featured online store. Understanding all such concepts would eventually help you to get desired results and work well with Magento templates. A few other important topics to discuss include:
  • The file structure of Magento 2
  • Dependency injection 
  • Creating modules
  • Magento usability and API
  • Theme creation in Magento
  • CSS and HTML Basics
  • Static Books and Magento EAV
  • Magento Design Patterns

Pricing Structure: Factors to Consider 

Title Description Cost Parameter/ Availability
Monthly Effort Hours It would be based on the number of hours the developer gives in a month on the given project. Cost
Dedicated Account Manager Provided as per the size of the package. Package dependant
Dedicated Quality Analyst Provided as per the size of the package Package dependant
Interaction With Account Manager Provided as per the size of the package Package dependant
Team Composition As per the size of the project and related requirements. Price parameter
Trial Runs Available for every project. Available for all
Time composition tracking Number of hours put in by developers (1 or more) in total Price parameter
Sign NDA and SLA A necessity for all level of contracts Compulsion
Resource Scale up or down A priori 10 day notice to be given before Applicable to all
Customer Support Available timings :  Applicable to all
Real Time Emergency Support Provided to all clients Applicable to all
Pricing As per the adherence of all parameters Project size and variables
Billing Cycle Monthly or Weekly As per contract
Note: You can align the pointers and understand the price as per given parameters. 

Magento 2 Migration: Why Should You Consider It? 

We have been working with Magento developing and Magento Migration service for a long time now. The first version of Magento 2 was launched in June 2020, and since then, we have had many clients who took their business from Magento 1 to Magento 2. However, there were a few who did not feel the need to migrate to Magento 2. They consider the migration insignificant.  The reality is there is very little in common between Magento 1 and Magento 2. What does that mean? Magento migration to Magento 2 is a tedious and effort consuming process. Magento 2 is a very different platform than Magento 1.  Whether it is rewriting the code, dealing with magento extensions, compatibility issues, plugins, data migration or theme migration, everything is a great challenge for migration experts.
  • Better Features

Magento 1 was established long ago enabling plenty of extensions, ready-to-use extensions and themes that can be implemented, but Magento isn’t prone to new features any longer.  Magento 1 extension developers probably wouldn’t update products to new features. So, the other option is to do it yourself.. The Magento migration process would help give your store a new look and old theme movement while also enabling you to get rid of unused logs and unnecessary features.  You can rebuild the storefront, leverage advanced features and optimize functions for a much better user experience.
  • Security

Payment data security is one major concern  in Magento 1. On the other hand Magneto 2 is much less buggy, far more secure and predictable when compared to Magento 1. It’s been a long time since the Magento community’s focus shifted to Magento 2.  The kind of attention Magento 1 is getting leads to worse security and more liability in customer data handling. In the longer run, using Paypal checkouts and other PCI-compliant systems will become dysfunctional.
  • 2 Stage Checkout Process

One of the most significant things an Ecommerce platform can have is reduced steps in the checkout process. The more the barriers put in front of them, the better the chance for them to abandon the platform and switch to something else. Thus, a reduced number of steps and easy checkout process lists to be an important one while considering other factors. The checkout process in Magento 2 migration has been enhanced from the original six-step process to two-step one. It used to be an arduous task which is now simplified. Not only determined and patient buyers, random ones would also often purchase from an Ecommerce platform built on Magento 2. There’s a lot to benefit from Magento 2 migration. It is not a meager process, though, but a complex and time-consuming one. 


This detailed guide is envisioned to entail every detail you require to hire a Magento developer with the right understanding of details that is part of the process.  At WedoWebApps, we help clients with Web development, mobile development, CMS development, Frontend development, Backend development, E-commerce development, Internet marketing, and UI/UX development. To hire a Magento developer, Connect at

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to hire a Magento developer?

The cost of hiring a Magento developer depends on your needs to optimize the store features. There are different types of Magento needs, such as store development, Magento 2 migration, optimization, support services, and others. It would also depend on the kind of developer you hire, say, fresher, mid-level, or advanced.

How do I hire Magento developers?

It is very easy to hire Magento developers from WeDoWebApps. You just need to reach out to us with your query, our team will get in touch with you; and we'll then sit for a consultation, understand your project needs, and then choose a Magento developer from the team after interviewing.

Why should I choose a Magento developer?

There are various criteria to consider while choosing a Magento developer for your Ecommerce store. You must look at the professional experience, portfolio, reviews and ratings, availability and communication, and certifications.

How many years of work experience do you have using Magento?

The team here is equipped with Magento experts. The platform has been there for over a decade and has catered to many Magento store development and migration support in the past decade of existing and building experience. We have support to cater to all types of needs, whether small or big.

What are the communication modes you use with your clients?

We communicate with clients through calls, texts, and emails while also scheduling physical meeting days so that our clients can take a closer and more accurate look at what’s been done and what’s on the way, share their feedback, and keep up with your needs.

What other services do you offer?

Our service extends to Magento consulting, store development, customization and optimization, Magento migration, Payment gateway integration, Magento extension development, and beyond.

How can my business benefit from Magento Development?

Magento lists it as one of the best Ecommerce platforms in the digital marketing space. After its first release in November 2017, it’s become a very handy Ecommerce platform and one of the largest ones for Ecommerce store development and existence.

Do you provide timely support on urgent issues?

Absolutely yes! The whole idea behind maintenance and support service is to enable you to sort urgent issues that might hamper your website’s functionality. If anything is coming between your sales website running, there’s urgent support available.

Written by Peggy

Peggy is a Sales Manager at WEDOWEBAPPS LLC. She is a hardworking and dedicated person, loves to explore, and always has big hunger for new knowledge. Her visionary leadership and brand unique sales marketing strategies have produced fruitful results for the company.