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19 Jul, 2022 | Custom CMS Development In PHP

PHP Laravel Framework: Advantages and Features

PHP Laravel Framework: Advantages and Features
PHP is one of the most used programming languages for developing unique websites and applications. This coding language is considered secure, stable, and suitable for various business needs and has had remarkable evolution since its inception. As a result, millions of SMEs believe that PHP cms development has proven beneficial for their business as they see sky-rocketing sales and marketing.  Over the years, PHP has kept improving with ease of writing code, increased functionality, safety, and performance. Some frameworks like Laravel, CodeIgniter, Symfony, Sim, Fuelphp, Phalcon, Zend framework, and Aura are trendy. Names like Laravel and CodeIgniter are no more technical terms as people who do not belong to the IT industry are aware of them as well. However, Laravel tops the list, and its simplified coding, high level of security, and top-class speed are accountable for its immense popularity. In this blog, you will get to know some of the benefits of using the PHP Laravel framework and its must-have features for web development

Advantages of PHP Laravel Framework

Advantages of PHP laravel framework A framework comprises several libraries that work for fundamental functionalities, predefined classes, and support developing websites. A framework helps build one-of-a-kind software by including code archives, themes, compilers, widgets, and facets to be used on a website.  Laravel is a leading framework of PHP as it offers numerous benefits for a successful website launch. Below are some of the remarkable benefits you can have by availing of our laravel website development services:

1. Merging email services

With laravel, authentication is quite simple. With everything, laravel helps with organized authorization and offers control access to resources. You often do not receive registration or verification email; however, it never happens with laravel as it simplifies the method of registration by merging mail services. Laravel is capable of sending notifications to specific users’ email addresses to keep them updated. Hence, authentication or authorization becomes smooth, and people can easily access the website or make a purchase or payment without any delay or hazard. 

2. Integration with messages and mails

As a user, many of you know that websites send promotional messages, password clues or remainders, auto-receipts, and authentications. Laravel is more efficient in this case due to its built-in mail API services. It seamlessly integrates with Mailgun, SparkPost, Mandrill, Amazon SES, SMPT, ‘sendmail,’ and PHP’s mail function. In addition, this simple API over SwiftMailer library drivers has the caliber to send emails and texts to cloud-based or local servers, including tools like Slack and Nexmo.

3. Quick caching integration

If you are not too much into the IT industry, you still must have read somewhere ‘clear cache’ for smooth navigation of a website. You will not have to use it frequently if you are using a website built using laravel. Everyone loves high-speed running websites, and smooth-running cache systems are the reasons behind that. This is where Laravel plays a vital role - quick and easy caching integration. It supports approved cache backends like Redis and Memcache. Laravel allows developers to craft various cache configurations, which is the best for building more extensive and complex sites.

4. Safe transactions and high security

If you have a product-based business that runs over data, sales, and payments, security must be your priority; after all, millions of customers trust your web app. The robust structure of laravel protects your website against cross-site request frauds, SQL injections, cross-site scripting, and payment forgery. Furthermore, its powerful code-base heavily guards the framework, and hence it is entirely reliable. If the developers are aware of the security ecosystem of laravel, your project is in good hands in order to build a robust and safe website for your business.

 5. Managing error in an unusual way

Laravel does have an extraordinary way of handling errors, especially in those users’ data-entry forms. Users typing wrong information or errors is a headache in a well-programmed website. Nevertheless, laravel uses an incorporated error and exception handling system that is configured with the Monolog logging library. It supports numerous log handlers as your customer will get notified immediately when he/she types with an error; and you will get it sorted instantly without affecting your sales or customers’ demands. 

6. Automated testing work

One of the key benefits of the laravel framework is the automation of testing procedures. Developers at WeDoWebApps LLC love to code laravel because of its simplified testing work. Laravel is built with the concept of clarity and testing, and hence, the PHP unit in laravel supports testing with a set-up of phpunit.xml in the web app. Furthermore, it allows developers to run a test one at a time instead of running a test through the whole website. As a result, it is easier to find and fix bugs right in that minute without looking for a list of errors to fix and getting lost in the procedure. Overall, it is advantageous for both the provider and the users. Read also: Laravel Trends That You Should Never Miss Out

7. URL routing

As a user, you must be aware of the fact that most of us try to find things by clicking or typing links on search engines. Consumers look for their desired products, articles, services, etc.; if there is no proper URL routing, they will not reach the right web page; instead, the URL might direct them to an error or a blank page. With laravel, two lines of extra code can do wonders for your website as it is defined by routes.php - an automated file loaded by the laravel framework. Thus, laravel offers an expressive and simple finding route by accepting a URI and a Closure. In short, you can leverage the top-class functionalities by using Laravel's excellent qualities like third-party integration, modularity, affordable development cost, effortless testing process, database access, security, and community support. From where do these benefits come, though? Laravel has some significant features that make this PHP framework stand out from the crowd. Those features are as below:

Top features that add to Laravel’s popularity:

- MVC architecture:

MVC architecture allows laravel to separate business logic and presentation layers based on the PHP framework. MVC also contributes to a high level of security, brilliant performance, scalability, and robustness.

- Blade template engine:

The blade template engine is an elementary yet potent engine compared to other PHP engines for templating. It does not add extra load to your web app and also doesn’t restrict your business from using plain PHP code in views. With some shortcuts for general PHP functionalities, laravel provides facets like displaying data and template inheritance that adds convenience and flexibility to the web development process.

- Open-source framework with the vast community:

Believe it or not, it is a noteworthy feature of laravel. Many PHP frameworks come with a price tag, whereas laravel is an open-source framework. Also, a vast community from across the globe offers support and is always up on its feet to help improve the code or add plugins or fix the bugs. 

- Object-Oriented Libraries:

Laravel PHP framework is filled with ample built-in object-oriented libraries. These libraries are full of stunning features that work in developers’ as well as users’ favor. 


Laravel has evolved immensely since it was found, and hence, the community has kept growing. Millions of people and businesses have gained advantages personally and professionally as the PHP laravel never disappoints its users. If you desire to have a brand new laravel website or want to migrate to the laravel framework, WeDoWebApps LLC provides end-to-end development services to boost your sales and marketing and take your company to the next level of success.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some advantages of using Laravel Framework?

Advantages of using Laravel Framework include faster development time, easy scalability, improved security features, and a large and active community of developers. It also provides features like routing, caching, and authentication out-of-the-box.

What are some key features of Laravel Framework?

Key features of Laravel Framework include a powerful ORM (Object Relational Mapping), MVC architecture, blade templating engine, database migration system, and built-in unit testing support.

How can businesses ensure the security and privacy of user data in their Laravel web applications?

Businesses can ensure the security and privacy of user data in their Laravel web applications by following standard security protocols such as SSL encryption and two-factor authentication, conducting regular security audits and penetration testing, and implementing strong data protection and privacy policies.

How can businesses ensure that their Laravel web applications are optimized for performance?

To ensure that their Laravel web applications are optimized for performance, businesses need to focus on elements like database optimization, caching, and code optimization. It's important to conduct regular performance testing and optimization to identify and address any bottlenecks.

How can businesses ensure that their Laravel web applications are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities?

To ensure that their Laravel web applications are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, businesses need to follow accessibility guidelines such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), which provide standards for creating accessible web content. It's important to work with a company that has expertise in accessibility to ensure that the web application meets accessibility standards.

Written by Nikki

As a Business Analyst at WEDOWEBAPPS LLC, Nikki has helped to bring many positive transformations to the company. She guided the company to get ready for fluctuation in the market and future long-term growth. She specialized in providing excellent leadership, training, and mentorship to employees.