6 Mar, 2022 | Mobile App Development
Its important to understand the developers experience with iOS development. Ask about their past projects and the technologies they've used to build them. This will give you an idea of their programming skills and their ability to troubleshoot issues.
An experienced iOS developer should have a good understanding of programming languages like Swift and Objective-C, as well as frameworks like CocoaPods and XCTest. They should also be familiar with the Apple development ecosystem, including Xcode, Interface Builder, and Apple's Human Interface Guidelines.
A developers portfolio can give you an idea of their skill level, creativity, and attention to detail. Ask for examples of their previous work, such as apps they've built or contributed to. This will help you evaluate whether their work aligns with your expectations.
When building an iOS app, problems and bugs are inevitable. Ask the developer how they approach problem-solving and debugging. This will give you an idea of their troubleshooting skills and how they plan to ensure the app runs smoothly.
A good iOS developer should have an understanding of app design and user experience principles. Ask about their experience with designing user interfaces, creating user flows, and implementing accessibility features.
Finally, its important to understand the developers availability and communication style. Ask about their schedule and availability, as well as how they prefer to communicate during the development process. This will help ensure that you are on the same page and can work well together.