21 Apr, 2022 | iOS Development Company
The eight events one should track might vary from one business to another business depending on the goals of their website. For instance, an e-commerce business might track its popular events such as purchases, add-to-carts, product views, and newsletter subscriptions. And a business focusing on lead generation can follow the events like form submission, landing page views, calls, ebook downloads, etc.
The Apple iOS 14 update directly affects how the apps collect and utilize data. Apple requires that apps ask for the user's permission to track the data across third-party apps and websites. It's expected that most people won't go for tracking. Therefore, this will affect advertising on online platforms like Facebook. To follow up with Apple's policy, Facebook recently rolled out updates that advertisers should be made aware of the following: The Facebook pixel is assigned to a website domain, Brands and Organizations are limited to 8 conversion events, Changes to the attribution window, Limitations on Tracking and targeting.
If you want to remarket on the recent iOS Limitations, take some time to identify your target audience by studying your analytical data in Google Analytics and see what amount of users browse your website through an Apple mobile device. It will be an estimated number of users you will not be able to reach with your remarketing ads. You'll also need to check your frequency in your remarketing campaign on Facebook. As your target audience gets smaller, you need to avoid over-serving your ads to the same group of people. You'll also have to control your advertising expenditure and avoid creative exhaustion.