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26 Aug, 2022 | cross platforms app development company

Why should you use these frameworks for Cross-platform app development?

Why should you use these frameworks for Cross-platform app development?
As technology and advancement rise, developers have to put their best efforts to keep up with the expanding market. To find better solutions and keep the struggle at its minimum, developers have upgraded the cross-platform app capabilities in order to get work done efficiently and accurately. Being a renowned cross-platform app development company, we are well aware of the market's ups and downs and aim to create futuristic app solutions for your business. The recent digital growth has been quite competitive, and developers are bound to find the latest development tools to deliver the best results. The demand for cross-platform app development has reached a new level in the corporate world, especially after the pandemic. The main reason behind it is the vast outreach of hybrid applications compared to native applications. Such apps allow your business to reach a diverse range of people across the globe regardless of platform or device.  So, if an app is not cross-platform, a programmer will have to develop a new one for the respected platform and the set of users; that too using different programming languages. So instead of creating multiple apps, it is better to consider hybrid mobile app development in order to wide-spread your network and reach a targeted audience. But, wait, that is not possible without effective cross-platform frameworks used for progressive app development. Hire our dedicated PWA developers for your upcoming project.

Ionic framework

One of the most stunning frameworks for cross-platform app development, Ionic works on the base of AngularJS. Created by Adam Bradley, Ben Sperry, and Max Lynch in 2013, Ionic is an open-source programming language with Apache Cordova and Angular JS prior versions. Apps created with Apache Cordova principles for Ionic app development are hybrid HTML apps. Instead of adding just user-centric features, the Ionic framework allows you to craft creative UI as well. These user interfaces are so eye-pleasing that users often find themselves immersed for a long duration while using the app. Apps built on Ionic frameworks are a lot like a native, and hence, it is used in PWA app development. Some noteworthy benefits of Ionic are as below: - Ionic framework offers several ready-to-use UI elements. - Ionic programmers should be aware of HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and Angular to develop high-performing ionic apps. - There are ample plugins developers can use to provide native features on smartphones. - Based on the SAAS UI framework, Ionic is specially designed for a mobile operating system. - - As it is an open-source front-end framework, Ionic app developers can alter the code structure as per the business requirement. - Tools supporting the framework: Visual studio code, Ionic app flow, Firebase.


Flutter is the newest and youngest, yet has secured a distinguished image in the present market. Released in May 2017 by Google, Flutter is an open-source framework of cross-platform app development that uses Dart programming instead of Javascript. This feature differs from the rest of the hybrid mobile app development frameworks. The hot-reload feature allows developers to see modifications in real-time while programming the Flutter app. Not just Android and iOS, one can create revolutionary applications with the help of Flutter for the Fuchsia operating system too. Flutter apps have the caliber to run effectively on multiple platforms with equal intensity. The benefits it provides are as below:  - Developers do not need to create separate interfaces for different platforms such as Android and iOS as Flutter comes with a built-in graphic engine.  Flutter apps provide fast, efficient, and top-class performance compared to other cross-platform app development frameworks.  - Dart programming language allows developers to write structured codes, making it easier to maintain synchronized hierarchical structure regardless of how complex the app requirements are.  - Working on the latest interfaces is effortless as Flutter uses GPU, which offers UI power.  - Developers can understand code modifications easily and rebuild a widget tree automatically.  - Tools supporting the framework: Emacs, Android Studio, VS Code.

Node Js:

Node JS is a V8-based framework that helps transform Javascript into a generic language, and it is one of the best USPs - user selling propositions. As it offers an open-source atmosphere, developers can craft server-side network apps with superb scalability and robustness. By compiling JavaScript to machine code, V8 increases the speed of Node Js as developers don't need to execute the code as byte code. This cross-platform framework is capable of managing multiple concurrent connections altogether as it contains a rich library of various JavaScript modules. With quick and efficient APIs, Node Js builds highly performing and responsive cross-platform apps that meet clients' business requirements. Below are its advantages: - NodeJs has a large community of developers, and hence the users - Being one of the fastest, dynamics, and famous language interpreters, the V8 engine of NOdeJs is constantly expanding its boundaries. - Database queries can be executed simultaneously, and NodeJS applications reduce the time of responses for slow requests.  - This framework uses a single-threaded model to deliver ultimate smooth and equally functioning Node JS cross-platform apps.  - Tools supporting the framework: Express.JS, PM2, Meteor,, Babel,  Read also: What Is Cross-Platform App Development, and Why Is It Important?

React Native

How can we forget React Native when we are discussing leading hybrid app frameworks? One of the most popular cross-platform apps and substantially used for Android and iOS, React Native is a renowned entity for hybrid mobile app development. After it was created in 2015 by Facebook, the React Native community has grown exponentially. Built on JavaScript, it renders a unique native-like environment and feel for iOS and Android. Developers can build intuitive and effective user interfaces according to business demands. This framework consists of JSX and CSS-like polyfills and refrains from using HTML or WebView technology. The best thing about this cross-platform framework is, it provides a combination of React Js and JavaScript; thus, it does not need DOM - Document Object Model API. Furthermore, programmers have the luxury to use Objective-C, Java, and Swift as well to code some of the parts of React Native applications. It provides the below-given benefits: - React Native allows developers to develop a highly responsive and engaging user interface. - Having a large community, React Native developers can obtain necessary support any time they seek it. It is a great relief, especially when coders are developing complex cross-platform apps using React Native and look for help. - Developers need to code once only in React Native as its one-time programming is enough for applications to run on diverse platforms of mobile operating systems.  - React Native is the right choice if you want to develop stunning cross-platform apps for Android TV, MacOS, UWP, or Windows. - React Native is compatible with almost all third-party plugins such as Google maps; and is flexible for customization. - React Native is also famous for its features like hot reload and code re-usability. - Tools supporting the framework: Emulator, JS Editor, SDK, Android Studio

Corona SDK

Corona SDK (software development kit) is just right for you if you want impeccable two-dimensional cross-platform mobile apps for varying platforms. This open-source app framework renders ten times faster mobile games when it is about cross-platform app development services. Based on lightweight and multi-faceted programming language Lua, Corona SDK helps create exceptional games on multiple platforms like iPads, TV-Os, desktops, etc. Some advantages of Corona SDK are given here: - It comprises great plugins for media, in-app advertising, analytics, and some other things as well.  - The Lua coding language makes Corona SDK a fast, fantastic, and fruitful hybrid framework that helps you draw and engage customers. - This framework responds instantly to any changes, and hence code changes can be seen in real-time and quickly.  - Tools supporting the framework: Android studio project and Xcode. Cross-platform development has been a blessing to developers and users. The cross-platform app frameworks mentioned-above play a vital role in redefining your hybrid app development procedure. After reading about them and exploring their salient features, it would be easier for you to select the right platform for your product/business. Choosing the right cross-platform app framework is important as it would be a pivotal point in expanding business across the borders.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some benefits of using cross-platform app development frameworks?

Some benefits of using cross-platform app development frameworks include reduced development time and cost, the ability to maintain a single codebase across multiple platforms, and the ability to reach a wider audience of users.

What are some popular cross-platform app development frameworks?

Some popular cross-platform app development frameworks include React Native, Xamarin, Flutter, Ionic, and PhoneGap.

How do cross-platform app development frameworks differ from native app development?

Cross-platform app development frameworks allow developers to write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms, while native app development requires separate codebases and development tools for each platform.

How can cross-platform app development frameworks benefit small businesses and startups?

Cross-platform app development frameworks can benefit small businesses and startups by reducing development time and cost, allowing for faster time-to-market, and providing access to a wider audience of users.

Can cross-platform app development frameworks be used for enterprise-level applications?

Yes, cross-platform app development frameworks can be used for enterprise-level applications, but may require additional customization and optimization to meet the specific needs and requirements of the business.

Written by Peter

Peter is a Flutter Developer at WEDOWEBAPPS LLC. He follows all the innovative technologies for the mobile world. He also likes sharing his knowledge with the people by mentoring aspiring developers and blogging.