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25 Feb, 2022 | E-commerce Development

Which is the best eCommerce platform for your business- Woocommerce or Wix?

Which is the best eCommerce platform for your business- Woocommerce or Wix?
Online stores are a highly popular alternative if you’re looking for a viable business model. It brings some great benefits to entrepreneurs who want to get the upper hand and offer their products to a broad audience. That’s why today we’re comparing the top platforms available in the market: WooCommerce VS Wix. We’ve analyzed every significant aspect that will help you develop a business in the eCommerce space. But before proceeding, let’s quickly glance over the short introduction of both the eCommerce platform.

What is WooCommerce?

WooCommerce is an open-source WordPress plugin that adds e-commerce functionality to your WordPress website so you can have an interactive online store. This plugin easily integrates into your existing WordPress site, converting it into a full-featured eCommerce store. Here are the top benefits:
  1. Free plugin: This eCommerce plugin is free and comes with a robust set of features and tools to kick-start your eCommerce business.
  2. Support: The WooCommerce team support efficiently, and you also get help from user communities and forums.
  3. Open source code: As we’ve mentioned before, WooCommerce is an open-source platform, which means the code is readily available for anyone to view and modify.
  4. Powered by WordPress: As we know that WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin and as per stats, 28% of websites are powered by WordPress in the online world.
  5. Modern and powerful interfaces: WooCommerce concentrates on making the process of establishing your online store as simple as possible.

What is Wix?

Wix is a huge cloud-based website development platform. It is a free service, but you can improve your websites by subscribing to Wix’s premium plans. Wix is simple and the best eCommerce platform that offers an array of templates to design your website beautifully. Here are the benefits:
  1. Mobile optimization: The significant advantage of using templates of Wix is, all are mobile optimized. Yet these are not responsive.This means that after you’re done working on your website, you will have to work on your mobile site individually to ensure that things go well. It is effortless to perform but does require some extra time and effort.
  2. Artificial Design Intelligence & Code:This is a unique service offered by Wix. Its artificial design intelligence and code enable you to create a premium website. It would help if you answered a few simple questions like who you are and what you do. And then provide the content you wish to include on the website. Based on this information, they will create a professional and personalized website, and you can go live quickly.

WooCommerce vs Wix- Which one to choose?

  • SEO- friendly-
WooCommerce: As far as SEO is concerned, fortunately, WooCommerce is SEO friendly and out of the box. You can install WooCommerce extensions and plugins, for instance, Yoast to experience the functionalities like writing a Meta description, alt text image, rich snippet, and so on. Wix: Wix also offers some basic features with regards to SEO, which available in the website settings. More so, you’ll get access to the premium App from their App Market. From there, you can add many marketing and SEO apps that will help you boost your website in search engines and market it to your target audience.
  • Customer support-
WooCommerce: The developer’s team of WooCommerce is doing an excellent job of maintaining and updating WooCommerce regularly. That’s why you won’t require customer support for Woocommerce Development Services. As you know that it’s a WordPress plugin, so a large community is waiting for you to assist you during obstacles. Wix: Wix also provides its users with a lot of comprehensive support. You can hit the Knowledge Center, browse and search review boards and tutorials to find the answers you’re seeking. In their video tutorial, you will get complete help about the site builder and how to use its features.
  • Speed and security-
WooCommerce: ECommerce business owners using WooCommerce are habitually a bit target for attackers as the platform runs on WordPress. Although the CMS itself is secured, if you don’t update sites, themes, and plugins regularly, your website will be vulnerable to attackers. Wix: Fortunately, websites build on Wix are hosted on their servers. This means that the servers are optimized for unique Wix websites. Wix specialists are in charge of making sure your site is quick to load and secure at the same time. As you know that Wix’s sites run on JavaScript, so their speed tests are quite different than the others. Their sites respond quickly, but also take a while to load fully. Choose the right platform and benefit from our expert ecommerce development services to maximize your business potential.

Final Words

Making the right choice seems to be complicated. And switching platforms later can be a nightmare, so you need to consider every point of the comparison. Though Wix has some excellent powerful features, even WooCommerce also offers some great features. The first thing to consider is the price. WooCommerce is free, and you will get some astounding features, which are innovative. In the end, it heavily depends on your business needs. So choose the platform according to your requirements. Are you looking for a web developer that can suggest you better and serve you with an exceptional eCommerce development store? Contact our team of experts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is the best eCommerce platform for your business - WooCommerce or Wix?

The answer to this question depends on several factors, such as the size and complexity of your business, your technical skills and resources, and your specific e-commerce needs. Both WooCommerce and Wix have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the best platform for your business will depend on your individual circumstances.

What are some of the key features of WooCommerce?

Some of the key features of WooCommerce include:

  • Customizable themes and templates
  • Inventory management
  • Payment and shipping options
  • Product variations and attributes
  • Tax settings
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Customizable checkout process

Which platform is more customizable - WooCommerce or Wix?

Both WooCommerce and Wix are highly customizable, with a range of themes and templates available to suit different needs. However, WooCommerce is more customizable overall, as it is an open-source platform that allows for more advanced customization options.

How do I choose between WooCommerce and Wix?

To choose between WooCommerce and Wix, you should consider factors such as your business size and complexity, your technical skills and resources, and your specific e-commerce needs. You may also want to consider the cost of each platform and the level of customization and support offered. Ultimately, the best platform for your business will depend on your individual circumstances.

Written by Milan

Milan is a co-founder of WEDOWEBAPPS LLC. He has been at the forefront of the business, expanding it globally with the latest technologies. He also has a passion for sharing his expertise with clients and other enthusiasts. He usually writes about technology, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship.