Because an application's tech stack is so important to its success, it's critical to know everything about each of the frameworks for your project. Angular is a JavaScript component and one of the most widely used software development tools today. It was first presented by Google in 2009, and the developer community praised it. 30.7 percent of software engineers currently utilize AngularJS and the new version Angular 2+ to create user interfaces, according to a 2019 StackOverflow study. According to NG-Conf 2019, the AngularJS expert community has risen 50% since the beginning of 2019 compared to 2018. Before moving ahead with the pros and cons let us first understand the basics of AngularJS.

What is AngularJS?

AngularJS is a JavaScript MVC based framework for building dynamic web applications on the client side. AngularJS began as a Google project and has since evolved into an open-source framework. There is no need to learn another syntax or language because AngularJS is purely based on HTML and JavaScript. Static HTML is converted into dynamic HTML using the AngularJS framework. It enhances HTML's functionality by providing built-in characteristics and components, as well as allowing users to create custom attributes using basic JavaScript.

Angular vs. AngularJS

Angular is the Typescript-based alternative to AngularJS that can be used to create high-quality web applications. Due to easy development, advanced modular design, and significantly faster platform, Angular is the upgraded version that is the most used for developing business websites in today’s times.  On the other hand, AngularJS is written using JavaScript. Created in 2009, mostly known as Angular1. This open-source single-page application development framework also has out-of-the-box features like the ability to convert static HTML into dynamic HTML. With several filters and derivatives packed with it, its current stable version is Angular 1.8.2 whereas Angular’s currently upgraded version is Angular 13. Market Share Among so many countries in the world leveraging the power of AngularJS the most, the US is at the top of the list, followed by Russia, Taiwan, India, the UK, and other countries shown below in the image. AngularJS-websites-usage-across-the-globe In various countries according to the need of the people, there are various industries where AngularJS for web applications development. The below image shows you the usage of AngularJS in various industry verticals like Computers Electronics, Arts & Entertainment, Finance, Science and education, and more.  Angular-JS-1 Source: This open-source single-page application development framework also has out-of-the-box features like the ability to convert static HTML into dynamic HTML.

The Pros and Cons of  AngularJS

1. Two-Way Data Binding 

With AngularJS data binding becomes extremely easy as the developers get the opportunity to create the templates faster. Any changes that are made to the view or presentation layer are instantly and automatically displayed on the model.  In simple words, Angular is developed considering MVC (Model View Controller) architecture that helps the developers to make any changes easily. Consider if any changes are made to the Model, they will automatically display on the View. 

2. DOM Manipulation

The Document Object Model (DOM) is basically an application program interface for HTML and XML documents. It specifies how documents are retrieved and changed, as well as their logical structure. It is easy to develop DOM due to its two-way binding approach.  However, this cannot be done easily with other JavaScript frameworks. DOM manipulation enables the developers to save a lot of time because they just need to translate and update the DOM elements.

3. The Use of Directives

Directives play an important part in Angular as it offers functionality to the applications. Directives when used by AngularJS, keep the HTML pages organized and comparatively free from mess. There are a lot of benefits of directives when web and mobile application development is considered.  Angular JS could expand HTML with directives, which are new attributes. These directives changed the document object model (DOM), making it easier for developers to generate dynamic, rich content with HTML.

4. The Dependency Injection

A dependency is defined as the relationship between two or more pieces of code. It means that whenever a dependence changes, a component changes as well. The ability of Angular JS to detach components from their dependencies made them more reusable and manageable.  If you are a non-tech geek looking for custom AngularJS Development, WeDoWebApps offer top-notch AngularJS Web Development services and can help you develop out-of-the-box mobile and web applications using AngularJS. Read also: 10 Tips for Hire the Best AngularJS Developer for Your Project

Cons of AngularJS

1. Mandatory JavaScript Support 

Angular JS is a JavaScript framework, yet JS access is disabled on many desktops and laptops. As a result, users who are part of such a system may be unable to access your website. Users using the most recent PCs and laptops, on the other hand, do not have this problem. Even users with ancient PCs and laptops are in short supply – you can hardly locate any right now. The fact that it does not have any issues with plain HTML is also a plus.

2. Possibly Time Consuming 

If you're using an older device, like a computer or a laptop, rendering a website or application will take a long time. This is due to the browser's inability to handle overload, and it may also fail to perform tasks such as DOM manipulation. The flip side of it is that if you're new to this framework, there may be some features that you don't know how to use effectively, wasting hours of your time.

3. Inexperience with MVC

It causes problems for developers who aren't familiar with the MVC framework. The developers will be time-consuming if they use Angular, and they may not be able to finish the project on time. It goes without saying that those who use the conventional way will struggle with MVC. As a result, before starting an Angular project, brush up on what you don't know, or else hire AngularJS experts that can help you develop your web application to lead your business toward success. 


AngularJS, like every other development tool, has advantages and disadvantages. The goal is to understand the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing Angular in a specific project type. We know that Angular has a lot of potential for code reuse, and that dependency injection makes it easier to manage apps. Furthermore, it has a large ecosystem, so you can always rely on community help for AngularJS development services. So, if you're working on a project that requires these functionalities, Angular is the way to go. Similarly, because Angular isn't particularly good with web crawlers and search engines, it shouldn't be used for websites that rely heavily on SEO. Also, while developing simple web apps or apps with static content, always choose simpler frameworks to avoid overburdening your app. If you're still unsure whether your business idea requires Angular, contact our AngularJS experts, who will be able to assist you in selecting the best tech stack for your project. If you are planning to develop a web application for your flourishing business to make it flourish more, Hire Dedicated AngularJS Developers from the company offering top-notch AngularJS development services - WeDoWebApps. Get in touch soon!!