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20 Sep, 2022 | Woocommerce Development Company

Effective Ways To Speed Up Woocommerce Store: Tactics That Actually Work

Effective Ways To Speed Up Woocommerce Store: Tactics That Actually Work
Woocommerce, a plugin for WordPress for developing extensive e-commerce websites, is a great way to start your e-commerce business right away. With the advent of woocommerce, things became quite manageable for many developers and businesspersons who wished to own an e-commerce website.  An e-commerce website is the most popular in these times of lockdowns and quarantines. A lot of people had their lives saved because of the manifestation of these e-commerce websites. As the demand has increased, a Woocommerce development company gains tremendous benefits from it. Don't be too late in developing an e-commerce website or store for your prosperity. Hire Woocommerce developers today and get all your wishes granted. Effective Ways Woocommerce development Woocommerce allows you to add extensive features to your website without much hassle. Flexibility, and creativity are significant windfalls of this plugin of WordPress. In addition, Woocommerce enables the creation of very safe payment getaways for both consumers and business owners. With the growing demands of the customer, you need to make sure that the Woocommerce development that you undergo is smooth and loads up real quick. So that your customer does not lose interest. Here are techniques that might help you with speeding up your Woocommerce store.

Why do you need to speed up?

To analyze if your Woocommerce website or store is running correctly with a good speed, you would have to check it. Google page speed Insights is the platform for you to check the speed of your store. It displays the results in three categories:
  • Fast: page loading takes less than 3 seconds.
  • Slow: page loading time is over 6 seconds
  • Average: time lies somewhere between 3 to 6 seconds.
There is a substantial need to speed up Woocommerce checkout. Audiences are not very patient these days. The general public wishes to have everything in a matter of a few clicks and that too in just a few seconds. With such a hasty lifestyle, no one has time to sit and wait for a website to load for more than a few seconds or so. If it takes longer than that, the customer might just close it without checking the web page further. This is the mentality that the customers move ahead with nowadays.

How to Speed up a Woocommerce store?

How to Speed up a Woocommerce store

Image optimization:

A Woocommerce store or any eCommerce store will surely have images for product references. These are the heaviest files that potentially make your website sluggish. Hence, careful optimization of images can earn you good revenue. > Save images in the format of JPEG. It is the right format for saving images on the website. > Images should be resized before they are put on the WordPress store. > Compression of images is a crucial step.

Lazy loading feature: 

Lazy loading feature- it might sound pretty ironic, it's a clear truth. To make your sales touch the higher corner of the graph, you need to add lazy loading features. Specific browsers function in a way that they load every item of the website.  Even the non-visible elements are also loaded before being displayed. This makes the whole loading procedure slower. To get rid of this issue, add lazy loading elements to your store. It aids in loading the images only when the viewer reaches a particular segment of the Woocommerce store.


To save any important data from being lost, use caching. Top-rated Woocommerce development company ensures that this step is followed to assure Woocommerce fast checkout. This process imparts a better experience to the website. Here is what you can do: Server cache: A vibrant Woocommerce store also requires stagnation at times. The server tends to obtain the asset by storming the database. This is a rather time-absorbing task, you need to use a server cache solution so that it returns to HTML. Browser cache: Applying caching solution for the browser would aid in speeding the Woocommerce loading time for those who navigate between various pages. Theme selection: Hastening the Woocommerce website or store is also contributed by the theme you select for your store. Hire a Woocommerce developer to comprehend better the type of theme that goes best with your store. Choosing a lightweight and responsive theme is highly critical to keep your customers engaged and your site going smoothly. Consult an excellent Woocommerce development company to be assisted on this aspect. Hosting service should be high quality: Using website host servers for storing the website content and related files is a trendy solution used by various website owners. However, the foundation of the website is responsible for taking care of the data and website traffic.  A hosting service that is not up to the mark will hinder the Woocommerce store performance, and you might also witness an increase in the bounce rate. Make sure these qualities are present in your hosting service:
  • Technical support team available to resolve any issues.
  • Cloud infrastructure is robust
  • Updates are managed with an ease
  • Scalability around the world
  • Responsive to the website audience
Clean database: The database of a Woocommerce website is a crucial element as it has the following components: > Content of websites such as reviews, tags, pages, categories, extensions, etc. > Inventory, order details, and payments, and other transactional data. It is evident that each visitor passing by your Woocommerce store would request your content. Any dynamic request made by the visitor shall not take any longer to proceed. To make this happen, you should ensure that the database is clean. Eliminate any unnecessary data from the content of your Woocommerce website. Here are some tips to achieve this: > Older revisions of database to be removed > Number rod revisions to be limited > All the unnecessary revisions shall be disabled all at once. > Expired caches data to be cleaned

Mobile friendly:   

Making your mobile e-commerce friendly is very crucial in these times when almost everyone relies on an android or an iOS mobile system. Mostly, smartphones are used to access an e-commerce website because of its ease and convenience. Make sure your Woocommerce store is amicable for mobile users.

Why choose Woocommerce?

Here is a brief list of reasons why you should go for Woocommerce for your online store development. Why choose Woocommerce


WooCommerce prices will not burn your whole pocket, as it is free and open source, anyone can use it. By comparing other platforms for developing e-commerce websites and stores; Woocommerce provides the best feature and flexibility with no cost at all.

Sell anything: 

Woocommerce is your one-stop destination to sell anything anywhere. This kind of flexibility is quite rare among other platforms for e-commerce development. Sell your physical products, digital products or any other service on Woocommerce stores, it doesn't matter.

Robust community support: 

The support system of the platform speaks a lot about its services. Hence we recommend using e-commerce because of its extensive supporting community that is vigilant of any kind of issue that you might encounter. They have a vibrant community all across the world. A large pool of developers is waiting for you to join in and develop more and more. Read more: Grow your E-Commerce business with best Woocommerce Development Services

Robust analytics: 

Woocommerce has built-in analytics that makes it the best to use. It can provide you with information about the trends and demands of your customers.

Content management is easier:

Based on the world's most preferred Content Management System, WordPress, Woocommerce has got to excel in the content management aspect. It is by far a crucial aspect of the e-commerce market. Blogging, email marketing, landing pages, and product descriptions are all offered together by WordPress and Woocommerce.


Woocommerce has to be stated as the most preferred platform because of its speed. It can provide a speedy response as compared to any other platform. Be it any size, and it has provision for hasty responses to the users and developers.


Woocommerce is a one-stop destination for your e-commerce store development needs. It adapts to the needs of the end customers and analyses the current trends in the market. With Woocommerce, you can comprehend the current requirements of the customer that you're targeting. With the above suggestions and steps, you can speed up the loading of your Woocommerce website. This gives your website an edge over the other e-commerce platforms. In order to attract people and drive more traffic to your site, a quick response is important.  We have gone through the tips and techniques; now it's your turn to improve the performance of Woocommerce. For example, if your Woocommerce store takes more than 2 seconds to load, you should start worrying as it will negatively affect everything from user experience to SEO rankings. Contact us to hire the best Woocommerce developers for your dream store.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the speed of my WooCommerce store important?

The speed of your WooCommerce store is crucial because it affects user experience and ultimately impacts your sales. A slow website can lead to high bounce rates, low conversion rates, and a negative perception of your brand. In addition, search engines like Google also use website speed as a ranking factor, so a slow website can also affect your search engine visibility and traffic.

How can I test the speed of my WooCommerce store?

There are various tools available online that you can use to test the speed of your WooCommerce store. One popular tool is Google's PageSpeed Insights, which provides a detailed analysis of your website's speed and identifies areas for improvement. Other tools you can use include GTmetrix, Pingdom, and WebPageTest.

How often should I check my WooCommerce store's speed?

It's a good idea to regularly check your website's speed to ensure it remains fast and responsive. You can do this every few months or after making significant changes to your website.

What if I'm not tech-savvy and don't know how to improve my website's speed?

If you're not comfortable making technical changes to your website, you can consider hiring a professional to help optimize your website for speed. Many web developers and agencies specialize in website speed optimization and can provide tailored solutions to help improve your website's speed.

Written by Milan

Milan is a co-founder of WEDOWEBAPPS LLC. He has been at the forefront of the business, expanding it globally with the latest technologies. He also has a passion for sharing his expertise with clients and other enthusiasts. He usually writes about technology, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship.