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8 Sep, 2022 | Shopify Website Development

Improve SEO for your Shopify store

Improve SEO for your Shopify store

Shopify is one of the top-rated ecommerce solutions which enables a store owner to setup an online store with built-in features, countless themes and the most important an effective framework. If you’ve chosen Shopify platform for your online business, then you’ve done your research well and are aware of the capabilities and features the platform boasts about.

Understanding importance of SEO and its impact on my business.

Today, when most of the businesses are moving online and ecommerce is booming thanks to the robust platforms powering it, there is nothing holding back your business from success and a generous profit. But success never comes easy! It’s one thing to build; it’s another thing to make it work. Your Shopify website design team has built an online store which you think meets all the prerequisites but what good is a website if there is no traffic coming in. That’s where SEO comes in. If SEO is an unfriendly term, it simply means Search Engine Optimization. Google and Bing, the two primary search engines work on a lot of algorithms which push the most referential content to the top. It’s well understood that any user will click on the top few links with lesser chances of going to the second page of SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). Until unless your Shopify store is not SEO optimized for Google and Bing, there are very low chances of your business picking up any pace.

Here, we learn a few tips on how to optimize an online store and to have your site feature on top of the pages. The more visible your business is, the more traffic you will receive. Shopify is an SEO friendly platform which is equipped with the necessary features to help you rank your website on top however it still requires a little work to make it fully SEO optimized.

Keywords are important

Many a times we take keywords lightly. These small phrases of three to five words can really change your business operations. Stronger the keyword is, stronger is the SEO optimization. In order to use the right keywords in your product descriptions, website content, you need to invest some extra time to research on various aspects. Firstly, know the kind of products you are selling. Now think like a customer who would be searching for a particular item, what specific words he would type in order to search for it. Before you finalize the keyword, make certain that the keyword is relevant and has an adequate monthly search. There are various tools online like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Keyword Tool and many more which can help you with the right statistics. If all this seems like a hassle, you can opt for professional SEO services that are skilled in website optimization.

Optimize your pages

Once you have your keywords ready, it’s time to use them for meta tags, title tags, descriptions and also in your URL. Meta description should be relevant and engaging enough which will make the users click on the link. Google and Bing not only use the content while indexing your site, the algorithms use the images too. Therefore it is important to have an image description also known as alternative text or alt text. Well written alt tags will help images to appear in various searches thereby increasing the CTR (click through rate) for your site. This step is technically more advanced than keyword research. If you’re up for some challenge go ahead and make some changes or else you can push the envelope to the experts who deliver a complete range of Shopify ecommerce website development services.

Connect your store’s sitemap with Google and Bing

Before you submit the sitemap, it’s beneficial to register your Shopify site on Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools. By registering your site on these major search engines you are enabling your site to get crawled which means that the search engine will recognize your site and might index it which then increases the chances of ranking in searches. Further to this, submit your sitemap which is a file containing all individual pages of your website. A sitemap enables the search engines to index and appear in relevant searches. Shopify stores can automatically generate the XML file for your sitemap.

Build backlinks directed to your store

Backlinks are a great way to increase traffic to your site. Ranking your page is all about building trust for your website. The more relevant the content is, more is the traffic and the time spent on the site before the user decides to go back to the search results. All these factors increase your chances to rank higher. Having backlinks for your website is like creating a network of relevant data spread over various websites. This can be through mentions on social media, citations, blogs etc. When it comes to security, search engines are very particular about it, therefore it’s advisable to have an SSL certificate if you want your site to get an added advantage on rankings on both the search engines.

Boost the SEO of your Shopify store with our expert digital marketing services in the USA to achieve top rankings and increased traffic.

Maintain best practices

For any business to launch or sustain, social media is the most important tool to communicate with its audience. It’s another channel to push out information about various products and have the social media accounts linked back to the online store. If you’re looking at increasing traffic through paid mediums, then social media accounts can help you reach a wider audience. Additionally, the main reason SEO gets hampered is due to slow speed. Like consumers, search engines too prefer fast loading websites and give it more preference. Boost the speed of your website by reducing the size of the images, using common fonts and lesser custom codes. Investing in Google paid ads is also another tool through which you can attract a wider audience and also gain some credibility by Google.

Lastly, if these tips are incorporated for your Shopify website design, not only will your business yield results but gain visibility and traffic as well. One way to ensure that you’ve ticked the right boxes in building and sustaining your site is to take assistance from professional SEO services or connect with experts who provide Shopify ecommerce website development services. It’s not every day you build your business from scratch for that reason the right tools need to be used effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is SEO and why is it important for Shopify stores?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of improving the visibility and ranking of a website on search engine results pages (SERPs). It is important for Shopify stores because it can lead to increased website traffic, higher engagement, and more sales.

what is the difference between shopify seo and shopify developer?

Shopify SEO focuses on improving a store's visibility in search engine results, while a Shopify developer builds and customizes the functionality and appearance of the store.

How can a business optimize their Shopify store for SEO?

A business can optimize their Shopify store for SEO by using relevant keywords and phrases in website content and metadata, optimizing website structure and architecture, and ensuring that website load times are fast.

How can a business use content marketing to improve SEO for their Shopify store?

A business can use content marketing to improve SEO for their Shopify store by creating high-quality and relevant content, such as blog posts, product descriptions, and customer reviews, that incorporates relevant keywords and phrases.

How can a business use backlinks to improve SEO for their Shopify store?

A business can use backlinks to improve SEO for their Shopify store by creating high-quality and relevant content that other websites will want to link to, and by building relationships with other websites and bloggers in their industry.

How can a business use social media to improve SEO for their Shopify store?

A business can use social media to improve SEO for their Shopify store by sharing website content and links on social media platforms, which can lead to increased website traffic and backlinks.

Written by Jose

Jose is a Project Leader at WEDOWEBAPPS LLC. He has knowledge about both project management and time management. His expertise includes analyzing the technical needs of the clients, proposing effective solutions and delivering large-scale projects on time.