What is Android App Bundle?
A publishing format launched by android has become known as the android app bundle (.aab). With the advent of android app bundles releasing and publishing apps into the Google Play Store has become efficient and seamless. A small app can cater to your needs for a great user experience because of the android app bundles. Thus, your app could be smaller if you used android app bundle>. Installation rate has increased as a result, whereas installation fails have decreased by multiple folds. Android app bundles have been helpful in publishing, releasing, and building applications across various disparate devices. Taking its success, more than 600,000 apps and games have used android app bundles in their generation. One of the famous examples would be Netflix. Here are the top reasons why Businesses must have to use Android app bundles.Why businesses should use android app bundles:
- Reduced in size: android app bundles help you reduce the size of your application by multiple folds as they can support small-sized applications and games extensively. Taking the stats, the android application development service has decreased about 20% on average. Thus, Android app bundles curtail the app size to a significant amount. Moreover, the new app size report option on the Google Play console helps you comprehend your app's size extensively. Android application development serviceis there to help you out with this data and various other services.
As a fund fact, Adobe also used the android app bundles to curtail the size of their app- Adobe Acrobat Reader by 20%. Such a popular Android application development company has utilized the excellent service provided by using android app bundles. Android app bundle advantages are humongous. This is the reason why the top-notch android application development service uses them.
- Installation rate increased: one of the significant factors why installation rate decreases among users is the storage issue. The storage provided in the android devices is limited, and thus, a huge app cannot fit into the device quite seamlessly. Several studies have shown that the smaller the app size, the greater the installation rate. No one wants to fill up their device's space with additional large apps. Thus, people tend to ignore the apps or find a replacement for the vast apps.
Android app bundles create a ripple effect when it comes to app installation rates. Although updates become more accessible for the users, this uninstallation rate declines. So if you wish to enhance the impact of your business app on the target audience, go with android app bundles.
- Efficiency increased: android app bundle helps you create an artifact that can be used to store various stuff like codes, resources, and even native libraries. This increases the work efficiency, thereby reducing the extra effort. Now you don't have to sign, build, upload or manage the version codes for numerous APIs. Android app developmentbecomes more accessible with Android app bundles in place. And increased efficiency implies boosted sales for your business.
- Quick downloads: android app bundles result in enhanced efficiency and compatibility with various devices, thus making the downloading procedure quicker than ever.
- Codes are integrated: with integrated code availability, app bundles aid the android application development service in preparing a 64-bit requirement without increasing the size of the app. Thereby, the native code needed for each device delivers without much effort.
- Engineering is super rapid: the speed of engineering an app boosts up with the app bundle advantages in place. Android app development has now become more accessible and faster with the help of this app bundle service. The velocity of building an app increases right from the beginning of the procedure. Construction dynamics of the app, assigning self-reliant modules to design, testing, and releasing the app, all of the processes are now quicker and smoother. The velocity of developing an app impacts the efficiency of a business. A widespread example of this would be-a huge 70%decline in app builds time of the Book My Show application. This was possible only because of app bundles, as it can sumo resources with much ease into the bundle instead of taking the pain of segregating them.
- Manual efforts curtailed: with the app bundles at your service, you do not have to worry about the extensive manual efforts you put in for development. Android application development now retains its simplicity and seamless experience because of the introduction of app bundles. Specific procedures are now fully automated. In addition, post-development protocols are now simplified as sharing a link on a lack channel automatically. This allows you to reduce the additional efforts, cost, and time to increase your business's growth.
- Delivery has become Dynamic: with app bundles, a new vision of dynamic delivery also originated. A developer can distribute dependent properties during the installation based on features like device elements (E.g., AR/VR), the country of the user, and the device's specifications.
The on-demand mode allows the users to choose their favorite features and uninstall the undesired ones. This increases the probability of your audience loving your application.
- In-app updates: the Play core library allows the users to update the apps while being on the app. In the app, updates are highly beneficial for each business. Since leaving the app would increase the probability of the user not coming back. Losing a customer is not what any business wants. Thus, to save you that pain already, Android app bundles give the relief of in-app updates. Therefore, your audience can install the latest version of your app without much hassle.
- Plus point for game developers: uploading up to 150MB of download size in compressed form is the best gift for the game developers so far. This is a contrasting blessing in light of APKs issuing only 100MB compressed download size.
- Play Asset delivery: Not just this, the gamers are in a pool of happiness because of other substantial features provided by app bundles, such as the extended support of app bundles to support game assets. A single artifact can contain large game datasets of a game with substantial dynamic customer delivery choices. This replaces the requirement of expanding files.
- Instant games: as intriguing as the name appears, the gaming maniacs can get a real first-hand experience of the game developed without installing the app already. This fantastic feature is a boon of app bundles. Android application development service has benefitted big time with this feature.
- Key loss is protected: losing an upload key is not an issue these days. Android app bundle advantages have run their magic in this aspect too. All you need to do is to confirm your identity, and you'll get a new upload key instantly. But, losing your app signing key without opting into the Google Play App Signing might land you in trouble because then Google can't aid you with anything. Of course, now more uploads will be possible after that.
- Weak key replacement: a compromised key can be traded for a new one without much hassle. A key upgrade is now available at the Play App Signing. You can seamlessly opt for a cryptographically powerful key.
- The future is here! With android app bundles, plenty of tools and delivery mechanisms have made possible, which developers could not even think would be feasible one day.