Developer for iOS

The iOS platform has been on the growing side for the last many years. The ubiquitous and versatile iPhone and iPad are the reason that gave many developers to bring out their ideas and put them in front of an audience. This audience, to be precise, is massive and a comparatively wealthy one. After some time, there was a real chance to make some money in the iOS Development Company sector, and developers have been taking up the task.

The contest between competitors brought out the need to have an online presence. Big iOS Development Company and organization started looking for iOS developers to bring their vision of an to life. So, Developers for iOS have a suitable chance of getting work and appreciation. This article delves into the skills and characteristics of an iOS Development Company and Developer for iOS App.

Developer for iOS App – Must have skills in an iOS Development Company.

There are many plus-points of being an iOS developer, and they can be sorted out. If someone is an aspiring iOS developer, they would be shot at getting a significant job as a developer. Now, getting the situation may not be as easy as it was back then, but it would have its perks.

The iOS Apps are growing in demand by each passing day. Apps are also a big part of digital marketing and online presence. They can be helpful in both of these tasks. Perhaps, this is the reason why organizations are looking to develop their apps. So, here are the skills that are required of a Developer for iOS App.

Design Guidelines

Though there are indeed not only a handful of skills that one requires being a developer. But there are quite a few that are necessary to accomplish. Appealingly designing an app is one of the essential things in the development process. There is a unique set of guidelines that an iOS developer must adhere to to make an intuitive app. They need to understand those design parameters to make the app more intuitive.

Swift – Programming Language

Apple has created a programming language specifically for the reason of developing iOS Apps. Swift is the number one constant in their equation of iOS development. All of the present and future projects are being done or are going to be done in Swift. So that means that a developer has to know this language perfectly. Keep in mind that it is neither a small nor a relaxed style, but there is no need to learn everything to be a junior developer. Just make sure to have a clear idea of the Options, the basic syntax, Classes, initialization, inheritance, Error Handling, Control flow, and Objective-C interoperability.

Spatial Reasoning

Another important thing that the iOS Development Company needs to keep in mind is the three-dimensional thinking. They also need to visualize the spatial associations of items as it is one of the most critical things. It is an utmost necessity for a developer, making sure that they have something in check. The bottom line is that when designing an application, one must be able to understand and predict how the users will react to them. For that, they need to understand the controls for inputs on various platforms and must have been using the devices that they are targeting.


Before going into this, try to imagine an app that can’t interact with the internet. Chances are there that it may not be possible in most of the cases. Either way, all the apps that users use to interact with the web in some or another method. It may not be in a significant way, but it has to be up to some extent.

That makes it inevitable for the developers to understand how to send and receive data to and from the internet. This is done through JSON, also known as JavaScript Object Notation. It is a pretty simple format and works in an even more straightforward way.

Benefits for Developer for iOS

Generally, when someone thinks of pursuing something, there are more significant motives that make them do what they do. In the case of an iOS Development Company, it can be a passion for app development, the advantages, or even deciding on a career path. Nevertheless, below is a list of some of the benefits that one gets when working as a Developer for iOS Apps in an iOS Development Company.

Payscale is more

As everybody with a smartphone in their hand knows, iOS caters to the premium customers a bit more. It may not have the market share of Android, but it does earn more from the app earnings. And a big chunk of that goes to the developers. So that makes for an excellent reason to go iOS.

Trouble-free Testing

There are only a few iOS devices in circulation. In this way, it becomes easy to test the latest app because the testing is done on only a handful of tools.

Less work

There are only two screen sizes one must keep in mind while developing an iOS App. In the case of an iPad app, one gets an additional option as well. That translates to less work on the Developer’s part compared to the thousands of screens by different manufacturers in Android.

User experience

It all depends on how to users like the app and how it works on devices. The touch response of Hire Dedicated Swift Developers is unparalleled. So any app that one is developing for iOS is sure to have excellent responsiveness and quality.

That explains the benefits of being a Developer for iOS or thinking of becoming one. In this article, we have given the paramount requirements of iOS developers and iOS Development Company. iOS is outshining its competitors. It has already made its mark in the world. We hope that you found this article to your satisfaction.

Importance of Colour in New App Design

Did you know that the choice of colors may decide the success of a Mobile Application?

Human minds are very responsive to colors. Everything that we see around us has a specific colour and our brain behaviour is accustomed to associate with the colors all around us, both men made and natural. We can say that the colour of an object has a psychological impact on our minds. When it comes to modern-day mobile phone Applications/ Apps, it’s no different. Years of trend analysis and case studies of successful mobile apps have shown that the colour theme had played a vital role in its appeal and popularity. The reason why mobile App companies are so selective and cautious about choosing the right colour scheme or App Colours is, to enhance its aesthetic appeal, create an impression in the minds of a user, entice curiosity & express its nature and utility.  

The success of an app depends on its user experience, which involves, Its appearance & colour scheme (App Colours ), easy downloading procedure, lightweight (occupy less memory space), easy, utility & easy manoeuvring abilities. What first attracts is the look and feel of the application and its simple yet distinct design. The app developers have to be very precise about the use of colors from the colour palette, have to be extremely careful, not to deviate from the theme applicable and the appropriate colour that matches the theme. The developers also have to keep in mind the utility of the App being developed, its nature of utility shall decide which App colour theme is applicable. The developers should also know which gender/sex will be subscribing to the application the most (men/women). We all know very well that men and women have a different perspective in terms of colour preferences. Hence if the App is meant to attract more ladies, the App colour theme can hover around more feminine colors & if the App is meant to attract more male audiences, it would be using more macho & manly colors. 

However, the general trend analysis and various studies have revealed that a majority of the successful Mobile phone Application would like to keep it simple yet appealing. The range of colors used by a vast majority of App hovers around the few primary colour options: Red, Blue, Black, and Yellow & Green.

Some of the prominent examples of few successful apps and their choice of colour are:

Facebook – Blue

Instagram – Orange & Yellow

WhatsApp – Green

Skype – Deep Blue

YouTube – Red

Uber – Black

Netflix – Red & Black

Twitter – Sky blue  

For example, if an experienced designer is developing a Social media App, they will tend to use a more bright and vivid colour theme. On the contrary, if the App is about wellness, lifestyle, and fitness, travel, the App colors used will be different, and it will be more subtle, soothing, and natural. If the App represents luxury items & consumer goods and services, it might use a gold / black theme to give it a premium feel. If the App is meant for education and schools, the App colour and theme will be more appealing to children’s minds. If the app is meant for medicine or hospitals or anything about medical science, the colour theme will be white or blue. Red is a common colour used in App colors for Food & beverage Apps. An intelligent designer would know exactly where and how to use the right colors so that the user has a clear understanding of the actual utility/purpose of the application.

Years of research have shown a pattern of consumer behaviour that establishes the fact that about 92.6% of App users decide their subscription / purchase by the visual appearance of the App. A vast majority, (almost two-third) of the mobile App consumers may not decide to proceed with the purchases if the App does not suit their favourable colour preferences.

The survey also revealed several interesting facts about the association of colors and consumer decision making

Blue – 28% believe that it resembles trust and a sense of security

And 43% believe that it resembles reliability

Red – 76% believe that it resembles Speed

Yellow & Orange – 26% believe that it resembles Affordability, Fun, and entertainment

Black – 43% believe that it resembles luxury and premium, high end.

Black, Blue & Grey – 26%, 23 % and 26% respectively

Green – It resembles Nature & health

The experienced designers use these behavioural trends of the consumers to decide on the perfect colour scheme used while developing a Mobile Application. We have to accept and be aware of the fact that the consumers out there, Love Colour, connect with Colours, Their perceptions and decision making are to a great extent ruled by their choice, it the colors that differentiate between a quality mobile App and an average one.

Among various theories of consumer behaviour and taking into consideration years of experience in the successful development of Mobile Apps, it has been noticed that the Apps using very few & simple colour palette are the most popular. For example Monochromatic colour theme. It is a kind of colour scheme where the primary focus is on a single colour and then uses its various variants, lighter tones, and shades.

Over a long period, the App designers and developers have been referring to the colour wheel that works as a visual templet. This helps the designers to identify the colors that need to be included in the new App.

The Colour Wheel helps understand the colour scheme much better. While using a Monochromatic colour scheme, the colour wheel helps to select from the various shades of a single colour. Apart from the trendy Monochromatic theme, there are many instances where a multi-colour scheme is preferred by the users and the clients.

Here we have another example of Colour wheels that helps to select various combinations of the colour scheme. Depending on the nature of the App, the Multi-colour theme works great and carries great aesthetic value.

Read also about NopCommerce Development Services 

However, the bottom line remains the utility and efficiency of the Application, the purpose of the app, and its capacity to fulfil the expectations of the consumer. It should do its job what it is meant to for, to avoid uninstallation.

9 App Marketing Strategies That Business Should Consider For Their Business In 2020!

Marketing is one of the significant aspects of any business; therefore, it is not an exception to the app business. Goods that are marketed well are sold well. And everyone is well informed of that, and conventional marketing is something everyone is aware of, but what about digital marketing or app marketing? We are here to help you with the best app marketing strategy:

  • Competitor analysis-

We should accept the reality that we sometimes take motivations or strive to do better things than our competitors. We do a competitor analysis, and it’s better to do it and have the report to know what exactly our competitors have that we don’t. And how can we be better than them? What is their app marketing strategy?

Once we have keys and other useful information about them, we will understand precisely the opportunities which they have not yet explored and which we can. Things that work globally!

  • Do a research work on your target audience-

For every business, it’s essential to understand who their target audience is. Depending on these target audiences, you would be able to do several things to determine your marketing strategies. But on what factors should you define your target audience?

  • Age
  • Geography
  • Interest
  • Political views
  • Gender

Once you have the audience specified, it should assist you in creating strategies for branding or advertising.

  • Develop a landing page according to the app-

A landing page is compelling, and it should present the customer with a summary of what the app is all about and its essential features. Also, it’s suggested to insert the screenshots and download links into the landing page.

  • Create referral programs for your users-

We should be honest about one thing; many of us would have received the referral program message and might have sent those messages to other people to get some Freebies. And its human intellect to be cheering on things which they get free!

So this is a sought and tested approach to drive more traffic, so put this to good use. Execute highly effective referral programs that are beneficial for both the user & the new user.

  • App store optimization-

App store optimization is a very complicated thing to do, but its also a precious something. Around 50% of people who explore an app on the iOS or Google Play store require a better user experience with quick load time. More so, users seek for right information without wasting their time, and so you should be top of your app navigation. Could you keep it simple yet elegant?

  • Get reviews for your app-

Every techie user checks for reviews of the app before downloading it into their smart device. The android app store is flooded with apps. And intentionally or unintentionally, you end up installing the app, which displays odd full-screen ads that makes it very uncomfortable.

So being you as an app owner, approach this issue. Well, the easy answer is getting the review. People believe in the reviews of the user. Thus, timely ask users to add reviews of the app to the play store or app store. But make sure you don’t annoy your customers while asking for reviews.

  • Design camps to enhance app installs-

This seems to be the toughest part of all. We recommend using the target audiences’ data and creating the Facebook Ad campaign, which primarily focuses on the app installs. Run various advertisement exercises to accomplish more click-through ratios.

You could probably use Facebook & Instagram paid stories as well, to run through the app installs. Likely, use the landing page to encourage users and empower them to download the app. You could develop the specific landing pages as well, to offer particular joining advantages to the users, and run a separate ad campaign.

  • Work on SEO for the landing page-

SEO or search engine optimization is the most critical and crucial aspect when it comes to digital marketing. And SEO needs more time and patience. It’s not only that anything you do wrong, maybe your biggest mistake, but it will also take ample time to resolve that.

Imagine you picked the wrong keyword, and if you understand the same, all your efforts to bring that keyword in top rank would be trashed. And you have to start from 0 that nobody wants to do it. So ensure you work hard on SEO and get everything done right.

  • Manage bad reviews and satisfy your customers-

It’s a well-known fact that there would be a criticism of the app. There would be people who would not prefer your app. It’s fine to have those users, and they are precious to us who can provide honest reviews and feedbacks.

People would leave reviews in the situation of a bad experience that includes the app crashes, the issue with inadequate to do certain things in the app, problems with some severe flows in the app, or some external effects, such as wrong delivery of food by your food delivery app.

It would help if you tried to approach those issues in a better way and post the resolution as a response to that comment.

Final words

With the help of the strategies mentioned above, you can develop a better marketing strategy for your mobile app development and earn better ROI.

So if you’re looking for reliable app development companies that can help you with development as well as app marketing strategy, then drop us an email, and we will get back to you within 24 business hours. Contact us now to know more.