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How To Boost Speed After Migrating From Magento 1 To Magento 2

Migrating from Magento 1 to Magento 2 can be daunting, but it’s necessary, as Magento 1 has reached its end of life.

Once you’ve successfully made the switch, the next challenge is to boost your website’s speed. Faster page load times improve user experience and play a critical role in improving your website’s search engine ranking.

So, buckle up and get ready to learn some tips and tricks to supercharge your Magento 2 website’s speed!

Why Is Speed Important In Your Online Store?

Speed is crucial for any eCommerce website, especially for enterprise-level stores. The faster the website, the better the user experience and the higher the chances of generating sales. 

Slow loading times can significantly impact your website’s performance and user engagement, leading to lost revenue and negatively impacting your brand reputation. 

Speed is even more critical in enterprise eCommerce, where customers expect a seamless and fast experience. After migrating from Magento 1 to Magento 2, enterprise eCommerce stores must prioritize improving their website’s speed. 

Here are some reasons why speed is crucial for enterprise eCommerce and how it can impact your business:

1. Better User Experience

In enterprise eCommerce, providing an exceptional user experience is crucial to attracting and retaining customers. 

A fast-loading website can significantly improve user experience, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

Customers who have a positive experience on your website are more likely to return and make repeat purchases, leading to increased revenue for your business.

2. Improved Search Engine Rankings

Website speed is a critical factor in search engine rankings. Google and other search engines consider website speed when ranking websites in search results. 

A faster website can improve your search engine rankings, leading to increased visibility and traffic to your website. 

This can significantly impact your business, especially in enterprise eCommerce, where competition is high, and ranking on the first page of search results can make a significant difference in generating revenue.

3. Increased Conversions and Sales

A fast website can significantly impact your website’s conversion rate and sales.

Customers are more likely to purchase when they have a fast and seamless shopping experience. 

Slow loading times can lead to frustration and cart abandonment, leading to lost revenue for your business. 

By improving your website’s speed, you can reduce cart abandonment and increase your website’s conversion rate, leading to increased sales and revenue for your business.

Read also about Magento Conversion.

4. Better Mobile Experience

In today’s mobile-first world, customers are increasingly using their mobile devices to shop online. 

A fast-loading website is essential for providing a seamless mobile experience.

Mobile users are more likely to abandon a website that takes too long to load, leading to lost revenue for your business. 

By improving your website’s speed, you can provide a better mobile experience for your customers, leading to increased sales and revenue for your business.

Magento 2 store

Blockers After Migration Process Is Completed

1. Large and Unoptimized Images: Large and unoptimized images can significantly slow down your website.

2. Inefficient Code:  Poorly written code, excessive database queries, and inefficient server configurations can all contribute to slow loading times. 

3. Lack of Caching: Caching is an essential technique that can significantly improve your website’s speed.

4. Poor Hosting: Poor hosting can lead to slow loading times, server downtime, and poor performance.

5. Excessive HTTP Requests: Excessive HTTP requests can slow down your website. Every time a user loads your website, their browser sends requests to the server to fetch HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other assets. The more requests your website receives, the slower it will load.

6. Unoptimized Database: An unoptimized database can slow down your ecommerce website by increasing page load times, leading to a poor user experience and potentially lost sales.

7. Not Using CDN: CDN stands for Content Delivery Network. It is a system of distributed servers that deliver web content, such as images, videos, HTML pages, JavaScript files, and stylesheets, to users based on their geographic location.

8. Disabled Gzip Compression: Gzip compression compresses files on a web server for faster page loading.

How to Handel and Solve these Blockers In Your Online Store

1. Optimize Images

Images are an essential part of any eCommerce website. However, large image files can slow down your website speed. After migrating to Magento 2, it is crucial to optimize your images to reduce their size and improve your website’s loading time. You can use tools like Adobe Photoshop, TinyPNG, or Imagify to optimize your images.

2. Efficient Code

Inefficient code can significantly impact your website’s speed. To improve your website’s speed, you need to optimize your code by removing unnecessary code, using caching techniques, and optimizing database queries. You can also use Magento 2’s built-in tools, such as code profiling and debugging, to identify and fix performance issues.

3. Enable Caching

Caching is a technique used to store frequently accessed data, such as web pages and images, in cache memory. Enabling caching in your Magento 2 store can significantly improve your website’s speed. Magento 2 has built-in caching options that you can configure in the backend under “System > Cache Management.”

4. Use a Fast and Reliable Hosting Provider

Choosing a fast and reliable hosting provider is crucial for the speed of your Magento 2 store. After migrating to Magento 2, make sure that your hosting provider offers fast servers, reliable uptime, and excellent support. You can use tools like Pingdom, GTmetrix, or Google PageSpeed Insights to test your website’s speed and identify any hosting issues.

5. Minimize HTTP Requests

Every time a user requests a web page, the browser sends an HTTP request to the server to load the necessary files. The more HTTP requests your website has, the slower it will load. After migrating to Magento 2, you can reduce the number of HTTP requests by minimizing the number of external files, merging CSS and JavaScript files, and using sprites for images.

6. Optimize Your Database

The database is the backbone of your eCommerce website. After migrating to Magento 2, it is essential to optimize your database to ensure that it is running smoothly. You can use tools like MySQLTuner or phpMyAdmin to optimize your database.

Magento 1 to magento 2

7. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a system of servers distributed around the world that store cached copies of your website’s content. When a user requests your website, the server closest to the user delivers the cached content, reducing the time it takes to load your website. Using a CDN can speed up your Magento 2 store after migration.

8. Enable Gzip Compression

Gzip compression is a technique used to compress files and reduce their size, making them faster to load. Enabling Gzip compression in your Magento 2 store can significantly improve your website’s speed. You can enable Gzip compression in your server’s configuration file or use a plugin like Gzip Compression.

Summing Up

Migrating from Magento 1 to Magento 2 can offer several benefits, including improved performance, scalability, and security features. However, after migration, you may experience slower website speed than before. By following the tips mentioned in this article, you can significantly improve the speed of your Magento 2 store. Optimizing images, enabling caching, using a CDN, optimizing your database, enabling Gzip compression, minimizing HTTP requests, and choosing a fast and reliable hosting provider are so

How Will I Migrate Custom Themes And Custom-Developed Extensions From Magento 1.9.1 To Magento 2?

Magento 1.9.1 is a widely-used e-commerce platform that has been around for many years. However, with the release of Magento 2, many store owners are now considering migrating to the newer platform. Magento 2 offers a number of new features and improvements over its predecessor, including faster page load times, improved security, and a more streamlined admin interface.

One of the challenges of data migration from Magento 1.9.1 to Magento 2 is ensuring that custom themes and custom-developed extensions are properly migrated and remain fully functional on the new platform. This article will provide an overview of the migration process and discuss the stmageps required to migrate custom themes and extensions from Magento 1.9.1 to Magento 2.

Preparing for Migration

Before beginning the migration process, it is important to thoroughly review all custom themes and extensions on the existing Magento 1.9.1 website. This includes checking compatibility with Magento 2, identifying necessary changes and updates, and backing up website data to ensure that no important information is lost during the migration process.

  • Reviewing Custom Themes and Extensions:

The first step in preparing for migration is to review all custom themes and extensions on the existing Magento 1.9.1 website. This includes both commercial and custom-developed themes and extensions. It is important to determine which themes and extensions are necessary for the website to function properly, and which ones can be removed or replaced with Magento 2 native functionality.

  • Checking Compatibility with Magento 2:

Once all custom themes and extensions have been reviewed, the next step is to check their compatibility with Magento 2. It is important to ensure that all themes and extensions are compatible with the new platform before beginning the migration process. This can be done by checking with the developers of the themes and extensions or by reviewing the Magento 2 compatibility information provided by the developers.

  • Identifying Necessary Changes and Updates:

After checking compatibility, the next step is to identify any necessary changes or updates that need to be made to the custom themes and extensions in order to ensure compatibility with Magento 2. This may include changes to code, configuration settings, or functionality.

  • Backing Up Website Data:

Finally, it is important to back up all website data before beginning the migration process. This ensures that no important data is lost during the migration process and that the website can be restored to its original state in the event of any issues or errors.

Migrating Custom Themes

Migrating custom themes from Magento 1.9.1 to Magento 2 can be a complex process, but there are steps that can be taken to ensure a smooth and successful migration.

  • Explanation of Theme Migration Process:

The first step in migrating custom themes is to understand the migration process. This typically involves creating a new Magento 2 theme based on the existing Magento 1.9.1 theme, making any necessary changes or updates, and then installing and activating the new theme on the Magento 2 website.

  • Steps to Migrate Custom Themes from Magento 1.9.1 to Magento 2

1. Create a new Magento 2 theme: 

The first step is to create a new Magento 2 theme based on the existing Magento 1.9.1 theme. This can be done using Magento’s built-in theme migration tool or by manually copying over the necessary files and code.

2. Make necessary changes and updates: 

Once the new Magento 2 theme has been created, it is important to make any necessary changes or updates to ensure compatibility with Magento 2. This may include updating code to comply with Magento 2 coding standards, adjusting the layout and design to fit the new platform, and making any necessary changes to functionality.

Magento 2 migrations

3. Install and activate the new theme: 

Once the new Magento 2 theme has been created and updated, it can be installed and activated on the Magento 2 website. This can be done through the Magento 2 admin panel by selecting the new theme and activating it.

  • Best Practices for Ensuring a Smooth Migration:

In order to ensure a smooth and successful migration of custom themes, it is important to follow some best practices. These may include:

1. Testing the new theme: 

Before going live with the new Magento 2 theme, it is important to thoroughly test it to ensure that it is functioning properly and looks as expected. This can be done by creating a staging environment for testing and using it to test the new theme with various browsers and devices.

2. Keeping track of changes: 

It is important to keep track of any changes made to the custom theme during the migration process, as this will make it easier to troubleshoot any issues that may arise after the theme has been installed on the Magento 2 website.

3. Working with a developer: 

If you are not comfortable with the theme migration process, it may be helpful to work with a developer or agency that specializes in Magento 2 migrations. They can help ensure that the migration process goes smoothly and that the new theme is properly installed and functioning as expected.

Testing the Migrated Theme on the New Platform:

Once the new Magento 2 theme has been installed and activated on the website, it is important to thoroughly test it to ensure that it is functioning properly and looks as expected. This can be done by testing the theme on various browsers and devices, as well as ensuring that all functionality is working as intended.

Migrating Custom-Developed Extensions

Migrating custom-developed extensions from Magento 1.9.1 to Magento 2 can be a complex process, but there are steps that can be taken to ensure a smooth and successful migration.

Extension Migration Process

The first step in migrating custom-developed extensions is to understand the migration process. This typically involves reviewing the code of the existing Magento 1.9.1 extension, making any necessary changes or updates to ensure compatibility with Magento 2, and then installing and activating the new extension on the Magento 2 website.

Steps to Migrate Custom-Developed Extensions from Magento 1.9.1 to Magento 2

1. Review the code of the existing extension:

The first step is to review the code of the existing Magento 1.9.1 extension to determine what changes or updates need to be made to ensure compatibility with Magento 2.

2. Make necessary changes and updates: 

Once the necessary changes and updates have been identified, they can be made to the extension code to ensure compatibility with Magento 2. This may include updating code to comply with Magento 2 coding standards, adjusting the functionality to fit the new platform, and making any necessary changes to configuration settings.

3. Install and activate the new extension: 

Once the extension code has been updated, it can be installed and activated on the Magento 2 website. This can be done through the Magento 2 admin panel by uploading the new extension files and activating them.

Common Challenges and Ways to Overcome Them

Migrating custom-developed extensions from Magento 1.9.1 to Magento 2 can present various challenges, including compatibility issues, changes to the Magento 2 architecture, and differences in functionality between Magento 1.9.1 and Magento 2. 

However, there are steps that can be taken to overcome these challenges and ensure a successful migration.

1. Compatibility issues: 

One of the most common challenges when migrating custom-developed extensions is compatibility issues between Magento 1.9.1 and Magento 2. To overcome this, it is important to review the code of the existing extension and make any necessary changes to ensure compatibility with Magento 2.

2. Changes to Magento 2 architecture: 

Magento 2 has a different architecture than Magento 1.9.1, which can also present challenges when migrating custom-developed extensions. To overcome this, it may be necessary to make changes to the extension code to fit the new architecture.

3. Differences in functionality: 

Magento 2 also has some differences in functionality compared to Magento 1.9.1, which can present challenges when migrating custom-developed extensions. To overcome this, it may be necessary to adjust the functionality of the extension to fit the new platform.

  • Tips for reducing downtime and minimizing the impact on customers:

When migrating custom themes and extensions from Magento 1.9.1 to Magento 2, it is important to minimize downtime and reduce the impact on your customers. Here are some tips to help you achieve this:

Magento 1. 9. 1 to magento 2

1. Test in a staging environment: 

As mentioned before, it is important to test your custom themes and extensions in a staging environment before deploying them to your live site. This will help you identify any issues or conflicts before they affect your customers.

2. Test all functionalities: 

After migrating your custom themes and extensions, test all the functionalities of your store, including front-end and back-end functionalities. Make sure that all the functionalities are working as expected and that there are no issues or errors.

3. Test on different devices and browsers: 

Test your custom themes and extensions on a variety of devices and browsers to ensure that they are compatible and responsive. Make sure that your store looks and functions properly on desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices, and that it works well on popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.

4. Perform regression testing: 

Regression testing helps you identify any new issues or bugs that may have been introduced during the migration process. Test all the functionalities that were previously working in Magento 1.9.1 to ensure that they are still working as expected in Magento 2.

5. Test with real customer data: 

To ensure that your custom themes and extensions are working properly with real customer data, test them with real customer scenarios. This will help you identify any issues or errors that may not have been caught during previous testing.

6. Check for security vulnerabilities: 

After migrating your custom themes and extensions, check for any security vulnerabilities that may have been introduced during the migration process. Make sure that your store is secure and that customer data is protected.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your custom themes and extensions are working properly after migration to Magento 2.


Migrating custom themes and custom-developed extensions from Magento 1.9.1 to Magento 2 can be a complex process, but with careful planning and attention to best practices, it can be done successfully. 

By following the steps outlined in this article, including reviewing the code of existing themes and extensions, making necessary changes or updates, testing the new themes and extensions thoroughly, and working with a developer when necessary, you can ensure a smooth and successful migration to Magento 2.

In conclusion, migrating custom themes and extensions from Magento 1.9.1 to Magento 2 can be a complex process, but there are many resources available to help make it easier. By taking advantage of these resources and following best practices for migration, you can ensure a smooth and successful transition to Magento 2, and continue to provide a seamless online shopping experience for your customers.

How Long Does It Take To Migrate From Magento 1 To 2?

Magento is a popular open-source e-commerce platform that allows businesses to create and manage their online stores. Magento 1, the older version of the platform, was released in 2008 and has since become a favorite among small and medium-sized businesses. 

However, Magento 1 has reached its end-of-life, which means that it will no longer receive updates or security patches. This puts businesses at risk of security breaches and other issues. As a result, many businesses are considering migrating from Magento 1 to Magento 2, the newer version of the platform that offers improved features and security.

However, the migration process can be complex and time-taking, like several weeks (6 to 16). In this article, we will explore how long it takes to migrate from Magento 1 to 2 and what factors can affect the timeline.

Factors That Affect Magento 1 to Magento 2 Migration Timings

1. Size of the Store

The size of the store plays a crucial role in determining the time it takes to migrate from Magento 1 to Magento 2. Small stores with few products and simple functionalities may take less time compared to large stores with a vast number of products and complex functionalities.

2. Customizations

Customizations made on the Magento 1 platform will affect the migration process. It can range from simple changes to the site design to complex customizations that involve third-party integrations. The more complex the customizations, the more time it will take to migrate to Magento 2.

3. Data

Data migration is a very critical process when it comes to migrating from Magento 1 to Magento 2. The amount of data to be migrated and its complexity will affect the time it takes to complete the migration process. Data includes customer information, order history, product information, and content.

4. Extensions

Extensions are used to enhance the functionality of the Magento platform. The number and complexity of extensions installed on Magento 1 will affect the time it takes to migrate to Magento 2.

5. Theme

The theme used on the Magento 1 site will also affect the migration process. If the theme is custom-built, it may require additional work to migrate to Magento 2.

How Long Does It Take to Migrate from Magento 1 to Magento 2?

The time it takes to migrate from Magento 1 to Magento 2 varies depending on the factors mentioned above. However, the average time it takes to complete the migration process ranges from a few weeks to several months.

Magento 1 to Magento 2 Migration Process With Timelines

The following is a breakdown of the Magento 1 to Magento 2 migration process and the estimated time it takes for each stage:

1. Planning and Preparation Stage

This stage involves outlining the scope of the project, defining goals, and identifying the resources required. It also involves preparing the Magento 2 site, installing necessary extensions, and setting up the site theme.
This stage takes approximately 1–2 weeks.

2. Data Migration Stage

This stage involves migrating data from Magento 1 to Magento 2. It includes customer data, product data, order history, and other essential data. The time it takes to migrate data depends on the complexity and amount of data to be migrated. 
This stage takes approximately 1–3 weeks.

3. Customization Stage

This stage involves customizing the Magento 2 site to meet the specific needs of the business. It includes setting up payment gateways, shipping methods, tax rules, and other site functionalities. The time it takes to complete this stage depends on the complexity of the customizations required. 

This stage takes approximately 2–6 weeks.

4. Testing and Deployment Stage

This stage involves testing the Magento 2 site for any issues and ensuring that everything works correctly. Once everything is working correctly, the site is deployed to the live server.

Migrate from magento 1 to 2

This stage takes approximately 1–2 weeks.

5. Post-Migration Stage

This stage involves monitoring the site’s performance after the migration process and fixing any issues that may arise. This stage can last from a few weeks to several months, depending on the complexity of the site and the number of issues that need to be addressed.

Overall, the Magento 1 to Magento 2 migration process takes anywhere from 6 to 16 weeks, depending on the complexity of the site and the factors mentioned above.

Common Issues Encountered During the Migration Process From Magento 1 to Magento 2

The migration process can be complex, and businesses may encounter several issues that can increase the time for your migration process. 

The following are some of the common issues that businesses may encounter during the migration process:

1. Compatibility Issues

Some extensions, themes, or customizations may not be compatible with Magento 2, which can cause errors during the migration process. It is important to identify these issues during the pre-migration checklist and find suitable alternatives.

2. Data Integrity Issues

During the migration process, data can become corrupted or lost, which can cause issues with the store’s functionality. It is essential to perform a test migration and verify the data after the migration process.

3. Configuration Issues

Magento 2 has a different configuration structure than Magento 1, which can cause issues during the migration process. It is important to ensure that the Data Migration Tool is configured correctly to avoid configuration issues.

Why Migrate From Magento 1 to Magento 2 ?

Migrating from Magento 1 to Magento 2 can offer several benefits to online store owners. Some of the benefits include

1. Improved Performance

Magento 2 offers improved performance, faster loading times, and better scalability compared to Magento 1. This can lead to an increase in site speed and a better user experience.

2. Enhanced Security

Magento 2 is more secure than Magento 1, with regular security updates and patches. This can help protect your site and customer data from potential security breaches.

3. Better Mobile Experience

Magento 2 offers a responsive design, which means that your site will look great on any device. This can help improve the mobile user experience and increase customer engagement.

4. Improved Admin Panel

Magento 2 offers an improved admin panel, with a streamlined interface, better navigation, and improved functionality. This can help improve the efficiency of store management and streamline day-to-day operations.

Magento 1 to magento 2

Choosing the Right Magento 2 Migration Expert

Choosing the right Magento 2 migration expert is critical to ensuring a smooth and successful migration process. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a migration expert:

1. Experience: Look for a migration expert with significant experience in migrating from Magento 1 to Magento 2. Check their portfolio and testimonials from previous clients to ensure that they have a track record of successful migrations.

2. Technical Expertise: The migration process involves technical expertise in various areas such as data migration, customization, and testing. Ensure that the migration expert has the necessary technical skills and knowledge to handle your store’s migration.

3. Cost: The cost of migration can vary significantly depending on the complexity of your site. Obtain detailed quotes from several migration experts and compare them to choose the one that offers the best value for your budget.

4. Communication: Communication is crucial during the migration process. Ensure that the migration expert has clear and open communication channels and is responsive to your queries and concerns.

By considering these factors of Magento 2 Cost, you can choose the right Magento 2 migration expert to ensure a successful migration process.

WeDoWebApps LLC have highly skilled professionals which can reduce your migration time at an affordable cost. With an experience of over a decade, they are ready to flourish your business and needs with their personalized resources.


Migrating from Magento 1 to 2 is essential to ensure the store’s security and functionality. However, the migration process can be complex and time-taking. By following the pre- and post-migration checklists and understanding the factors that can affect the migration timeline, businesses can ensure a smooth transition to Magento 2. 

It is important to plan ahead and allocate sufficient time and resources for the migration process to ensure a successful outcome. 

MIVA merchant to Magento 2 migration

In today’s highly competitive digital landscape, having a robust and flexible e-commerce platform is crucial for the success of any online business. For businesses currently using the MIVA e-commerce platform, migrating to Magento 2 could be wise.

Magento 2 is a more powerful and feature-rich e-commerce platform than MIVA, offering enhanced functionality, better SEO capabilities, improved scalability and performance, and increased security and stability.

There are several reasons businesses might consider transitioning from MIVA to Magento 2. For one, Magento 2 is a more modern and up-to-date platform, better suited to meet the evolving needs of businesses in today’s fast-paced digital world. 

Additionally, Magento 2 is a more user-friendly platform that is easier to customize and tailor to the specific needs of individual businesses.

The following sections will discuss the key steps in migrating from MIVA to Magento 2, best practices, and tips to ensure a successful and smooth migration process.

Preparing for Migration

Preparing for a migration from MIVA to Magento 2 is an important step that requires careful planning and preparation. It’s essential to take the time to assess the current website’s functionality and design, identify necessary data and information to transfer, select a Magento 2 hosting provider, and create a migration plan and timeline.

The following steps and tips can help ensure a successful and smooth migration process:

  • Assessing the Current Website’s Functionality and Design

Before beginning the migration process, assessing the current website’s functionality and design is important. This will help businesses identify areas that need improvement and determine what features and functionality they want to carry to the new Magento 2 website. 

Additionally, businesses should review their website’s content and ensure it is up-to-date, relevant, and optimized for SEO.

  • Identifying Necessary Data and Information to Transfer

Another important step in preparing for migration is identifying the necessary data and information to be transferred to the new Magento 2 website. 

This may include product information, customer data, order history, and other relevant information. It’s essential to ensure that all data is transferred accurately and completely to avoid data loss or corruption.

  • Selecting a Magento 2 Hosting Provider

Choosing a reliable and high-performing hosting provider is crucial for ensuring the success of the migration process. Businesses should seek a hosting provider with fast page load times, high uptime guarantees, and strong security features. 

Additionally, it’s important to ensure that the hosting provider is compatible with Magento 2 and has experience with Magento 2 migrations.

  • Creating a Migration Plan and Timeline

Creating a comprehensive migration plan and timeline ensures a smooth and successful migration process. The plan should outline the specific tasks and steps involved in the migration, including recent data migration, website design, customization, and testing.

The timeline should include specific deadlines for each task and milestone to ensure the migration stays on track and is completed on time.

Tips for Ensuring a Smooth Migration Process

To ensure a smooth migration process, businesses should consider the following tips:

  • Test the migration process:

 Before beginning, businesses should test the tools and processes to ensure they work properly and can handle data transfer.

  • Back-up data:

 It’s important to back up all data and information before migrating to avoid data loss or corruption.

  • Communicate with stakeholders: 

Communicate with all stakeholders about the migration process and any potential website or business operations disruptions, including employees, customers, and suppliers.

  • Monitor performance: 

Continuously monitor the new Magento 2 website’s performance and promptly address any issues.

  • Train staff on using Magento 2:

 Ensure all staff members are trained to use Magento 2 and its features for a smooth transition.

Migrating from MIVA to Magento 2

Migrating from MIVA to Magento 2 requires a series of steps to be followed carefully to ensure a successful transition. In this section, we will provide a step-by-step guide to migrating from MIVA to Magento 2, including installing Magento 2, configuring Magento 2, migrating data from MIVA to Magento 2, migrating products, categories, and other content, migrating customer data and orders, and testing the new Magento 2 website.

Installing Magento 2

The first step in the migration process is to install Magento 2 on the server. This involves downloading the latest version of Magento 2 from the official website and uploading it to the server.

Once uploaded, the Magento 2 installation wizard will guide users through the installation process, including configuring database settings and creating an admin account. For more detailed information on installing Magento 2, refer to the official Magento 2 installation guide.

Configuring Magento 2

After installing Magento 2, the next step is configuring it to meet the business’s specific requirements. This involves setting up target store information, configuring payment and shipping address options, and customizing the website’s design and functionality. 

The Magento 2 admin panel provides a user-friendly interface for configuring these settings. Additionally, numerous third-party extensions and themes can be used to customize the website’s design and functionality further.

Migrating Data from MIVA to Magento 2

Once Magento 2 is installed and configured, the next step is to migrate data from MIVA to Magento 2. This involves transferring product information, customer data, order history, and other relevant information from the MIVA database to the Magento 2 database. 

Various tools and extensions, including the Magento 2 Data Migration Tool, can assist with this process. This Magento migration tool automatically allows users to migrate data from MIVA to Magento 2.

Migrating Products, Categories, and Other Content

After migrating data from MIVA to Magento 2, the next step is to migrate products, categories, and other content. This involves transferring all product information, including product meta description, images, and pricing, to Magento 2.

Additionally, categories, pages, and other content must be migrated. Various tools and extensions are available to assist this process, including the Magento 2 Product Import/Export Tool.

Migrating Customer Data and Orders

The next step is to migrate customer data and orders; in other ways, we migrate customers, preserving relationships. This involves transferring all customer information, including customer accounts, addresses, and order history, to Magento 2. 

Additionally, any outstanding orders from the MIVA website must be migrated to Magento 2 to ensure that customers’ orders are not lost during the migration process. Various tools and extensions, including the Magento 2 Customer groups Import/Export Tool, can assist with this process.

Testing the New Magento 2 Website

The final step in the migration process is thoroughly testing the new Magento 2 website. This involves checking all website functionality and supports migrating custom products, checkout processes, and other critical website areas. 

Magento 2 migration

Additionally, ensuring that all data has been transferred accurately and completely and that the website performs optimally is important. Businesses should test the website on different browsers and devices to ensure it is accessible and user-friendly for all visitors.

Key Differences Between MIVA and Magento 2

MIVA and Magento 2 are both e-commerce platforms that enable businesses to create and manage online stores. However, there are significant differences between these two platforms in terms of their features, functionalities, and capabilities. 

In this section, we will compare and contrast the key features and functionalities of MIVA and Magento 2, and discuss the advantages of Magento 2 over MIVA.

MIVA vs. Magento 2: Key Differences

MIVA is a proprietary e-commerce platform that provides businesses with various features and functionalities, including customizable design templates, SEO optimization tools, and a range of payment and shipping, and billing address options. 

Magento 2, on the other hand, is an open-source e-commerce platform that provides businesses with a more robust and flexible set of features and functionalities. 

Some of the key differences between MIVA and Magento 2 are:

  • E-commerce Features: 

Magento 2 provides more comprehensive e-commerce features, including product customization, dynamic pricing, customer segmentation, and advanced order management. MIVA, on the other hand, provides more basic e-commerce features, including basic product management, shipping, and payment options, along with tax class.

  • SEO Capabilities:

Magento 2 offers more robust SEO capabilities, including advanced URL management, meta-tagging, and canonical tags, which help improve website ranking and visibility. MIVA also offers SEO tools, but they are more limited in scope.

  • Scalability and Performance: 

Magento 2 is known for its scalability and performance, as it can handle large volumes of traffic and transactions without compromising speed or performance. MIVA, on the other hand, may struggle to handle large volumes of traffic and may experience slower load times.

  • Security and Stability:

 Magento 2 provides enhanced security and stability features, including advanced encryption, secure payment gateways, and various security patches and updates. MIVA also offers security features, but they are more limited in scope.

Advantages of Magento 2 over MIVA

There are several advantages of Magento 2 over MIVA, including:

  • More Robust and Flexible E-commerce Features: 

Magento 2 provides businesses with more comprehensive e-commerce features, including advanced product management, order management, and customer segmentation. This enables businesses to create more customized and personalized customer shopping experiences.

  • Better SEO Capabilities:

 Magento 2 offers more advanced SEO capabilities, which help improve website ranking and visibility. This can help businesses attract more traffic and customers to their websites.

  • Improved Scalability and Performance: 

Magento 2 is known for its scalability and performance, which enables businesses to handle large volumes of traffic and transactions without compromising speed or performance.

  • Enhanced Security and Stability:

 Magento 2 provides enhanced security and stability features, which help protect businesses from cyber threats and ensure their website is stable and reliable.

Post-Migration Tasks

Once the migration from MIVA to Magento 2 is complete, businesses must focus on post-migration tasks to ensure that the new website functions optimally and delivers the desired results. Here are some of the key post-migration tasks that businesses need to consider:

  • Monitor the new Magento 2 website for any issues.

After the migration is complete, businesses need to closely monitor their new Magento 2 website for any issues, errors, or bugs that may arise. This includes testing the website’s functionality, security, and compatibility with browsers and devices. Any issues or errors should be promptly addressed and resolved to ensure a smooth user experience.

Miva merchant to magento 2 migration

  • Conduct performance testing to ensure optimal site speed and functionality.

Site speed and performance are critical factors that can impact user experience and search engine rankings. Businesses should conduct regular performance testing to ensure their Magento 2 website is optimized for speed and functionality. 

This includes testing the website’s load times, page speed, and overall performance across different devices and browsers. Any issues or bottlenecks should be identified and resolved to ensure optimal site performance.

  • Optimize the site for SEO.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for driving traffic to the website and improving visibility on search engine results pages. After the migration, businesses should optimize their Magento 2 website for SEO, including optimizing page titles and descriptions, adding relevant meta keywords, and ensuring the website is structured and organized for easy navigation. 

Businesses should also implement best practices for on-page and off-page SEO to improve search engine rankings and drive more traffic to the site.

  • Implement new features and integrations.

One of the key advantages of Magento 2 over MIVA is its ability to integrate with a wide range of third-party applications and services. After the migration, businesses should consider implementing new features and integrations to enhance the website’s functionality and user experience. 

This includes integrating social media platforms, payment gateways, shipping providers, and other relevant services to streamline checkout and improve customer satisfaction.

  • Tips for ongoing maintenance and updates to the Magento 2 website

To ensure that the Magento 2 website continues optimally, businesses should perform regular maintenance and updates. 

This includes updating the website’s themes, extensions, and modules to the latest versions, fixing any bugs or issues that may arise, and keeping the website’s content up to date. 

Businesses should also monitor their website analytics to track key metrics such as traffic, conversion, and bounce rates and make necessary changes to improve performance and user experience.

In addition to the tasks outlined in the previous section, businesses should consider several other post-migration tasks to ensure the ongoing success of their Magento 2 website.

 Here are some additional tips:

  • Monitor website security

After the migration, monitoring the website’s security is important to protect it against potential security threats. This includes implementing security best practices such as using strong passwords, limiting access to sensitive website areas, and regularly scanning the website for vulnerabilities. 

Businesses should also consider implementing additional security measures such as SSL encryption, two-factor authentication, and firewall protection to enhance website security further.

  • Implement analytics and reporting tools.

Analytics and reporting tools are essential for tracking key metrics such as website traffic, user behavior, and sales performance. Businesses should implement analytics and reporting tools such as Google Analytics and Magento 2’s built-in reporting features to track these metrics and gain insights into how the website performs. 

This information can then be used to make data-driven decisions about website optimization and marketing strategies.

  • Provide ongoing customer support.

Providing ongoing customer support is crucial for maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty. After the migration, businesses should ensure that their customer support team is equipped to handle any questions or issues that customers may have with the new Magento 2 website. 

This includes providing comprehensive training for customer support staff, creating detailed user guides and FAQs for customers, providing support, migrating customer passwords, and ensuring that customer support channels such as phone and email are easily accessible and responsive.

  • Continuously improve the website.

A website is never truly finished – there is always room for improvement. After the migration, businesses should continuously improve the website’s functionality, user experience, and performance. 

This includes regular testing and optimizing the website’s design, content, and features and conducting user surveys and feedback sessions to gain insights into how the website can be improved. By continuously improving their website, businesses can stay ahead of the competition and provide customers with an exceptional online experience.


Migrating from MIVA to Magento 2 can be a complex process, but it’s often worth it for businesses looking to take their e-commerce operations to the next level. Magento 2 offers a range of features and functionalities that can help businesses improve their website’s performance, scalability, security, and SEO capabilities. 

However, the key to a successful migration is proper planning and preparation and ongoing maintenance and optimization after the migration is complete.

Following the steps outlined in this guide, businesses can ensure a smooth migration process, from preparing to completing post-migration tasks. They can also benefit from the experiences of other businesses that have successfully migrated to Magento 2 and experienced the benefits firsthand. 

Whether you’re a small business owner or a large enterprise, migrating to Magento 2 can help you stay ahead of the competition and provide your customers with an exceptional online shopping experience. So, take the first step and start planning your migration today!

How to Manage your store after Magento 2 migration

If you are an online store owner who has recently migrated data to Magento 2, congratulations! You’ve taken an essential step towards improving your website’s performance and providing a better user experience to your customers.

However, your work still needs to be completed! After migration, it is crucial to manage your store effectively to ensure its smooth operation and growth.

This article provides a technical outline on how to manage your store after Magento 2 migration. 

We will cover essential migration management tasks and best practices for effectively managing your magento store development services, optimizing its performance, and increasing sales.

What To Do After Magento 2 Migration – Preparation Guide

Once you have completed migrating to Magento 2 it’s time to make your store user-friendly and fully operational. But how to do so effortlessly? You can follow the below steps:

Step 1: Analyze Magento 2 Store Setup

Review your product data catalog, customer database, orders, and any customizations made to your store.

2. Plug-in Features and Extensions

Identify the features and extensions that can make your Magento stores more powerful and seek help to integrate them for enhancing customer experince.

3. Opt For Best Data Migration Tools

Some popular data migration tools include Magento’s official Data Migration Tool, LitExtension, and Cart2Cart. So, you can pick up what suits your migration needs.

4. Creating a Backup of Your Current Magento Stores

Before you start the migration process, creating a backup of your current marketplace store is essential. This backup ensures you have a copy of your store’s migrated data in case of any unexpected issues during the migration process. 

You can create a backup using your hosting provider’s backup tools or Magento’s built-in backup functionality.

Magento 2 Store

How To Manage Your Magento 2 Store After Migration?

After analyzing your Magento data store, identifying features you want to add, choosing the data migration tool, and creating a backup for your product data catalogue and customer base, you are ready to start managing your Magento 2 store.

Managing magento stores involves updating your theme, checking and updating extensions, testing your website’s functionality, redirecting old URLs, updating incremental data, and importing your data into Magento 2. 

Additionally, you must manage your products, customers, promotions, payments, shipping, and reports effectively to optimize your store’s performance and profitability.

1. Managing Products

Product management is crucial for the success of your online store, so add and update your products regularly to keep your Magento store development services and inventory up to date. 

In addition to product descriptions, images, and media files, you should ensure your pricing information is accurate and complete. This will help customers make easy decision-making when making purchases.

In Magento 2, you can create product categories and attributes to help customers find it easier to browse your store. These attributes include color, size, and material to help customers filter their search results and find the products that match their preferences.

Product management inventory is also essential to avoid stockouts and ensure customers can purchase desired items. You can manage your product inventory in Magento 2 by setting minimum and maximum stock levels, setting up alerts for low stock levels, and use automatic stock replenishment features.

2. Managing Customers

Managing customer accounts is an essential aspect of running an online store. You should create and manage customer accounts, orders, and invoices to provide a personalized experience to your customers. 

In Magento 2, you can easily create and manage customer accounts from the admin panel. You can manage customer orders and invoices to ensure that orders are processed smoothly, and customers receive their purchases on time. 

Magento for ecommerce stores helps configure customer groups and pricing to provide targeted pricing and promotions to specific customer segments. 

For example, you can offer discounts or special pricing to repeat customers or customers who purchase products in bulk.

3. Managing Promotions

Promotions can help you increase sales and retain customers. You can create and manage promotional campaigns to offer customers discounts, free shipping, or other incentives. 

In Magento 2, you can create promotional rules and conditions to specify the conditions under which promotions apply. For example, you can offer a 10% discount on all products for a limited time or free shipping for orders over a certain amount.

Additionally, you can configure shopping cart price rules to offer targeted promotions based on customer behavior and order history. For example, you can offer a discount on a specific product to customers who have purchased related products in the past.

4. Managing Payments and Shipping

Configuring payment and shipping options is an essential part of managing your Magento commerce store. You should offer a variety of payment options to customers, including credit cards, PayPal, and other payment gateways. 

Additionally, setting up shipping rates and methods is important to ensure customers receive their orders on time and at a reasonable cost.

By introducing Magento for ecommerce stores, you can easily configure payment and shipping options from the admin panel. For example, you can set up different payment methods and shipping carriers, such as USPS, FedEx, and UPS, and configure shipping rates based on weight, destination, or other criteria.

5. Managing Reports and Analytics

Monitoring your store’s performance is essential to optimize its performance and identify areas for improvement. You can use Magento 2 reports to monitor sales, customer behavior, and other metrics. 

You can access various reports from the Magento admin panel, such as sales, product, and customer reports.

Additionally, you can use Google Analytics to track website traffic, user behavior, and other important metrics. This data can help you make informed decisions and optimize your store’s performance. 

By analyzing your store’s data, you can identify which products are popular, which marketing channels are effective, and which areas of your website need improvement.

Moreover, staying updated with the latest features and updates in Magento 2 is essential to give your customers the best experience. To make your Magento store more equipped, you must analyze your store’s data,  make informed decisions and optimize your store’s performance. 

Following these best practices, you can successfully manage your store after the Magento 2 migration plan and achieve long-term success.

Magento 2 Migration


Managing your store after Magento 2 migration is more than just checking off a to-do list of tasks. It is a continuous process of refining and improving your online business to meet the ever-changing needs of your customers and the market.

The key to success is managing your store, actively listening to your customer database, and understanding their needs. This means regularly gathering feedback, tracking performance metrics, and adjusting your strategies through data migration tools.

As you navigate managing your Magento marketplace store, remember that it is not just a technical exercise but a creative one. You have the opportunity to showcase your brand’s personality, communicate your values, and build a loyal following of customers who resonate with your message.

Ultimately, the most successful online businesses manage their store effectively and cultivate a strong brand identity and a loyal customer base. 

So, take the time to understand your customers, refine your strategies, and embrace the creative possibilities of managing your Magento 2 store. Then, use a Magento store development company like WEDOWEBAPPS LLC for professional help. 

Volusion to Magento 2 Migration: Most Detailed Guide

Volusion ecommerce has been ruling the ecommerce world since 1999.

Unfortunately, the ecosystem didn’t keep up with advanced technologies and hence today the Volusion ecommerce is much smaller than Magento commerce. 

And that’s the reason why so many small businesses and large organizations migrate from Volusion to Magento 2

Magento 2 is highly customizable, scalable, and optimized for mobile devices, making it an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes. Magento 2 also boasts a large and active community of developers and users who provide support and assistance..

While both platforms offer a range of features and benefits, Magento 2 is generally considered more flexible and scalable than Volusion, with more customization options and a more comprehensive range of integrations and extensions. 

So, if you are looking to migrate from Volusion to Magento 2, this guide is for you. Let’s begin.

Stage 1: Preparing for the Volusion to Magento Migration Process

Step 1: Evaluating the current Volusion store and identifying potential issues to address during migration.

Migrating from Volusion to Magento 2 is a complex process that requires careful planning and execution. Before you start the migration, it’s important to evaluate your current Volusion store and identify any potential issues that may arise during the migration process

After discussing with various users, we found some of the major problems in the process like data files migration, losing product categories, and altered import settings.

Step 2: Evaluate Magento 2 Store hosting provider

Hosting and server have a direct impact on your eCommerce store’s performance and that’s why you need to choose one which can manage your prevailing traffic with respect to Magento 2 theme.

Step 3: Select required extensions and integrations 

The next step involves picking up highly-functional extensions and integrations which can give you better control for your new store like payment gateways, shipping providers, and marketing tools.
Magento migration services

Stage 2: Data Migration Process

Step 1: Export Data From Volusion And Import to Magento 2

Data migration process is a crucial step as you need to hire Magento migration experts to export data from Volusion and import to Magento 2 without any data loss. Doing this without any tool or experts can be complex owing to the fact that both Volusion and Magento 2 are based on different data structures and formats.

Step 2: Ensuring Data Accuracy And Addressing Any Issues That Arise During The Migration Process.

Before you begin the data migration process, ensuring data accuracy is important. This involves carefully reviewing all data to ensure it is complete and accurate. You may need to clean up data and resolve any data inconsistencies before importing it into Magento 2.

Stage 3: Magento 2 Store Customization

Step 1: As per the new store’s design and layout, you need to work on optimizing the design to ensure higher user experience.

So, if you are planning to customize your Magento 2 store you must work on making your store easy to navigate, clear CTA buttons, mobile responsiveness and optimization. 

Step 2: Magento 2 Extensions and Integrations Installation

Added functionalities come with Magento 2 and for that you can look out for various extensions and integrations available. With extensions you can enable various payment gateways, shipping functionalities, tools for data analysis.  Ensure to check reviews of these tools as they can make your store slow down in terms of loading or rendering. 

Stage 4: Test and Launch Magento Store

Step 1: Find bugs after frontend and backend testing

They say, the more you test your Magento 2 store the better you can make it. And that’s true as when you test, you get to know if all the functions are performing well and as intended. In this, you should also do a small market test within your team and take feedback related to user experience and make sure all processes are optimized.

Step 2: Launch your Magento eCommerce store

After all debugging and testing, it’s time to follow some of the right practices to launch your Magento store and ensure you pick up a day on which your site has maximum traffic. 

Also, before launching don’t forget to take the final backup of your store so that you have a copy. We understand you have already tested your store, but it’s crucial to re-test so that all the data is intact and functions like payment gateways are working fine.

Once everything is set, it’s time to plan an email shootout with some attractive offer – this will help in two ways. One, your audience knows about the new store launch (if design is changed), and two offers will entice them to shop and you can check if order processing is working fine. 

Understanding the Differences Between Volusion Ecommerce and Magento 2

It’s important to understand the key differences between Volusion and Magento 2. 

Volusion is an all-in-one e-commerce platform that provides businesses with everything they need to launch and manage an online store. But, Magento 2 is a more flexible and powerful e-commerce platform when your business eCommerce store demands complex features and functionalities be it extensions or tools to manage ever-growing product catalogs.

While Volusion is a good option for small to medium-sized companies with comparatively simple e-commerce needs, Magento 2 is better suited for companies with more extensive catalogs, complex pricing structures, and advanced customization needs. 

Furthermore, Magento 2 is an open-source platform, giving companies more control over the features and appearance of their online stores.

Reasons why businesses should consider Volusion Store to Magento 2 Store migration:

1. Scalability

2. Customization

3. Mobile Optimization

4. Better SEO

5. Better Support

So, if you are a business which is planning to scale your eCommerce business, migrating to Magento 2 from Volusion is the most suitable option.

Read also about Handy Magento 2 Migration Checklist For Your E-commerce Business

Volusion to Magento 2 Migration

Final Thoughts 

When it comes to migrating from Volusion to Magento 2, careful planning and execution are crucial for a successful transition. Therefore, it’s important to work with experienced developers who can guide you through the process and ensure that everything is set up correctly, from data migration to SEO optimization. 

One of the most important considerations is ensuring that your site is redirected correctly, which can help preserve your existing SEO rankings and prevent any traffic loss. 

Ultimately, migrating from Volusion to Magento 2 can offer significant benefits for your online store, including increased flexibility, scalability, and improved performance and data security. 

However, careful planning and execution are critical to ensuring a smooth transition and making the most of these benefits. By working with Magento 1 to Magento 2 migration service from WEDOWEBAPPS LLC and taking the time to plan and execute the migration process properly, you can ensure that your online store is set up for success in the long run.

How To Import Product Reviews From Magento 1 To Magento 2

Magento develops new and innovative features providing customers with opportunities available only through third-party extensions. But, unfortunately, it lacks vital data transfer functions like importing product reviews to/ from Magento 2. 

However, there is always a resolution in a massive ecosystem of modules. That is why you need to know why you should import reviews to a better customized and responsive Magento 2 platform. 

Have a look!

Why You Should Import Reviews From Magento 1 To Magento 2

Remember to import customer reviews of each product if you plan to migrate your eCommerce store from Magento 1 to Magento 2. Reviews help build trust with potential customers, provide valuable feedback to companies, and even optimize SEO results for eCommerce stores. 

Unfortunately, copying and pasting product reviews to Magento 2 is time-consuming and error-prone. Overall, migrating your product reviews to Magento 2 ensures a smooth transition for your eCommerce store.

Several reasons make it a good idea to import product reviews from Magento 1 to Magento 2:

1.Retain valuable customer feedback:

Recover your feedback to identify areas for improvement in your products and services. You can also increase customer loyalty and satisfaction.

2.Build trust with potential customers:

Positive reviews of your products can alleviate potential customers’ concerns and encourage them to purchase your product and build trust. 

3.Improve search engine optimization:

Adding product reviews can boost your website’s search engine optimization. Increase your website’s organic traffic and sales by importing your existing reviews. By doing so, you can improve your site’s search engine rankings.

4.Save time and resources:

The advantage of importing your existing product reviews is saving time and resources that would otherwise be used on soliciting new reviews.

So, now you know why you should import product reviews, let’s know how to export-import them from Magento 1 to Magento 2. 

Below we have given step-by-step instructions on how to export-import product reviews from Magento 1 to Magento 2. 

With these steps, you will receive valuable customer feedback on your site and make your brand more trustworthy not just that you can also utilize Magento 2.3.4 to improve your platform and enhance its security.

Thus, let’s explore how to do it! 

Steps To Import Product Reviews From Magento 1 To Magento 2

Product reviews are one of the essential pieces of data to transfer between Magento 2 and Magento 1. Magento 2 is equipped with an easy way for product reviews import-export process from Magento 1, which can help retain customer feedback.

Exporting Product Reviews From Magento 1

It is crucial to ensure that all of your online store’s data, including product reviews, is transferred as part of the Magento migration process. For this reason, it is not easy to migrate your Magento 1 store to Magento 2. 

However, your store’s Magento 1 customer reviews will be valuable to import into your new Magento 2 store if exported from Magento 1.  Luckily Magento exports products CSV file to Magento 2 is a simple process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Log into the Magento 1 admin panel to get started. You can manage your Magento store, add products, manage orders, and export data in this area.

Step 2: The Magento 1 admin panel has a main menu. You can choose “System” and then click “Export reviews.” Once you have accessed the export section, you can select which entity types you wish to export.

Step 3: The export section has a drop-down menu labeled “Entity Type.” Select “Reviews” from this drop-down menu to export product reviews.

Step 4: Selecting “Reviews” will redirect to the “Export File Format” section. Choose an XML or CSV file, depending on which is best suited to your needs.

Step 5: Select which fields to export in the “Export Settings” section. It displays fields like product name, customer name, and review summary by default. 

You can deselect any of these fields if you do not want to export them, or it will export all the reviews.

Step 6: The “Export File” section allows you to choose the destination for the export file. You can save it either locally or on an external drive. First, enter an easy-to-remember file name for the export file.

Step 7: After choosing the destination and naming the export file, click the “Export” button. The process of exporting your product reviews data will start and will save it to the specified location. 

It may take some time to complete the process, depending on the size of your export data.

Import Product Reviews From Magento 1 To Magento 2

Importing Product Reviews To Magento 2

As part of the Magento migration process, it is critical to import product reviews. Product reviews help customers make informed buying decisions and enhance your online store’s credibility. 

In addition, transferring your product reviews to Magento 2 ensures customers can see them on your new website when you switch. Magento 2 offers a straightforward procedure for importing product reviews from Magento 1. 

The following section will guide you through the importing steps.

Step 1: To import your product reviews into Magento 2, you must log in to the admin panel of Magento 2. Logging into the Magento 2 store allows you to add products, manage orders, and import data.

Step 2: Import entity types from System > Data Transfer > Import: From Magento 2’s admin panel, navigate to “System” and then select “Data Transfer.” Select “Import” from the drop-down menu.

Step 3: You will find a drop-down menu labeled “Entity Type.” Select “Product Reviews” from this drop-down menu to import your product reviews.

Step 4: You can choose XML or CSV file formats based on the file format you used to export the data from Magento 1. Once you have selected “Product Reviews,” you will see the “Import Settings” section.

Step 5: In the “Import Settings” section, click the “Choose File” button and select the exported file you saved earlier in CSV or XML format from your computer.

Step 6: The “Import Behavior” section allows you to pick an import behavior, such as “Add/Update,” “Replace,” or “Delete.”

Step 7: You can match the fields in your exported file to those in your Magento 2 store in the “Field Mapping” section.

Step 8: Click “Check Data” after mapping the fields. When there are no errors, click “Import” to begin the import process. The import process may take some time, depending on your product review data size.

Follow these steps to successfully import your Magento 1 product reviews into Magento 2 and display all imported reviews.

Troubleshooting Common Issues While Importing Product Reviews from Magento 1 to Magento 2

When migrating from Magento 1 to Magento 2, several issues are common. These issues range from minor glitches to significant problems that delay the process. 

For a smooth and successful migration, problems must be troubleshot and resolved. Here are some common issues you should be aware of.

1. Database structure

When migrating from Magento 1 to Magento 2, it is essential to understand that the database structure can be problematic if not handled properly. In addition, since Magento 2 export database has a different structure than Magento 1, you may need help importing data. 

To troubleshoot this issue, ensure that your Magento export database structure is followed by optimizing data mapping tools.

2. Extension compatibility

Magento 2 export database is built differently than Magento 1, so some extensions may not be compatible with Magento 2. Before migrating to Magento 2, ensure that your extensions are compatible. You can also search for alternative extensions compatible with Magento 2 to avoid this issue.

3. Data format

Data format compatibility issues can arise during migration. Since Magento 1 and Magento 2 have different data formats, like review titles and product-related data, you must ensure your data is correctly formatted before importing it. Data mapping tools can assist you with this process.

4. Data volume

Whenever you migrate a large volume of data from the Magento export database, you may experience performance issues on your server. To avoid this, you should break down your migration into smaller batches, monitor the performance of your server, and increase its resources if necessary.

Migrating from Magento 1 to Magento 2


Migrating from Magento 1 to Magento 2 can be challenging, but with careful planning and the right approach, you can smooth the transition to export Magento products. 

Following the steps outlined in this guide and troubleshooting any common issues you may encounter will ensure your migration is completed efficiently and smoothly. 

You can also adapt to Magento 2.3.4 and enhance the performance and security of your ecommerce platform. So, take your time, test everything thoroughly, and ask Magento experts for help if needed. Then, with patience and perseverance, you can switch to Magento 2 and benefit from its enhanced features.

Migration From Amazon Webstore To Magento 2.0

Amazon Marketplace Web Service (MWS), brought the much-needed revolution in the ecommerce industry. 

A good deal of e-commerce sellers started their ecommerce journey from Amazon. 

However, as your business grows,  Amazon stores can be quite limited in one area – that is flexibility. 

You are confined to Amazon’s UI and its rules, pricing. Not to mention people expecting low prices on Amazon Magento on the other hand, has full flexibility. 

You can choose your own theme, payment gateways, pricing, servers etc. 

Best of all, you don’t have to share part of the revenue with an aggregator. 

So, let’s get you started on your Amazon to Magento migration journey and pave the path for improved performance. It can be a great idea to migrate from Amazon Marketplace Web Service to Magento 2.0.

Prerequisites For Migrating Your Amazon Store To Magento 2.0 

Migrating your Amazon store to Magento 2.0 can be a complicated process, and there are several things you must keep in mind before embarking on the migration. 

Tip 1: First, you must confirm that your existing Amazon web store is compatible with Magento 2.0 and examine whether any extensions or third-party integrations you presently use are also consistent with Magento 2.0.

Tip 2:  Next, you must decide which data you have to migrate to Magento 2.0 and make sure that you have a steadfast migration plan to move your data correctly and safely. 

Tip 3: Then you must consider how you’d like your Magento 2.0 store to appear and feel, and decide whether you wish to retain your current design or execute a new one. If you intend to customize your Magento 2.0 store, make sure you have the required dexterity or resources to do so. 

Tip 4: It is also important to pick the most suitable time to migrate your Amazon web store to Magento 2.0, considering any extreme periods for your business, seasonal changes, and other factors that may affect your sales. Creating a budget for your Magento 2.0 migration project, considering the fee of any third-party extensions, design and development work, and other related costs.

Also, before launching your Magento 2.0 store, ensure you comprehensively test all parts of your site, such as functionality, user experience, and performance. Furthermore, If you lack the required technical expertise in-house, think about employing a skilled Magento 2.0 migration service provider to help you with the migration process.

Step-By-Step Guide For Amazon Web Store To Magento Migration

Migrating your Amazon web store to Magento 2.0 is a complicated process. However, it can likewise turn out to be an ideal opportunity to upgrade your online store’s performance, capabilities, and functionality. 

Nevertheless, following the proper steps ensures a well-ordered and successful migration. 

This guide will summarize the steps you must follow to conveniently migrate your Amazon web store to Magento 2.0, such as evaluating your data migration needs, testing the migration process, and training your team for the transition.

Step 1 – Preparation

Before going ahead with the Amazon web store to Magento 2.0 migration, you must pay heed to the below settings and do the following preparation:

  • Make sure you have created a backup of your Amazon web store.
  • Assess your data migration needs, such as product information, appropriate Amazon pay settings, customer data, ipn url, order history, Amazon pay extensions, payment details, integration settings, and configuration settings.
  • Pinpoint if you have made any front-end customization on your Amazon web store, such as themes and extensions, and review their compatibility with Magento 2.0.
  • Examine the hosting environment because Magento 2.0 has distinct hosting requirements, such as PHP and MySQL versions, and make sure your hosting environment has been set correctly and fulfills the needs before migrating.
  • Prepare the migration timeline by devising a detailed strategy that delineates the migration process’s steps and time frame, including testing and training periods.
  • Permission to upload files to the Amazon Webstore store.
  • Permission for Magento in order to access the connector. 
  • PHP Compatibility: PHP 5.3 and so on.

Step 2 – Setup

In order to create a perfect setup for your Magento 2.0 store, you will first have to download a Magento migration tool. To give you an example, we’ll be using “LitExtension” throughout the guide so that you can follow the same steps and employ them later when migrating your Amazon web store to Magento 2.0.

Next, you will have to extract the ZIP file that you have downloaded from the LitExtension store.

Then you will have to install cart migration but ensure you have installed it successfully by following the correct installation procedure.

Follow these steps for Magento 1 to Magento 2.0 migration:

  • Step 1: First, you’ll have to access your Magento store using an FTP program and either copy or upload all folders in the zip package to your Magento site root folder. It won’t result in automatic file transfer or overwrite any current files, but will only add new files to the folder structure. 
  • Step 2: In the SSH console of your new server, you’ll have to navigate to the store root folder, for example: cd path_to_the_store_root_folder. 

Then run the following commands: 

php -f bin/magento module:enable LitExtension_Core 

php -f bin/magento module:enable LitExtension_CartImport 

php -f bin/magento setup:upgrade 

php -f bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy 

  • Step 3: Clean the store cache and then log out from the Backend and log in again. 
  • Step 4: Permit Admin Account Sharing to make sure the migration progress won’t be intercepted when you log in to Admin from any other device or place. Now go to Backend> Stores > Configuration > Advanced Tab > Admin > Admin Account Sharing change to “YES.”

Next, you’ll be exporting data from Amazon Webstore to CSV files. 

  1. Exporting Products to CSV Files 
  • First, sign in to your Amazon Webstore admin account. 
  • Then go to https://your_shop_domain/api/1/commerce/products 
  • And copy the text and save it as a file, for example, “Products.txt.” 
  • Continue to the Import Data step of Migration. 
  • Upload Products.txt file. 
  • Move to the next step of the Migration. 
  1. Exporting Order to CSV Files 
  • Again, do the same. Sign in to your Amazon Webstore admin account. 
  • Then go to Commerce -> Orders and click the “Export CSV” button, which you can find on the top. 
  • Save or download the file on your desktop. 
  • Move to the Import Data step of Migration. 
  • Upload Orders.csv file. 
  • Then move to the subsequent step of your Migration.

Step 3 – Finding And Using The License Key:

The License Key is an encoded string you’ll get with your download package. This key is required to activate your Migration Tool. 

After you have purchased the product, log in to the store (that you are using for migration) and go to the “My downloadable products” section. There you will see the download link and licence key for your download package.

License key

Next, you’ll have to log in to your Magento Target Store backend, click on Cart Migration > Configuration, and then copy and paste your licence key.

Cart migration

Step 4 – Final Migration Process:

Now let’s move to the Amazon Webstore Setup. 

First, you will have to fill out all the required information in the setup table: 

  • Cart URL: Your Amazon Webstore URL 
  • Importing your files 4.2 

Migration Configuration:

Migration configuration

  • Root Category: The existing Magento store’s category to import the entire Amazon Webstore categories.
  • Product Attribute Set: choose an Attribute Set which will be employed to import products; all crucial attributes in the migration process will be made into this set. 
  • Languages Mapping: If your Amazon Webstore is multilingual, related languages must be there in the Target Magento Store. You may have to develop extra languages in the Magento Store in order to evade data loss. 
  • Currencies Mapping: Allocate Amazon pay Webstore currencies to accurate Target Magento Store currencies. Making currencies in Target Magento Store might be required. 
  • Orders Status Mapping: Allocate Amazon Webstore order statuses to appropriate Target Magento Store order statuses. Making extra order statues in Target Magento Store might be required. 
  • Entities to Migrate: pick all entities to migrate or simply a portion of them.

Entities to migrate

The migration will happen automatically in this last step. To continue, you must not close your browser or extract Source Cart Connector. After finishing the migration, click “Clear Cache and ReIndex Data” to complete.

Cart migration

That’s all for now, which can be done independently. 

Data Migration Prerequisites: List All The Data That You Can Conveniently Migrate from Amazon Store to Magento 2.0

When you are migrating your Amazon Web store to Magento 2.0, you can easily migrate the following data:

  • Products and Categories: You can migrate all your product and category information, such as SKUs, product descriptions, images, prices, as well as stock levels.
  • Customer Data: You can also migrate all your customer’s information, such as names, email addresses, shipping and billing addresses, and order history.
  • Orders: You can migrate order details as well, for example, order number, product information, shipping and billing details, payment information, and order status.
  • Reviews: You can migrate customer reviews and ratings for your products too.
  • Content Pages: You can migrate all your static content pages, including about us, contact us, and other pages.
  • Tax Rules: You can migrate tax rules and rates relevant to your Amazon store.
  • Payment and Shipping Techniques: You can migrate your payment and shipping techniques employed in your Amazon store to Magento 2.
  • Coupons and Discounts: You can migrate your coupon and discount codes.
  • SEO Data: You can even migrate your SEO data, such as meta titles, meta descriptions, and keywords.

The migration process may vary based on the size and complexity of your Amazon Web store, and you may require the assistance of an expert Magento 2 migration service provider to ensure a trouble-free and successful migration. 

Why Is It A Great Idea To Migrate Your Amazon Web Store To Magento 2.0? 

Migrating Amazon Web Store to Magento 2.0 is a great idea and can give you multiple benefits, some of which are summarized below:

  • Enhanced Speed and Performance: Magento 2.0 has been optimized for quicker page loading times and enhanced overall performance, which can enhance the user experience for your customers and result in increased conversion rates.
  • Improved Security: Magento 2.0 has improved security features such as two-factor authentication, enhanced hashing algorithms, and enhanced encryption protocols to safeguard your online store from likely cyber threats.
  • Enhanced User Interface: Magento 2.0 delivers a more intuitive and user-friendly interface that is simple to navigate and customize, permitting you to create an exceptional and engrossing shopping experience for your customers.

Magento 2 integration 

  • Improved Mobile Responsiveness: With more and more people shopping online from their mobile devices, Magento 2.0 has been developed to be completely responsive, guaranteeing that your store looks amazing and works flawlessly on any device.
  • Cutting-Edge SEO Capabilities: Magento 2.0 has state-of-the-art SEO abilities that can enhance your website’s search engine rankings and drive more traffic to your online store.
  • Customization Choices: Magento 2.0 delivers more customization options than ever, letting you personalize your store per your needs and create an awe-inspiring online shopping experience.

Benefits of Amazon Store To Magento Migration

Integrating your Amazon store with Magento 2 can be a great option that can give you multiple benefits. 

Benefit #1: Manage inventory from a centralized platform

When you integrate your Amazon store with Magento 2, you can manage and organize your products, orders, customers, and inventory from a centralized platform, making handling your online business more manageable. 

Benefit #2: Market Your Products on Multiple Sales Channel

Integrating your Amazon store with Magento 2 allows you to market your products on numerous channels, such as your own website, Amazon, and other marketplaces, enabling you to reach a vaster audience and drive more sales.

It can also help you retain track of your inventory levels and avoid overselling, guaranteeing that you always have sufficient stock to meet customer orders and offers amazing custom templates too. 

Benefit #3: Automate Order Processing

Moreover, you can automate your order processing workflows, decreasing the chance of blunders and saving you time and effort.

Merging your Amazon store with Magento 2 provides a seamless and uniform customer experience across all your sales channels, ensuring that your customers have a joyful experience when interacting with your brand. 

Ultimately, integrating your Amazon store with Magento 2 can assist you in streamlining your operations, expanding your reach, and providing a more satisfactory customer experience, eventually resulting in improved sales and earnings for your business.

Benefit #4: Get Access To Advanced Reporting Tools
You can also access state-of-the-art reporting and analytics tools to track your sales, customer behavior, and other fundamental metrics to help you make data-driven decisions to expand your business.

Magento 2

Things To Keep In Mind Before Migrating Your Amazon Store To Magento 2.0 

Before you go ahead with migrating your Amazon web store to Magento 2.0, there are some things that you must keep in mind, and they are as follows:

  • Devise Your Magento Migration Strategy: First, you must devise a thorough strategy that recapitulates the procedure of migrating from the Amazon web store to Magento 2.0. The strategy must have the time frame, resources needed, and the steps involved in the migration.
  • Evaluate the Data Migration Prerequisites: You will have to assess the data needed to migrate, such as product information, customer data, order history of customer groups, and payment details. Make sure that you have all the required data to carry on with the migration.
  • Assess the Hosting Environment: Magento 2.0 mandates distinct Hosting provisions, such as PHP and MySQL versions. Make sure that your Hosting environment fulfils the prerequisites before migrating.
  • Test the Magento Migration Process: Before migrating, you should definitely test the process to assure that everything functions as anticipated. Test the data migration, extensions, themes, and customization to bypass any problems during the final migration.
  • Assess Compatibility: Review if your Amazon web store’s extensions, themes, and other customizations are compatible with Magento 2.0. You may have to upgrade them or discover options that are compatible with Magento 2.0.
  • Be Ready for Downtime: The Magento migration process may need downtime, during which your website might be inaccessible to customers. Schedule things accordingly to counteract the effect on your business.
  • Instruct Your Team: Coach your team on using Magento 2.0, including managing products, customers, orders, and other essential tasks.

Take Data-Driven Decisions With WEDOWEBAPPS 

Migrating your Amazon Web Store to Magento 2.0 can be a smart decision for businesses that seek to grow their online presence and equip their customers with an improved shopping experience. 

While the Amazon web store to Magento migration process may be demanding and need a considerable investment of time, effort, and up-to-date resources, the advantages of the transition can far outrank the expenses. 

With Magento 2.0, businesses can benefit from a more adaptable, scalable, and customizable platform that can assist them in achieving their e-commerce objectives. 

Besides, with Magento’s vast ecosystem of extension installation and integrations, businesses can improve their store’s functionality and optimize their operations. 

Thus, if you are thinking about migrating from Amazon Web Store to Magento 2.0 or want to build your ecommerce store it is important to carefully assess your alternatives and operate with WEDOWEBAPPS LLC only to guarantee a seamless transition that satisfies all your business requirements.

Shopware to Magento 2 Migration

E-commerce has become increasingly popular for businesses to sell their products and services online. With the rise of online shopping, companies need an e-commerce platform that can handle the demands of online transactions. Various e-commerce platforms are accessible, each with unique features and advantages.

Your online business’s success depends on selecting the best e-commerce platform. The right platform can help you reach your target store and audience, increase sales and improve customer satisfaction. However, with so many available options, it can be difficult to determine which platform best fits your business.

In this context, migrating from Shopware to Magento 2 is a relevant choice – it’s like walking with the trend. Shopware and Magento 2 are both popular e-commerce platforms that offer a range of features and benefits. However, certain advantages to migrating from Shopware to Magento 2 make it a relevant consideration for many businesses.

This article will explore the importance of choosing the right e-commerce platform and why migrating from Shopware to Magento 2 is relevant. We will examine the features and benefits of each platform, as well as the advantages of migrating from one platform to the other. 

By the end of this article, you will better understand the importance of choosing the right e-commerce platform and whether migrating to Magento 2 is the right choice for your business.

Understanding Shopware and Magento 2

When choosing an e-commerce platform, businesses often consider the features, scalability, and support that each platform offers. Shopware and Magento 2 are the most popular e-commerce platforms with features and benefits.

Overview of Shopware and its features:

Shopware is a German e-commerce platform that was first released in 2000. Today, it has tons of installations worldwide. It is known for its intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it a good choice for businesses that want to quickly set up an online store without needing a lot of technical expertise.

Shopware offers a range of features, including:

  • Customizable templates and themes: 

Shopware allows businesses to customize their online store to match their brand and style by offering customizable templates and themes.

  • SEO optimization tools

Shopware provides various SEO optimization tools that help businesses improve their website’s search engines rankings, such as meta description tags and descriptions, XML sitemap generation, and more.

  • Multi-language and multi-currency support:

Shopware supports multiple languages and currencies, which makes it easier for businesses to expand their base of customer ids and sell products to a global audience.

  • Marketing and promotional tools: 

Shopware provides businesses with various marketing and promotional tools, including discounts, vouchers, and newsletter subscriptions.

Overview of Magento 2 and Its Features:

Magento 2 is an open-source e-commerce platform that was first released in 2015. Its advanced features and customization options have become a favorite among developers and businesses of all sizes.

For making a magento store offers a range of features, including:

  • Advanced product management and inventory tracking: 

Magento 2 provides businesses various advanced product management tools, including multi-level product categories, configurable products, and inventory tracking.

  • Customizable templates and themes:

Like Shopware, magento shop changes offer customizable templates and themes, which allow businesses to create a unique and professional-looking online store.

  • SEO optimization tools: 

Magento 2 provides migration SEO urls optimization tools, such as meta tags and descriptions, XML sitemap generation, and more, to help businesses improve their website’s search engine rankings.

Magento 2 migration

  • Payment and shipping options: 

Magento 2 supports payment and shipping price and options, including PayPal, credit card payments, and shipping via DHL, UPS, and other carriers.

  • Multi-language and multi-currency support: 

Magento 2 supports multiple languages and currencies, making it easier for businesses to reach a global audience.

  • Scalability and performance optimization:

Magento 2 is known for its scalability and performance optimization features, which make it a good choice for businesses that expect their online store to grow over time.

Comparison of Shopware and Magento 2:

While both Shopware and Magento 2 offer a range of features and benefits, there are some key differences between the two platforms that businesses should consider when choosing an e-commerce platform and hiring experts for Magento 1 to Magento 2 migration services.

  • Ease of use:

Shopware is known for its intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it a good choice for businesses that want to set up an online store quickly. Magento 2, on the other hand, has a steeper learning curve and may require more technical expertise.

  • Customization: 

Shopware offers many customization options, but Magento 2 offers even more advanced customization options and features.

  • Pricing: 

Shopware offers a range of pricing plans starting at $600 per month. At the same time, Magento 2 is a free, open-source platform that offers additional features and support through paid plans, tier price and extensions, and migration plugin.

Reasons for Migrating from Shopware to Magento 2

Shopware and Magento 2 are two popular eCommerce platforms that offer various features and functionalities to online businesses. While Shopware is known for its user-friendly interface and ease of use, Magento 2 is preferred for its scalability and flexibility.

In this section, we will discuss the reasons for migrating from Shopware to Magento 2, including the limitations you may face having a shopware store, the advantages of Magento 2, and a cost comparison between the two platforms.

Limitations of Shopware

  • Limited Scalability: 

Shopware is a great platform for small to medium-sized businesses. However, as the business grows, Shopware may be unable to keep up with the increasing demand for more complex features and functionalities.

  • Limited Extensions: 

Shopware has a limited number of extensions available compared to Magento 2. This can limit the customization options for online stores.

  • Less Support: 

Shopware has a smaller community than Magento 2, which means fewer resources are available for support and problem-solving.

  • Steep Learning Curve: 

Shopware may not be as user-friendly as some other eCommerce platforms, which can lead to a steep learning curve for users.

Advantages of Magento 2

  • Scalability: 

Magento 2 is designed to handle large-scale eCommerce businesses, making it a great choice for businesses that are growing rapidly.

  • Extensive Extensions: 

Magento 2 has many extensions, providing online stores with numerous customization options.

  • Large Community:

Magento 2 has a large and active community of developers and users, so plenty of resources are available for support and problem-solving.

  • Flexibility:

Magento 2 is a highly flexible platform that allows online stores to customize their websites according to their specific needs and preferences.

Cost Comparison between Shopware and Magento 2

The cost of migrating from Shopware to Magento 2 depends on several factors, including the size and complexity of the online store. However, in general, Magento 2 may be more expensive than Shopware.

  • License and Subscription Fees

  • Shopware offers both free and paid licenses.
  • Magento 2 also offers a free license, but the Enterprise Edition can cost up to $22,000 per year for larger businesses.
  • Hosting Costs

  • Shopware and Magento 2 require hosting, with the cost varying depending on the hosting provider and the hosting package chosen.
  • Magento 2 has a reputation for requiring more server resources and higher hosting costs due to its complex architecture, while Shopware is generally less resource-intensive.
  • Development and Design Costs

  • Migrating from Shopware to Magento 2 requires significant development work, including data migration, theme customization, and module development.
  • Magento 2 has a steeper learning curve, which can result in longer development times and higher development costs compared to Shopware.
  • Third-Party Integrations and Add-ons

  • Shopware and Magento 2 have a large community of developers and third-party providers offering various integrations and add-ons.
  • However, some third-party integrations may be more expensive for Magento 2 due to the complexity of the platform.
  • Maintenance and Support Costs

  • Shopware and Magento 2 require ongoing maintenance and support to ensure optimal performance and security.
  • Magento 2 may require more frequent updates and patches due to its complexity, which can result in higher maintenance costs.
  • Training Costs

  • If you are migrating from Shopware to Magento 2, you may need to provide training for your team on how to use the new platform.
  • Magento 2’s steeper learning curve may require more extensive training, resulting in higher costs than Shopware.

Overall, migrating from Shopware to Magento 2 can be more expensive due to the platform’s complexity and higher development costs. However, it’s important to consider the long-term benefits of a more robust and feature-rich platform when deciding.

Planning the Migration

Migrating from Shopware to Magento 2 can be a daunting task that requires careful planning to ensure a smooth transition. Shopware and Magento 2 are robust ecommerce platforms with different functionalities, features, and limitations.

Therefore, it’s crucial to plan carefully to minimize disruptions to your business operations, ensure that your new platform meets your business requirements and objectives, and identify potential risks and challenges that may arise during the shopware migration process.

Importance of Planning

Migrating from one ecommerce platform to another can be a complex process that requires careful planning. Proper planning ensures the migration process is smooth, efficient, and successful. 

Planning can help you:

  • Identify potential risks and challenges and plan accordingly
  • Determine the resources required for the migration, such as time, budget, and personnel
  • Minimize disruptions to your business operations while migrating
  • Ensure that your new ecommerce platform meets your business requirements and objectives

Steps Involved in Planning the Migration

Here are the key steps involved in planning the migration wizard from Shopware to Magento 2:

  • Analyze your current ecommerce platform

  • Assess your current ecommerce platform’s functionality, features, and limitations
  • Identify areas for improvement or customization in your new platform
  • Define your business requirements and objectives.

  • Determine your business objectives for migrating to Magento 2
  • Identify the key features and functionality you need in your new ecommerce platform
  • Choose a migration method.

  • Decide whether to perform the migration yourself or hire a professional service.
  • Select a migration tool that supports Shopware to Magento 2 migration.
  • Plan for data migration

  • Identify the data you need to migrate, such as customer, order status, product, and shipping.
  • Ensure that your new platform is compatible with your data format and structure.
  • Develop a data migration plan, including mapping, cleansing, and validation.
  • Plan for customization and development

  • Identify areas that require customization, such as themes, extensions, and integrations.
  • Plan for the development of custom features, modules, and extensions
  • Ensure that your new platform can handle your customizations and integrations
  • Plan for testing and training

  • Develop a testing plan to ensure that your new platform functions as expected.
  • Plan for user training to ensure that your team can effectively use the new platform

Data Migration Process

Data migration is a critical part of the migration process. Here are the key steps involved in data migration:

  • Extract data from your current ecommerce platform

  • Extract data from your Shopware platform using a migration tool
  • Ensure that the data is in a compatible format for Magento 2
  • Map and transform data

  • Map your data from Shopware to Magento 2 data structures
  • Transform and cleanse the data as needed
  • Load data into Magento 2

  • Load your data into Magento 2 using a migration tool
  • Validate the magento data to ensure that it has been successfully migrated
  • Verify and test data.

  • Verify that your migrated data is accurate and complete
  • Test your data to ensure that it functions as expected in Magento 2

Planning is crucial when migrating from Shopware to Magento 2. Proper planning can help ensure the migration process is efficient, successful, and meets your business requirements and objectives. 

Data migration is a critical part of the migration process, and careful planning and execution can help you ensure that your data is accurately and completely migrated to Magento 2.

E-commerce platform

Post-Migration Testing

After the migration process, it’s essential to perform post-migration testing to ensure the new site functions correctly. Here are some key aspects of post-migration testing:

Importance of Post-Migration Testing

Here are some important points describing the importance of Post-migration testing:

  • Ensures that the new site meets all the functional requirements and objectives
  • Helps to identify any bugs, errors, or performance issues that may have occurred during the migration process
  • Minimizes the risk of site downtime and loss of revenue
  • Helps to ensure that the customer experience is not impacted negatively

Types of Testing to Perform

  • Functional Testing: 

Ensure that all the site functions and features work correctly.

  • User Acceptance Testing:

Ensure that the site meets user requirements and expectations.

  1. Performance Testing: 

Evaluate site performance and identify areas for improvement.

  • Security Testing: 

Ensure that the site is secure and protected from potential threats.

Resolving Issues that Arise During Testing

While testing, it’s possible that some issues might arise. Here are some points that can help you deal with and resolve the issues that arise:

  • Document and prioritize all issues that arise during testing
  • Work with your migration assistant development team to identify the root causes of any issues
  • Develop and implement a plan to address and resolve all identified issues before launching the new site

Launching the New Site

After successful testing, it’s time to launch the new site. Here are some key aspects of launching the new site:

Importance of Launching the New Site

  • Minimizes disruptions to your business operations
  • Ensures that your customers have access to your new site as soon as possible
  • Enables you to start generating revenue on your new site

Steps to Follow When Launching the New Site

  1. Notify your customers of the new site launch and provide them with relevant information, such as new URLs and login credentials.
  2. Redirect all previous URLs to their corresponding new URLs
  3. Conduct a final check to ensure all site functions and features work correctly.
  4. Deploy the new site to the live environment.

Best Practices for Site Launch

Here are some best practices for site launch that you can follow up on:

  1. Conduct a soft launch before a full-scale launch to minimize risks.
  2. Monitor site performance and user feedback after the launch to identify any issues that may have been missed during testing.
  3. Be prepared to address any issues that may arise after the site launch.

Post-Migration Maintenance

After launching your new site, it’s important to perform regular maintenance to ensure it continues functioning correctly. 

Here are some key aspects of post-migration maintenance:

Importance of Post-Migration Maintenance

  • Minimizes the risk of site downtime and loss of revenue
  • Ensures that the site remains secure and protected from potential threats
  • Helps to identify and address any performance issues or bugs that may arise over time

Regular Site Backups

  • Develop and implement a regular backup schedule to ensure your site data is safe and can be restored during data loss.

Updates and Patches

  • Ensure your site is updated regularly to address any security vulnerabilities or bugs.
  • Monitor site performance and user feedback after updates to identify any issues that may have arisen due to the update.

Post-migration testing, new site launching, and post-migration maintenance are essential aspects of migrating from Shopware to Magento 2. Careful planning and execution of these tasks can help ensure a smooth and successful transition and minimize disruptions to your business operations.


Migrating from Shopware to Magento 2 requires careful planning, execution, and support to ensure a successful transition. The process involves several critical steps, including customer data migration, customization, development, testing, site launch, and maintenance. 

Working with an experienced migration partner can help make the process smoother and more successful. With proper planning, execution, and support, migrating to Magento 2 can be a valuable investment in the long-term success of your ecommerce business.