Building an App for iPhone

Among the most popular operating systems out there, iOS stands near the top of the list. There is a massive number of iPhone users worldwide, and that number doesn’t seem to decrease. Its popularity is soaring with the release of the new iPhone X and iPhone 8. Most of the increase in customers is seen in foreign markets such as India and other developing countries.

Businesses and organizations tend to lean toward developing their app. Instead of going to the generic path of the Android app, they are more inclined towards the iOS market. iOS Applications have more aspects to them than the other platforms. The iPhone App Development market has taken flight, and we are going to discuss it in this post.

Basics of Building an App for iPhone

In this world of coming of age technology, it has become necessary to provide services for the iOS development company. I have an iPhone Application that can seriously boost business growth and also its popularity. Many such companies offer those services. But Building an App for iPhone has become rather easy.

Developing iOS apps is not as difficult as it was back in the day. Now, with technology improving and everything, developers are feeling prone to making iOS apps over the mainstream approach. That is why Apple has made the entry barriers lower so that developers can make the most use of the SDK. Let’s see how to develop an iPhone App from the bottom up.

Getting Started

Before jumping into developing the app, there are a few things to keep in mind. Anyone can develop an app on their own with the right set of skills and knowledge. Signing up as a developer on Apple is one of the first steps. Registration will give you access to tools and other materials to support the development. Signing Up is necessary to get the Software Development Kit.

Apple Development Profile

Sign up on Apple using an Apple ID or make one specifically for developing purposes. Registration as a developer doesn’t require any payment, but selling apps do. It costs £69 per month to sell apps on the iTunes Store. Apple has lowered the barrier for rookie app developers to make the process easy. Developers will have an easier time with these services at their disposal.

setting a goal and Coding.

Set up a proper goal before getting iOS Development Company services. Figure out the app’s features and how it is required to function. Map out the app’s ultimate motive and what is designed to do. The strategy of the app is also an essential factor that plays a role in the pre-development process. Also, one needs to have a rough idea about the app’s interface and its control settings. After that, Coding can be done by self or by hiring a developer.

Hiring Professionals

There are iOS Development Company services that make the rest of the process easy. They will build an App for the iPhone as per the specifications and also according to the needs and in a professional manner. They have experienced iPhone App developers with the required expertise that is needed for the development process.

Coding the Application

Coding an application or a game can be quite easy of the new developers have the right set of tools. Proper guidance, like tutorials on the internet, can help a significant bit. They can do the Coding on their own provided that they have enough knowledge about the Building an App for iPhone procedure.

Benefits of Building an iPhone App with iOS Development Company

Building an iPhone app presents many possibilities and benefits. Whether it is for an individual or a business, iOS Applications are sure to benefit them both. Here are a couple of reasons why one should decide on availing the services of the iOS Development Company. The reasons given below are not just something that is made up but proved things with proof to back it up.

  • Markets: iPhones and iOS devices are pretty popular all over the world. Apple has been steadily growing in the smartphone market over the years, which makes it a perfect choice for introducing new apps. The number of users switching over to iOS is increasing by the passing day. That makes it easier to penetrate the market of developed countries as well.
  • Easy testing: Apple regularly rolls out iOS updates for iOS devices. But the number of devices operating on iOS is minimal. When an update comes out, all of them are updated with the latest version. Those who aren’t will also be updated soon enough. There are not many versions of iOS in the market, so it makes the testing of iPhone apps easier.
  • Security: Apple’s iOS has extraordinary security measures to protect iPhones from external threats and viruses. Apart from that, one of the main concerns while choosing an iOS Development Company is also security. Online payments are also encrypted and secure. It prevents threats like phishing and hacking.
  • Return on Investment: iOS is for the premium user base, and the earnings from iOS apps are considerably higher than for Android Apps. Android apps only rake in around 10% of the amount of what was invested in making them. Opposed to that, iOS apps earn enough to cover the costs and as well as propel a business into financial stability.
  • Market Image: As anyone with an iOS device knows that only best and tested applications make it to the iTunes App Store. So with Building an App for iPhone, it is a sure thing that the app gets a place in iTunes. The presence also means that it will be seen as a reliable app and attract more customers.

Here in this post, everything from availing iOS Development Company Services to its benefits has been explained. This guide will be helpful to iOS developers. We hope that the job helped make the underlying message clear about building apps for the iPhone platform.

How much does it cost to develop an app in 2020-detailed overview?

There is no such industry or sector that remains untouched by technology. The past decade has seen a significant rise in hand-phone users which has paved the way for numerous apps to be built across genres. From buying a piece of jewellery to booking a ride to carrying out bank transactions while on the go, our lives have become so much easier, thanks to the sturdy apps. Today small and large scale businesses are investing heavily in mobile app solutions. Connecting with your audience through apps is not only a great marketing tactic but an effective medium to share the latest updates and offers. 

Seeing the current trend, you would be contemplating about designing an app for your business. If that’s the reason you’re here and reading the article, the question that you’re looking an answer to would be- how much does an app cost? Well, that’s a difficult question to answer in one word. An app development cost depends on various aspects. What are the features you’re looking for, how complex would the app be, the platform the app will be based on are few of the questions basis which any mobile app development agency would share a figure. The starting range for app development is $ 50,000 which includes basic features and necessities. As you keep adding multiple pages and asking for a custom design and complex infrastructure, the development cost multiplies. Moreover, the cost also depends on the region where it’s being designed. North America and Australia are the most expensive countries demanding between $ 150-180 per hour for iOS and Android. In India and Indonesia, developing an app is relatively cheaper which falls between $ 10-30 per hour. So let’s head on to understand what are the factors which affect the app development cost and how to reduce unnecessary costs. 

Investment in the platform

The first question which helps an agency to determine the cost for building an app is finalizing the platform on which the app will be built on. There are two frameworks which can be used to build an app:

  • Native mobile app development
  • Hybrid or cross-platform app development. 

Native app development means that the app will be coded in the language which is particular to the platform however a hybrid or a cross-platform app is when an app is built through a shared operating environment and is supported by several mobile platforms. As compared to Hybrid or Cross-platform apps, Native apps offer superior performance, the interface built is compliant to the platform which means the app is scalable and various features and functions can be improvised in the future. Hybrid apps, on the other hand, do give you the benefit of building one app for all platforms simultaneously however the flipside to it is that applications might run slower because of the slow response of the interface and problems with debugging. 

Android vs iOS or both

While developing an app, another question that we spend a considerate amount of time getting an answer to is which operating system should we choose for our application? Factors like market share, development cost and complexity, app maintenance, etc need to be thought over before making the final decision. Developing applications for both platforms differ significantly. From different programming languages to development environments, both platforms differ greatly. If you’re planning to go ahead with Native mobile app development and choose one particular operating system, the price difference for creating an app between the two platforms remains the same. However, if you’re planning for your app to be present on both the platforms, then there will be a relative increase in the cost of development. 

Category of the Mobile App

The type of app that you are designing also makes a difference to the overall cost. A basic app will have limited functions whereas a social networking app will have more various other functions to be incorporated like chats, data sharing which in turn will require a wider wireframe to operate. 

App Development Time and Resources

Before the work starts, app development companies share the total number of hours in which the app will be built basis the requirements they have received regarding the app features, design elements, etc. A simple app with basic features will take 500-700 hours on average for development whereas a complex app with custom designing will take more than 1000 hours. Depending on the complexities of design, a team is put together which generally includes a project manager, UI/UX designer, app developers, business analyst to count a few. The more complex the app is, the greater will be the resources used. Like we earlier discussed, different regions have different costs for developing apps, therefore it’s a smarter decision to outsource the work to a country like India or Indonesia which charge a lesser per hourly rate as compared to North America or Australia. App development has four stages wherein each stage has its own cost budgeted costs. 

Pre-development stage

This is the most initial stage for planning and researching how the app needs to be built, the features it needs to incorporate, the timeline for the project, etc.  

App development stage

As the header suggests, the developers and the supporting teams start building the wireframe of the app. 

  • Pre-release stage

Once the app is ready, it’s thoroughly tested for glitches, bugs, etc post which the necessary changes are made. These changes can either be incorporated within a short span of time or can delay the launch of the app if a lot of work is needed to rectify the functionality. 

  • Post-release stage

This is where the complete app is ready and is available for users to experience the application. It also includes maintenance costs and various updates an app might need to stay relevant to the changing trends. 

All four stages have their own additional costs which are additional to marketing costs, third-party integrations, backend development and other related costs. These are some of the factors which will help define the total cost for an app although an app development company along with your research for the app will be able to help you allocate the right budget for building an app. Find out more on how to shortlist on the best mobile app development company


How Much Does It Cost To Build B2B E-Commerce App?

Till a few years back, launching a company website was just a tick in the box for having all your promotional tools in place. As technology grew, we learned how to utilize the space for better productivity and revenue generation. And here we are today, with technology teaching us how to maximize our business through websites, apps, and many other avenues. Well, today in the tech-driven era, every brand has learned the language of branding, publicity, marketing, and many other jargons we come across daily. Millions are spent to reinforce the brand not only to the consumers but to the retailers as well. While some manufacturers are still learning to walk, there are some who are winning the race by taking their B2B business operations directly to their business customers with the help of a strong task force. Companies are hiring developers, UI designers or approaching a react native development company to bring out the best app in terms of aesthetics, functionality, etc.  

Is an app needed for your business?

Before we start digging deeper to find out what is the cost for building a B2B E-commerce app, it’s important to understand what the need is and will the final result be able to fulfil the need to its maximum potential. The challenge today that many manufacturers face is how to keep their brand relevant and in-demand amongst their prospective customers while staying ahead of the competition. An answer to this is effective marketing and brand visibility which leads us to explore the right avenues to promote our business. This is where many businesses falter trying to conform and follow what others are doing. What might be working for others isn’t necessary that it might work for your business. What your product is, how is it perceived, what is your market are a few basic questions that need to be answered right before we step up on the ladder to explore the right channels.

Your business is as strong as the technical team.

The boom in technology has laid out several opportunities not only for businesses to prosper but also for the people working behind the scenes to make sure businesses gain mileage and head in the right direction. React native development has changed the face of mobile app development, enhancing every feature. To put the idea into motion, the right talent is brought together from UI designers, backend developers, analysts and a whole bunch of talented individuals needed to achieve the best results after putting pieces of technology together. Thanks to the increased number of smartphone users all over the world, business is much more accessible. Today, one of the simplest means to improve the productivity of your business and help customers shop as per their convenience is to introduce an app. And if you have the right resources, it’s quite an easy task, thanks to react native development. Having said that, you might want to know how to go about the designing element, whom to approach, and how much to allocate.  

All the factors will fall into place; however, the important question remains on the budget to set apart for the marketing project. The cost of an e-commerce app depends on many factors however the most important one is getting the right talent to overthrow the competition. Businesses hire react developer, Information Architects, and many other teams of artistic designers who actually change the game. Let’s explore!

App designing checklist

Though the app is to facilitate buying convenience for your customers, we must know what the customer thinks of your brand. First off, initiating market research to know more about your customer demands would be helpful. The market research will give better clarity on questions like if an app is needed for the business, would customers want to engage on the platform, what they would prefer seeing on the app. The right answers will not only help to set the app apart from the competition but also understand what the demand is. The next step is basic but the most essential. Don’t forget your competitors. Taking advantage of your competitor’s weakness is something that is being done since time immemorial. This will put you at an advantage of keeping the app as diverse as needed and enhanced, avoiding any glitches, faults, etc. Lastly, to build an e-commerce app, you either need to hire developers or zero down on an agency to help you with the process. Though the cost of the app depends on how complex the functionality of the app will be, it is also subject to the services being offered, the design, user interface, architecture etc. This is where a frontend development company assists in combining creativity and innovation together. The platform on which the app will be available also plays a big role in determining the spend figure. Since both the platforms work differently, the cost will increase if you decide to have the app available on both platforms i.e iOS and Android. Other factors like the app size, the advanced and external features like data sync, geolocation targeting, push notifications, in-app calling, and messaging are few other features that determine the total cost for building an e-commerce app.

How much does it cost to build a B2B e-commerce app?

The cost to create an app ranges from $20,000 to $40,000 however this is a rough estimate. The more comprehensive an app is; the greater the designing cost will be. The core objective of an app is to be user-friendly, attract, and engage the customer while ensuring a good experience. The app can be user-friendly if the design and the app framework is well designed by the frontend development company. To achieve this, advanced technologies, integration of third-party APIs and resources are needed which very often come at a higher price and impact the overall cost of building an app. Hire a developer or an application designing agency to finalize the scope of work because once the business model has been finalized, the total time taken to finish the project, the app performance are key capacities that need to be taken into account.


As mentioned earlier, the exponential growth the smartphone industry has seen is worth commendable and it is slated to grow even further in the times to come. Without a doubt, B2B e-commerce apps too will see the traction with more and more apps coming into existence to meet the supply and demand chain. In order to develop the e-commerce industry further, mobile application development also needs to be taken into consideration. Having an app for e-commerce proves to be a loyalty device, encouraging more transactions while enhancing customer experience. Lastly, all you have to do is hire react developer or connect with a react native development company who are experienced in developing the right app for your business. 

Getting Services of Mobile Development Company

The requirement of Mobile development has also enhanced at a higher pace. As of now, out of the total mobile phone users, smartphones constitute almost 80%. It could be an audience for many business owners for the expansion of their business. The present blog on, Availing Services of Mobile Development is an ultimate guide about the essential considerations to be kept while getting services of a Mobile development company.

How to avail services of a Mobile development company?

Here are some things to keep in mind while selecting a Mobile development company. Know about them in brief.


Mobile development constitutes of different types of platforms. Such as Android, iOS, Windows mobile as well as Cross Platform. A business owner can either go through all of them one by one or can launch his application on all of them simultaneously. He should determine whether a company is compatible with creating a request for a given platform.

Area of Scope

Now, the area of scope differs from business to business. There are various fields where we can find the usage of a mobile app. It should be clear that it could help the company you are hiring and capable of delivering the app in a niche of your requirement.


It is also necessary to check out the experience of the company in mobile development. Developing an app is a tough task. It demands expertise, innovation, as well as knowledge for developing a practical application. All this comes with time. Thus, a company needs to have sufficient experience to provide excellent service to their clients.


Developers of the company must be well versed in the app development procedure. They might be familiar with various tools and techniques to create a highly efficient application. Apart from that, they must know about variant frameworks. In this manner, they can deliver a versatile, high-quality application as per the business owner’s requirement. They must also remain in touch with the business owner to have his feedback on the app and make changes as per necessity.

Cost-Efficient Services

For competing other organizations, the rates of app development must be cost-effective. It will get the company more orders, and it can stay ahead of them with a large margin.

On-Time Delivery of Project

For any organization, it becomes the utmost necessity to deliver the project on time. Business owners prefer the company that follows the commitment. Thus, the company must provide the app to the client on or before the date of delivery.

In the present blog on Availing Services of Mobile Development, we explained to you the points one needs to consider while offering services of Mobile development company. We also told you why a business owner must get a Mobile application and its significance at present in the market.

Android Apps and Microsoft 11 Update: Everything you Need to Know

The new Microsoft 11 Update! Sounds interesting, right? Microsoft finally announced the latest update after 2015, long six years. This update was announced with a fresh new design and features aimed at modernizing your PC and helping you to be more productive regardless of what you are using, be it a desktop or a laptop. With the help of Intel & Amazon, your favorite Android Apps will have a new home. You read it right: Android Applications will finally come on Microsoft 11 with a boom. With the latest Microsoft store, you will be able to search for your favorite apps. 

Microsoft 11 Update

The new Microsoft 11 update announcement was made by the Chief Product Officer at Microsoft Panos Panay in a Microsoft event on Thursday. Android Apps are something that people have been trying to run on Windows PCs for a long time, but now it is actually going to happen as the updated OS has already been announced. Good News for the android app developers and the users as well. It sounds like you might not need anything else than Windows 11 to get your android apps working on your PCs.

Windows 11 is going to come later this year, and it will bring an all-new user experience by allowing Android apps to run natively. Microsoft, in its event on Thursday, showcased through a quick demo of how it is bringing Android apps on Windows 11 update. In addition, the Redmond company partnered with Amazon to incorporate Amazon Appstore within Microsoft Store to allow people to download the android apps on Windows 11 PCs. However, the new update of Microsoft 11 will also have Intel’s proprietary runtime compiler that will allow Android apps to run on Windows PCs natively. Exciting, right? 

Intel helped to make it achieve

Now that Intel has partnered with Microsoft, Windows 11 won’t be relying on an Android device being connected to your PC. Instead, the android applications will run on them natively using Intel’s technology named Intel’s Bridge Technology – it is a runtime post-compiler that allows applications to run on x86-based devices. Intel announced in its related windows 11 announcement.

Basically, instead of getting Android App Developers to convert their apps for Windows, Microsoft has collaborated with Intel to run them in Windows 11 without any code changes successfully. As a result, AMD and Arm chips won’t need Bridge to run Android apps, either. 

Amazon is Part of the Deal

While Intel has shaken its hands with Microsoft, it’s not Google who will deliver the apps to the users; instead, they will be offered by Amazon. Amazon’s AppStore will be integrated with Microsoft’s updated store, and you will be able to install apps directly from there. Just like Microsoft, even Amazon’s struggles cannot be neglected. Amazon, too, has struggled to get android app developers to deliver Android apps for the App Store. Amazon’s Fire tablets run on the latest and modified version of Android. Anyone who owns an Amazon Fire tablet can tell you that there are many holes in what is available, due to which people end up installing Google’s Play Store.

What the new Microsoft 11 update for Android Apps actually is?

Android Apps will be natively built into Microsoft 11 – This means you can access these apps through the new Microsoft Store. A change that android app developers and the audience is waiting for so long. Even though users could access android apps on Windows 10 PC in some instances, however, Windows 11 will be the first-ever case where everyone can easily be able to access the Android Apps. 

How does it work?

Android apps will be available in the new Microsoft Store through Amazon’s App Store. To access nearly 5,00,000 android apps, you’ll need to download the Amazon App Store. These apps include Disney Plus, TikTok, Netflix, Pinterest, Uber, and many more. However, it won’t be possible to access every Android App available on the Google Play Store with this Microsoft 11 update. Once you download the Amazon Appstore and sign up or sign in to the Amazon App Store, then you’ll be able to search for free or paid Android apps as you do on any other platform. In addition, Android apps available with Microsoft 11 will be integrated into the Start bar. Also, they will appear on the Taskbar with their windows. 

Ever since the announcement was made, one central question that strikes people’s minds is will windows 11 be free? If you are a Windows 10 user, it will be a free upgrade for you. 

Why do you Need Android Apps on Microsoft 11 Update?

There might be significant reasons to run Android apps on Windows, apart from android developers looking to test their apps on it.

Several popular android applications don’t have native Windows or completely featured Web versions. Even major applications like Instagram offer limited functionality on the web versions on Windows. Having your favorite applications on your PC makes your workflow smoother since you don’t have to make a mess between the two devices.

Apart from that, several apps require extensive interaction, and they could be benefited via a keyboard and a mouse. Additionally, gamers would like to play their favorite Android games on the Windows PC with the exclusive new feature and better control their streaming experience.

Amazon App Store on Microsoft 11

The android application determination on the Microsoft Store on the new Microsoft 11 Update is fueled by the organization’s neighbors in Seattle, i.e., Amazon. The Amazon Appstore will allow Windows 11 clients to get Android applications from the Microsoft Store with a recognizable search and browsing experience. 

Right now, Amazon Appstore is accessible on the organization’s lineup of Fire gadgets. These are mainstream gadgets, yet the number of applications can’t be compared with the number of applications available on the Google Play Store. The best method of downloading Android applications on all mobile phones outside of China. 

Amazon App Store

Notwithstanding, the association could rejuvenate Amazon Appstore by offering android app developers a chance to provide their applications to a crowd of millions of Windows users waiting for the Microsoft 11 update. I utilize the words’ opportunity and ‘potential’ instead of offering a positive expression because the Microsoft Store on Windows 10—even with its broad introduction base—didn’t actually spark.

Bottom Line

Right now, we’re not sure when you will be able to access Android apps in the Redesigned Microsoft Store. The official word at the Microsoft 11 event was ‘later this year. Microsoft has stated that not every Android app available in the Amazon Appstore will run on Microsoft 11.

Microsoft 11 will also permit sideloading of Android apps, which is handy but perforated with problems. There are a lot of Android App Developers that do not offer APK files for sideloading, and they are available through unofficial directories. Apart from such legal issues, malware is also a problem since these aggregators don’t cover all bases like Google.

Insider Blog

It is not yet confirmed whether Microsoft will allow the installation of third-party app stores just like Android. However, there are chances of Samsung building the Galaxy Store on its Windows 11 updated laptops. Visit Windows Insider and its Insider Blog to have a closer look at the new Microsoft 11 update.

Best Mobile Development Companies in Australia

It takes a broad set of principles and discipline for becoming the best in the Industry. WeDoWebApps LLC has made use of the excellent development techniques and best in the class services because of which it has become one of the best mobile development companies in Australia. There are lots of reason why we are catering to the best services. In the present article, we are going to explain the same things to you in brief.

Why does WeDoWebApps LLC Feature among Best mobile development companies in Australia?

Good Experience in the Domain

We are having relevant experience in the field of application development. Utilizing the experience of working with diverse clients and their various requirement, we have made ourselves experts in every domain. Hence, irrespective of the notion of the business for which you wish to avail services, we will deliver best in the industry services to you. Moreover, we believe in choosing a client-friendly approach during development. As a result, you will find it extremely convenient while getting services from us.

A large team of Experts

We are having experts from all the fields in our team. Our developers are creating mobile applications with the use of different types of technologies, features and for different platforms. Thus, if you are having any specific requirement with regards to the development of your app, don’t feel hesitance in telling us. We are developing the application for you, and it will be as per your requirements.

Favourable Environment for Development

At WeDoWebApps LLC, we believe in the creation of a friendly working environment. Considering in knowledge sharing, our developers consult each other, proof checks the work and make it sure that there aren’t any glitches in the app. Therefore, the application which we will deliver to you will arrive incredibly perfect for smoother functioning.

Clean development techniques

Coming to the development techniques and methodologies we choose while development, we bring the end-users in the centre. The use of low-grade components will make it tough for users to access the various functions of the application. Because of this reason, we make use of high-quality ingredients as well as agile development methodology while crafting the apps for you. This will make the app withstand the purpose it is meant for.

Client Satisfaction is the Supreme

For us, the satisfaction of our client is supreme. We are creating the application for fulfilling your business requirement. Therefore, it is utmost necessary that it serves the purpose it is meant for. Due to this, we will be continuously updating you regarding the project and taking note of the changes which you have suggested and recorded your feedback. We will be the delivering an app you have a dream of.

Read more: iPhone App Developer in Australia and iPhone App Developer in Adelaide

Wish to avail the services of the mobile development companies in Australia? Get a quick and free quote from the team of WeDoWebApps LLC with a single click!

iOS App Development in Sydney

Australia features among the key business centre for many people. As a result, many businesses are flourishing here. It has also increased the demand for iOS App Development Sydney services in Australia. WeDoWebApps LLC is among such service providers in Australia, which is serving the clients over a long period of time.

This has let us deliver the excellent quality applications to different business clients. Here is a glimpse of How it feels like while developing an iOS app with us!

Getting the services of iOS App Development Sydney with WeDoWebApps LLC!

You will make decisions

We let our clients make the major decision regarding the iOS applications. The app is going to be yours in end, so it is necessary that it is up to the level of your business and is of your demands. Therefore, you shall feel free in deciding about the themes, templates, colour combinations, sections and tabs. As a result, the iOS app which we will create for you will meet your requirements to the most.

We will implement your feedback

Our well-skilled developers are expert in dealing with the clients. They will always stay in touch with you and keep you updated with all the aspects of the application. Thus, they will record your feedback and act on it. We are expert in the implementation of your orders. As a result, the app which we will create will have all the necessary things which you wish to see in it.

Users will love accessing the applications

While creating the app, we consider the user’s persona. With the vast experience in this field, we are familiar with the points the user wishes to see in the app. Hence, integrating the app with the latest as well as necessary features, we will be making sure that your users are getting a pleasant feel while using it. Nothing else will make the app more popular rather than this feeling.

Read also: Ionic Development Company

Wish to Upgrade your app, don’t worry we are there

We are also providing the services of upgradation in the application. With the change in time period, the need arises for changing the content as well as graphics of the app. Realizing the need for an hour, we also upgrade your iOS app with the latest features. Therefore, your app will always stay updated and upgraded with the latest features.

Overall maintenance of the apps

Maintenance is the necessary aspect when lots of users are accessing the app. Either due to wrong codes or because of some glitches, there are possibilities of the presence of bugs. Therefore, we also provide the services of maintenance to our esteemed clients. In this manner, your app will be performing smoothly without any glitches or errors.

Developing an iOS app with us is simple, isn’t it? What are you waiting for, get in touch with WeDoWebApps LLC for getting the best iOS App Development Sydney services! Read more about iPhone App Developer in Australia and iPhone App Developer in Adelaide

iPhone App Development in Brisbane

iPhone App Development Brisbane with WeDoWebApps LLC is exceptionally convenient. You get in touch with us, make your order, and we will create the app for you. Are you wondering about the How does this whole procedure goes? Well, go through the sections given below and get a complete knowledge of the same.

Why iPhone App Development Brisbane with WeDoWebApps LLC?

It begins with a Free Quotation.

We are easily reachable for most of our clients. All you have to do is to reach our Enquiry or Contact Form and submit us your requirements. Once we get it, within 24 hours, someone from our team of consultants will discuss your project. You are required to be precise and accurate about your requirements at this stage. This will give us a better idea of the project you wish us to develop.

Then we proceed with the project discussion.

Once we are done with the discussion, the next thing we do is developing a prototype. The prototype will give us a better idea of How the app will look like and How will it function. In this manner, you will be getting the complete overview of the appearance as well as the functionality of the app we are creating for you.

Developing app

As soon as you confirm the design of the prototype, we will proceed with the development of the iOS application. Our iPhone App Developer in Brisbane are highly capable of meeting up the client’s demands. In this manner, they will tackle and develop an app according to the discussion you made with them during the project discussion phase.

Read more: Android App Development in Brisbane and Android App Development Company

Recording your feedback

At certain stages, we will also record your feedback. As we are creating an application for you, so your feedback matters to us. In this way, the resultant platform will be as per your demands, and you will be getting a full benefit of the same.

Making changes

If during the feedback phase, you aren’t satisfied with anything, then we will change it immediately. During the application development procedure, you shall feel free in discussing with us about the status of the app, and our developers will always keep you updated about it.

Testing of the app

After developing your application, the next task which we move on to is carrying out the thorough testing. Our efficient QA Testers will thoroughly check your request to detect the presence of bugs or malfunctioning of the application. This will let you get the best type of use for you.

Read also about iOS App Development Australia

Application delivery

When all the above-given procedure are accomplished completely, we will deliver the application to you. Although we are handing over the app to you, the iPhone App Development Brisbane with WeDoWebApps LLC is always fruitful, and we will continuously provide support to your app as and when the need arises. You will surely love our company as your IT partner.

5 Unique Ways to Boost Your App’s Download Count

From ordering the food to playing your favorite games, from accessing content on desktops to sharing global classrooms from anywhere and from downloading songs and movies to streaming them anytime, you want; mobile applications have greatly revolutionized our interaction with each other and with the information.

The development in technology has enhanced our craving for getting the things done, right at the moment it’s said or asked. So, gone were the days when we use to access desktop computers for everything, especially when you can access the majority of things from your mobile devices.

No doubt that our dependability on the technology and especially on the smartphones is grown too much. But, do you think getting a fully functional mobile app for your business is enough to drive profit to your company?

Well, to everyone’s surprise, the answer is NO!!!

It would help if you tried a lot of tactics to let people discover your business app as a solution to their problems. And that’s for sure that it will be a fierce competition. Wondering, why?

When the apple store alone counts 1000 new apps every day, you can imagine what would be the count of the apps on the play store. That’s why you need to follow some novel and creative ideas to attract your potential app users.

Let me share five frequently used stunning ideas that you can try to boost the count of app downloads, once done with the mobile app development :

App Store Optimization:

Like SEO for websites, App Store Optimization (ASO) is the crucial factor that can improve the ranking of apps in the play store/app store. If you are worried about the technical prospects behind it, don’t worry. It’s more a generic and non-technical process to boost your app visibility. Here are specific practical tips you can try to improve the rate of app downloads:

App Name: It is always advised to keep your brand name small. However, when naming your mobile app, it’s not only about the brand name. You need to follow the app name conventions as well. When calling an app, avoid using special characters and symbols. Add URL-friendly characters to the application title; this makes it easier to search for users. The title of an app must not be more 50 characters for the Play Store, whereas, the count is 30 characters only for App Store.

Enrich your app content: After Android app development, you must care for adding justified and high-search volume keywords to the content of your smartphone application. The app content includes title, subtitle, as well as the app description. Unlike websites, you don’t have to add a lot of content, but here you need to be precise and accurate. Emphasize more on the first three lines; this will be the reason to fetch readers to go further to read the expanded description. It also improves the ranking of the app in the play store.

Add effective screens only:

While listing your app on the app store or the play store, you need to add some of the screenshots of your app. You may be thinking that’s the most natural thing, but every user doesn’t check all of those screenshots before downloading. And, that’s why don’t add all the screenshots, instead show some 2-3 best screens, at least in the first two images. Such compelling designs can attract customers to download your app.

Cross-platform compatibility:

When designing useful apps is one of the ways to attract new customers and to grow more business, you have to take care of all the platforms on which your customers are available. If you design the cross-platform compatible apps, it will be surely a profitable deal for your business.

However, if you enable interoperability, it can be a better idea to gather the larger target. Along with the cross channel, if you allow the cross-device compatibility like accessing the same applications through multiple devices like tablet, smartphones as well as desktops; you can acquire more users.

Introduce your app with complimentary services:

In today’s aggressive competition of technology, there are so numerous alternatives to a single problem. In the same way, there are so many apps like yours, so it isn’t straightforward for you to grow your business. So, even if you have a sound user base, you need to make people aware of your product.

At the same point, if you make your app free initially when you launch, it can be a profitable deal for you. It will add curiosity among users to download the app.

We know that getting equal things isn’t easy, but believe me that people still get attracted to anything that comes free. Let’s trade your app for the email addresses. Yes, the email address is a huge marketing tool. Once collecting them for the free version of your app, you can use them to communicate about your users and educate them about the product features you are offering to them.

If you are confused what’s more it can bring, well that’s the consumer engagement. And, what can be more rewarding than real customers and authentic reviews.

Request your users to share their views:

Getting customer reviews may seem a straightforward idea, but believe us it is not that easy! You can’t restrict your customers to review your app anyway. So, even if your app got hundreds of downloads, you can’t be sure about getting even ten reviews.

But, the review is the real voice of users that the potential buyers consider good enough to trust. The android app algorithms can’t justify the need of the customer. User reviews not only help people in downloading the app instead help you in understanding the loopholes of your app.

A positive response can be fruitful for your business. It encourages users to review the app and rate it. However, that’s not a legal practice to ping customers consistently. You can try to push notifications to ping customers to rate the app. It can be an adequate strategy to enhance user engagement.

So, it doesn’t matter how fancy app you design, if you don’t find results instantly, you need to try other tactics to acquire customers. However, promotional efforts can benefit your business and boost the rate of downloads.

From mobile app development to pushing it to the market to acquire success, WeDoWebApps LLC can help you throughout your journey.