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Basics of Mobile App Design – The Difference Between UI and UX

Have you ever used a mobile app and wondered what the next step was? 

Or you tried to click that tiny link, the CTA button, but failed several times? 

If you answered yes, welcome. You have just come across what we call a common “UX mistake.” Don’t worry if you don’t understand what it means. Because we have simplified it for you! 

This article will go through the following: 

  • Why are UX and UI not the same thing?
  • What’s UX exactly? 
  • What are the most common mistakes businesses and designers make while designing the UI and UX of mobile apps?
  • And finally, UI trends have been rising in popularity. 

Read also: 45 Stellar Mobile App Ideas that will Kickstart your Business

Stop! UX is Not UI 

Think of UX and UI in terms of the human body. UX is your skeletal structure, whereas UI is the visual elements like hair and skin. They are not the same. But they are different parts of the same body. 

Both cannot function without each other. You won’t be able to move or take any action if you don’t have skeletons (UX). And same goes for skin and hair. You would simply be bare-bones!

Here’s how Don Norman and Jakob Nielsen of Norman Nielsen Group define the difference between UI and UX…

It’s important to distinguish the total user experience from the user interface (UI), even though the UI is obviously an extremely important part of the design. As an example, consider a website with movie reviews. Even if the UI for finding a film is perfect, the UX will be poor for a user who wants information about a small independent release if the underlying database only contains movies from major studios.

Now that you know how UX and UI work, let’s see their definitions. 

What is User Interface(UI) Design?

User interface(UI) design is the visual look of your mobile device. A UI designer will design a mobile app interface that fits with the user experience designed by a UX designer. A great UI design attracts users and retains them longer. 

So, what are the essential elements of User interface design?

  • Documents
  • Texts
  • Images
  • Videos
  • Forms 
  • Buttons, tags, text fields, checkboxes, dropdown lists, etc.

In other words, if you see an app that gets the “wow, that’s beautiful” reaction from you, thanks to a UI designer. 

What is User Experience(UX) Design?

User experience design

UX has five major elements:

  • Strategy:  It’s a phase of gathering information and laying a solid foundation by understanding the needs of both businesses and users.
  • Scope: In this phase, the designer will set the scope for the idea and type of content they will be designing. It’s further divided into two parts – functional(features, functions) and content (images, themes, audio, videos) requirements. 
  • Structure: This phase decides how the design is organized and how it will behave when the user interacts with it. 
  • Skeleton: This phase is where the UX designer will combine everything created till now to decide the flow of information and movement from one screen to another.
  • Surface: It’s the final layer. The designer finalizes everything that will go on the screen that users will see. 

In other words, if you see an app that gets a “wow, that was quick and easy” reaction, thanks to a UX designer. They succeeded in simplifying your user experience. UI UX design services take your mobile app design to the next level and make it user-friendly as well as pleasant.

Don’t Make These Mistakes When Designing Your Mobile App 

1. Overloading users for information 


mobile app design services

The main motive of the mobile app design should be to reduce user frustration. So, when you use two three-page long forms. It can create a painful experience for users, leading them to abandon it. 

Here’s what you can do instead: 


  • Keep the forms short. Only include the most critical information and remove any unnecessary fields. 
  • Use intelligent features like autocomplete to fill the form automatically. This would instantly reduce the friction that most users friction while filing the information. 

2. Use jargon 

ui ux design services

The worst thing you can do while designing a mobile app is to fill it with jargon that most users won’t even understand! Clear communication should always be a priority. After all, if users don’t even understand what you want them to do, how will they continue?

How to avoid these scenarios: 

  • Keep it simple to avoid confusion. 
  • Learn the understanding level of your audience. A 15-year-old would have a different understanding from a 40-year-old. 

3. Bad onboarding Experience 

Mobile users are susceptible to bad first-time experiences. So much so that almost 21% of users will never app if they had a not-so-good first-time experience.  

So, how to make the first experience pleasant?

Simple, leverage contextual onboarding. Contextual onboarding is when you provide instructions only when users are using the app. The best thing about contextual onboarding is that it does not overwhelm users with information like those user manuals do. 

Duolingo mobile app design services

Duolingo is the perfect example of well-designed contextual onboarding. Once the users sign up for the app, it asks them to choose between beginner and non-beginner, after which they are immediately sent to the core product. There, too, the app guides the users with little information.

Users are also encouraged to do a quick text. This is just one of the strategies to create a pleasant first-time experience with your mobile app. However, the end goal remains the same – make it easy for users without overwhelming them with information. 

Current Trends in Mobile App Design 

Let’s delve into current trends in mobile app design.

1. Keep it minimalistic 

mobile app design services

If you ever find yourself overwhelmed with the options, you know how tiring it can be to make a choice. To remove this paradox of choice, mobile app designers have been keeping the app interface as minimal as possible, meaning easy navigation, no extra details, more free space, clear color schemes, etc. 

2. Sphere, Sphere, Everywhere

behance mobile app design services


We can’t avoid circles. They are everywhere, be it eggs, planets, or domes. However, these spherical objects do have a visual appeal that, when used in app design can give a soft, inviting experience. You can also play around with these spherical shapes to add depth to backgrounds and create a personality. 

3. Microinteractions

dribble mobile app design services


Micro-interactions have been definitely trending this year. Tapping the heart button to turn from gray to red, swiping emails into the archive, swiping products, and status updates are all examples of micro-interaction. These little things (we don’t pay enough attention to) are what make our experience intuitive. You will immediately know when they are missing.

4. Border-Defined Design

behance mobile app design services


Borders are essential to the design as they separate two UI elements. Borders are old school, as Apple Macintosh System 6 and Windows 3 relentlessly used borders to define and separate their elements. So what are they doing in app design now? That’s a debating question. However, the border-defined design does stand out from all the modern designs we see today. And isn’t standing out from competitors the ultimate business goal?

Hire Reliable Mobile App Design Company Within 5 minutes

There are plenty of mobile UI UX design services for iOS and Android on the internet. However, it can be overwhelming to find the “right match”. 

Not to mention, you will have to see their portfolios, shortlist them, interview them, and see whether they are the right fit. If not, you again have to go through the vicious cycle of the interview process.

Read more about New Trends In Mobile App Development

That’s why WeDoWebApps bring you trusted, reliable mobile app design and development services where experts are with you. We have spent a lot of time filtering these best app designers so that you can start your projects instantly! Don’t wait. Chat with us and find yourself a match!

Android vs iOS Development: Which Platform Is Better for App Development in 2023?

Looking for an Android app development company for your business or start-up? Or, are you in search of an iOS app development company?

If you are overwhelmed with tons of the latest technology available for mobile apps and don’t know whether to go with iOS or Android app development, we’ve got your back!

To make it easier for you to understand, we will give you all the answers in the simplest way possible.

App development platforms have many factors and considerations to reach the target audience and drive maximum profit.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of both the Android and iOS app development platforms. Through this article, we want to help you to relate to the user’s needs and make wise decisions on choosing Android or iOS app development.

Here we go!

iOS v/s Android Demand: Know the Statistical Figures

The web and mobile applications have become one of the most popular and preferred resources for the general audience to browse, understand, and buy products and services.

According to the Statista report, global app revenue in 2020 increased to $318 billion, a $60 billion increase from the previous year. By the end of 2022, the total app revenue is expected to be $430.9 billion.

Mobile app development - Global app revenue

Another significant report from Statista suggests that by 2023, iOS will have a market share of 12.6%, while Android will have 87.4%.

There is a lot of significant numerical data in Android and iOS applications that vary from country to country. The United States and Japan are two countries where iOS users dominate Android users. However, the number of Android users is more significant when the worldwide ratio is considered.

There are 2.56 million apps available on Google Play, while iOS has 1.85 million apps, clearly stating that Android has more applications than iOS. The above-stated statistics must have clarified the target audience and how the individual platforms would perform per your needs.

How To Choose The Best Platform For App Development – Factors To Consider

When you are confused about the parameters to consider for an app development platform, there are some factors you should study! For Android and iOS app development services, always look forward to the below points before making the right choice:

1. App Downloads

Android’s market bandwidth is more significant than iOS, so there are more app downloads in Android. Alongside that, Android runs a lot of paid advertisements that make up for extra revenue.

However, iOS users are most likely to purchase apps, which means that this is the audience that will help generate app revenue.

2. Target Audience

In generating more revenue, the size of the targeted market matters more than the size of the market. Android has more users than iOS, but it might not get you your potential successful reach.

The type of audience you are looking for is likely more prevalent among iOS users. Thus, it becomes essential to study which type of users would help you make the app launch a success.

3. Cost of App Development

Organizations must work within their budget criteria while keeping the target audience in mind. The best way to do it is to try and compare the budget with the target audience and understand how worthwhile the platform would be.

In short, organizations need to plan revenue and return before making an app development platform choice.

4. Average Revenue

Revenue always makes up for the primary motive for all businesses. In this context, there are two questions you need to ask:

  • Do you need a large audience or a small one that can give you more profit?
  • What will make more business out of the app: advertisements or app costs?

Did you know that despite Android’s 82% revenue increase, it still lags behind iOS? There isn’t anything good or bad in general; it depends on your expectations and targets!

5. App Update

iOS and Android applications require a minimum of one update a year. It is often neglected in mobile app development and downloads, but it is important.

A Detailed Comparison Between Android and iOS

Now, in the blog, let us take you through a comprehensive iOS and Android app development service guide based on parameters like user retention, market trends, number of users, app revenue, and others.

Read also: Android Vs. iOS: Which One to Choose for Your Startup? Here Is a Quick Guide

1. The Market Strength of iOS v/s Android:

As discussed above with statistics, Android has more users than iOS, but there’s more to put light on. While Android brings the mass, iOS devices have users who would likely engage more. In iOS, there are more opportunities for in-app purchases.

Android is popular among lower-income groups and in developing countries. It can help you generate revenue, even through paid advertisements.

2. Global Market Share of iOS vs. Android

In the mobile app domain context, Android has 2.5 billion active users across 120 countries.

iOS has 1 billion active users on a global level. This makes the android win this battle. This is one of the primary reasons why start-ups choose Android rather than iOS applications.

3. iOS vs. Android: App revenue

Choosing an app development platform also includes app revenue as one of the major deciding factors.

Regarding the Google Play store, the revenue generation was 48 billion USD in 2021. Whereas the Apple app store generated a revenue of 85 billion USD in 2021. With that, iOS took the lead in the gross revenue mark.  However, in 2022, Google Play app downloads were 27 billion, and iOS had only 8.1 billion. Here Android took the lead.

In the above statistics, you must have noticed that Apple led in revenue generated and Android app downloads. Businesses choose iOS to generate more significant revenue, though Android is trying to match it, which will likely take time.

4. iOS vs. Android: User Retention

By user retention, we mean the trustability and performance of your app in the market. User retention is a concern if your business has been catering to services through applications. Finding a loyal customer base is a real challenge in the vast and overcrowded market.

Considering some facts, Android has been more successful in creating loyal customers than iOS users, who tend to quit because of minor problems. This can also come from where Android apps come free and iOS users must pay for apps consistently.

Technical Differences Between Android and iOS

Technical Differences Android iOS
Development Both platforms inculcate the core rules of development. Still, software developers find it easier to code in Swift (iOS development stack) rather than Java and Kotlin (Android development stack). The iOS design and development programming language is considered more accessible than Android.
System-Specified Design Android developers need to focus on material design guidelines, material design components, and app quality guidelines while developing the app that makes it complex. In terms of system design, developers find iOS system design easier than that of Android
Complexity The complexity level for Android app development is higher than that of iOS since Android needs a lot of device fragmentation in comparison to Apple, which has a limited range of device releases. iOS-developed applications are available only on Apple and the screen size and aspect ratio do not change, making it simpler to develop.
Project Timeline When developing from scratch, android takes more time as it needs to be developed in a way that functions across multiple devices. As per the above information, it can be concluded that iOS app (especially mobile app) development takes less time than Android.
Interface Google is more focused on hardware. The Android Interface is built on a hierarchy of widgets and layouts. However, iOS animations are considered better than Android as Apple prioritizes better user experience and, thus, launches impressive animations.

From all the above pointers, it can be concluded that the development of an iOS app is more accessible than that of an Android one. However, that is more of a developer’s concern, but being the app’s owner, you must know it!

 Advantages of Using the Android Platform

Let’s look at a few advantages of using the Android platform for app development:

  • The Android operating system is highly customizable and user-centric.
  • Android gives the option to choose from in-built apps, which is the official store for app downloads.
  • It has open-source code, which means it is available to developers and manufacturers.
  • The Android user experience can be enhanced through an easy custom ROM download.
  • Androids come with widgets that are self-contained programs, enhancing functionality.
  • The device’s memory can be increased by just inserting an SD memory card.

 Advantages of Using the iOS Platform 

 Let us look at a few advantages of using the iOS platform.

  • iOS and Android come from the same company, which makes the application consistent without major changes in design and interface.
  • With the least number of security breaches, it is considered one of the safest platforms.
  • The lowest heat generation with a long-lasting battery
  • Easy testing and low fragmentation
  • The hardware and software are designed by Apple itself.
  • App icons with appealing and aesthetic designs to choose from

Do you need an Android or iOS interface? Let us look at specific situations and what would ideally go with them.

When Should Businesses Choose Android Development?

● If your budget is limited!

Android app development has a particular social network designed from which you can choose what suits your needs well. A wide range of options can be integrated within the set budget in android development.

● If you target users across different devices!

If your audience is spread across various device users, Android can help you get a better reach as the application is accessible all across.

● If your application requires frequent customization

Android has easy customization options that allow you to add and remove features without hindrances as per your business needs.

When Should Businesses Choose iOS Development?

● If you need high security for your app data!

iOS has a premium security facility that avoids the manipulation of essential data in any manner. So, if you’ve been looking for a data-sensitive option, the iOS platform is the right one.

●  If you are looking to offer the best customer experience!

The iOS App Store does not approve any app easily. There are significant guidelines to follow. Thus, it helps create the most amazing user experience, bringing quality engagement.

● If Apple device-dominated countries are your targets!

If your potential customer base comes from countries like the USA that have the most Apple users, then the iOS development platform is the right choice for your app.

Read more about New Trends In Mobile App Development


Whether you choose Android or iOS, it is important to understand what will best suit your needs. In this write-up, we tried to explain every bit of it so that you can make an apt decision, leading to a fruitful outcome. Checklist the points and then decide as per the weightage of both platforms.

However, don’t forget, a software development company with a track record of experts can definitely help you get results much faster!

At WeDoWebApps, we are a mobile app development consultancy company where you can get your dream app developed.  Our team of iPhone app developers and Android developers works full-time to provide you with all kinds of services including UI/UX design, development, testing and so much more.

Picking The Best Language To Expedite iOS App Development

Web development and app development is an accelerating subfield of technology. There has been an exponential increase in the app development sector over the past few years. One can witness the difference in their daily lives. Development of applications comes with the responsibility of choosing the right language and platform for successful development.

The Best Language For iOS in 2021

This should not come as a surprise that in Aug 2021, 56.94% of online relations were made through the help of mobile devices, as it is indicated by StatCounter data. These days, people are more dependent on mobile phones than any other device. 

Things to Remember before working on iOS application development:

Developing an application can be a tedious task. We have created a handy list to avoid any mistakes and ensure that the development is fruitful for you and the audience. You must check the list given below, before you hop onto the development process.

iOS application development

1. Clarify the main purpose: You must be clear of the reason why you wish to develop and publish the app. The application that you’re working on should serve a purpose, and you ought to be aware of the same. These simple questions might help you get a clear vision:

Why does this app need to be built?

Who will all benefit from this app?

Is there any other app with the same background purpose? If so, what can I change about my app to make it unique? Answering these simple to look at yet tricky questions will get you ahead on the journey. In addition, you will get a clearer picture of the purpose of your work.

2. Market research is necessary: Before diving into the whole process of developing an app, you must consider taking a tour of the current market. A well-researched and well-known developer is way better for your app development venture. Skills are one part of the development, while researching is another portion that must not be missed. It gives a better perspective and makes you aware of the recent trends, the needs of the targeted audience, and many more aspects of iPad application development. Even being one of the critical steps, many entrepreneurs often miss out, and they pay for it later. This further would lead to the great success of your iOS app.

3. Detailed planning of the app development: Once you get done with the first two significant steps, the following very obvious step is to plan every detail of your application. Go for the best iOS app development services to get this work done. Ensure that the company you’re hiring for the project is well-versed and has experience in the field. Ask the iOS app development services to map out a detailed plan of the project in front of you. Make sure you explain the requisites and your purpose to the team. 

All the goals of the application development must be considered while planning out the app formulation procedure. Try making the following question while on this stage:

  • What technology is apt for the development procedure?
  • What frameworks should be used?
  • Which language should the app be built on?
  • How to measure the success of the app?
  • Will the chosen requisites serve the iPad application development well?
  • How would you secure the app?
  • Do you wish to make other versions for the different operating systems as well? If yes, how will you plan out the development process?
  • What are the goals of the development?

4. Is the app compatible with iOS?: Make sure that the security and compatibility test is not missed. Not all iOS users update the system regularly, Hence, developing an app that is compatible with such alterations and works just fine is necessary. iOS app development services are well aware of the measures to make your app compatible with such devices. Do not disappoint a huge populace with compatibility issues. Ensure to check out one cash aspect of compatibility and safety.

5. Your capabilities must be known: With this, we mean that you must be aware of, “what are your internal capacities?”. You should know how much you are allowed to spend on the app. Time, money, and everything should be analyzed and comprehended beforehand. Once you have handed the project to the iOS app development services, there is little chance of withdrawing, and it might as well embarrass you.

Top Language for iOS App development:

Coming to the best language for mobile app development 2021, we list the top chosen languages. We have curated this list only after meticulous research while considering many aspects of iOS application development. 

Remember, while choosing a language for your application development procedure, you should have the farsightedness to grab the best opportunity. You might have to alter a thing or two in the future. Keeping that in mind, choose a flexible language and can work for multiple devices if you somehow choose to change the specifications.

Read also: iOS App Development Tools and Remarkable Apple Store Apps

To help around this crucial decision, we have listed several programming languages you can choose from for iPad application development.

  • Swift: Be it macOS, iOS, watchOS, iPad, or apple tv, Swift is there to serve all these devices in one go. You can develop an app on Swift for multiple devices without any hassle. Originated in 2014, Swift has become the face of the most preferred choice for iOS development over time. Swift was previously aimed to work with Cocoa, Cocoa Touch, and a substantial codebase written in Objective-C. As the stats at Stack Overflow 2020 Developer Survey indicate, Swift is among the top 17 famous programming languages around the globe. Another interesting fact states that Swift is used by 5.9% of developers worldwide. Swift can come in handy for those who wish to create an application built real quick and can be expanded later on without much hassle. Being relatively easier to learn, the language offers a quick development of an application for iOS devices. Furthermore, the language is frequently updated, so you can easily improvise the features from time to time.
  • Objective-C: This one was created as an extension of the C language, previously very popular. The objective term comes from its capabilities of object-oriented programming. Created in early 1980 by Tom Love and Brad Cox, this language found its origin in the company named Stepstone (previously called PPI- Productivity Products International). A general-purpose language as it is, objective C is used to develop iOS and their APIs- Cocoa and Cocoa Touch. Objective C has scored a rank of 20th among the most popular programming languages index. After Swift, this is probably the best choice for iOS developers.
  • C#: Adding adjectives like high level, general-purpose, and object-oriented would be very fair for C# language. It is integrated closely with .NET which serves as a framework as well as the runtime environment. Most commonly, C# is used for developing windows systems. One can easily develop native software in the C# language for any platform, even iOS. C # is the 7th most popular open-source programming language developed by Microsoft. There are 5 to 8 million C# and .NET developers worldwide. Thus, if you wish to develop an application that could run for both iOS and Android, C# has got to be your best choice.
  • HTML 5: By finely defining the content and structure of the application, HTML 5 is the newest version of HTML. Often paired up with CSS and JavaScript, HTML and the combination turns out to be the best among all the languages. So, if you wish to quickly get a hands-on, simple iOS application that works offline, go for HTML5.
  • Java: Another excellent alternative for iOS development would be Java. Class-based, object-oriented, general-purpose are also its features. What is significant about this language is that it can be run on any platform without taking the hassle of recompilation. It is used by over 9 million developers worldwide. The best thing about Java is that it is flexible and can be used for cross-platform developments.Read more about New Trends In Mobile App Development

And if you still have doubts about which to choose – here is a brief summary of the most important differences between these technologies.


With most languages being highly functional and lucrative, we have presented scope for comparison among the top languages. Therefore, you may follow the instructions carefully and choose wisely for your next iOS application development. Schedule a free consultation with us to choose the best solution for you.

Top 10 mobile app development frameworks in 2019-2020

Technology has been a marvellous thing which has enabled us to accomplish so much, in every part of our lives. Through technology, we can talk over a video call; send a mail within seconds to someone who is thousands of miles away and many more such examples. The mobile app industry is a fine example of technological advancements and innovation which is immensely benefitting from the rising number of mobile phone users. Various business sectors have tapped into this massive opportunity and are upgrading their communication channels from websites to mobile applications. 

In the digital era, app development is as competitive as can be. The rise in handphone users has increased the scale of mobile application development with several apps being designed across categories. Since most of the businesses are opting for mobile applications, developers are continuously working to help build applications for different platforms which not only offer superior performance but also give a seamless experience to the user. These applications are built on a mobile development framework. We have listed the top ten frameworks which are used by mobile app developers and development companies. 

1. React Native

Developed by the social media giant, Facebook, React Native is considered to be one of the best frameworks by mobile app developers. React and JavaScript are two languages used by the platform to build mobile applications for both Android and iOS. The open-source platform enables developers to build high-performance applications in shorter duration and create interactive UIs. React Native is famous for its framework supporting Android and iOS, its compatibility with third-party plugins and its declarative UI framework. 

2. Ionic

The most responsive open-source mobile UI framework which was introduced in 2013, has its foundation on the angular framework and Apache Cordova which lessen the learning curve. Ionic has components for both Android and iOS like badges, buttons, etc. It’s easily customizable and the apps built on the framework are compatible with Android, iOS and Windows. Ionic comes with an extensive library through which one can access APIs without having to code.

It works faster with just a single code base and runs everywhere.

The only disadvantage of Ionic is that the app needs to be modified often on the framework to keep up with the latest changes.

3. Corona SDK

The main reasons developers love Corona SDK is because it is ten times faster than most of the frameworks and mainly used to build game-related apps. The free framework is supported by Lua, a lightweight programming language that offers speed, flexibility and ease of usage to develop apps. Corona SDK has been used to create apps like Angry Birds, The Lost City and many other games. The open-source development framework enables developers to create applications for both mobile and desktop moreover it supports multiple devices like iPhone, iPad, Android phones, Windows and Mac Desktops. Some of the noteworthy features of Corona SDK are its faster development time, live testing, real-time simulation and various plugins.  

4. Xamarin

Acquired by the software giant, Microsoft, Xamarin offers a complete mobile development framework supported by APIs, components and adaptable backend infrastructure. Xamarin offers a superior native user interface and allows developers to build applications for Windows, iOS and Android. It has a shared codebase which means the same code can be shared of different platforms without changing the code or the language, therefore, bringing down the cost and the development time. Developers also enjoy a vast community for added support. 

5. Adobe PhoneGap

PhoneGap tops the lists of developers who build cross-platform apps. Earlier known as Apache Cordova it was acquired in 2011 by Adobe. Apps can be developed in JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS and support different platforms like Windows, Android, iOS, Ubuntu and Blackberry. PhoneGap assures the developer of high-quality performance along with multiple plugins and third-party tools which assist the developer in testing the application. 

6. Flutter

Developed by Google, Flutter is a powerful framework through which developers build native compiled applications for mobile, desktop and web using a single code. The portable framework allows the developer to target a wide range of users through a single code base. The open-source app building platform features fully customized widgets which help in creating native applications in a shorter duration. Alibaba, App tree, Google ads are some of the apps which have been built on the framework. 

7. Mobile Angular UI

Mobile Angular UI is an open-source UI framework which combines Bootstrap and Angular framework basis which developers can build applications using HTML5. The free framework allows developers to use JavaScript libraries like overthrow.js and fastclick.js. Hotelier News and iKeyBox are two examples of applications developed on Mobile Angular UI. 

8. Intel XDK

This framework is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) through which developers build interactive, responsive, apps with plugins and web services. Developed by Intel, the framework uses several technologies like HTML5, JavaScript, Java, C++, C#, CSS, Objective –C. Some of the striking features of the framework are the live preview, testing and debugging, it supports various technologies like loT and Node.js. 

9. Native Scripts

Native Scripts is an open-source platform developed by Progress in 2014. Developers enjoy direct access to Android and iOS APIs, its native user interface without web views, strong backend support. The native mobile applications work with Angular, Typescript, JavaScript, CSS and Vue.js to build various applications. 

10. JQuery Mobile

JQuery Mobile is a powerful theming framework based on HTML5 and supports all operating systems like Windows, MAC, Firefox, Kindle etc. The responsive framework enables developers to build apps at a faster pace as compared to other frameworks through its simple API. JQuery Mobile is used to design mobile apps as well as websites. Moreover, the framework makes web pages interactive and user-friendly. 

Best of the best applications depend on powerful frameworks therefore it’s important to first consider the various requirements and finalize the framework which suits the project. These are some of the best frameworks which are preferred by developers and over time with the evolving technology, there will be many more options to choose from

45 Stellar Mobile App Ideas that will Kickstart your Business

Where do we go without our mobile phones? What are we without our mobile phones? It’s a bitter truth to digest; we humans in the 21st century are so dependent on our mobile phones that we cannot imagine being away from them even for a single day. Owing to the fact, the mobile app industries are not just profited with this but also flooded with unique and engaging app inquiries so that businesses can manage the tremendous amount of users in the growing digital market. 

In this first quarter of 2020, a report published by statistia stated that the Google Play app store encompasses approx. 2.9 million applications, whereas the Apple store has made it to 1.85 million applications till the first quarter of 2020. With such huge figures, it is merely impossible for the mobile app development company to find app ideas for its clients. App Ideas that are unique as well as enticing and have never been heard or thought of before. 

Mobile Applications dominate the entire internet market. Whether it is small to medium sized business or a big enterprise, everyone is getting their dedicated mobile apps developed to attract more customers through mobile devices. So if you have an unusual mobile app idea for your business, we are glad that you’ve come here. From the best mobile app frameworks 2019 to advanced frameworks of 2021, technology differs in a whole lot of ways as we see what revolutionary changes the IT industry has brought in our day-to-day lives. WeDoWebApps LLC has a talented pool of developers and designers that use the top 10 mobile app development frameworks to produce the best application that meets your business needs. 

Here in this article, we have listed 101 Mobile App Development ideas separated by various industries. But before knowing about the best mobile app ideas 2021, it is essential to know various mobile app development types. Understanding different types of mobile apps will help you select the platform that will be suitable for your business niche. Read further to know about the types of mobile app development.

Types of Mobile Applications

Based on the application’s technical features, they can be grouped into three different categories: native mobile applications, web applications, and hybrid applications. But what are these? Follow the blog to know more about mobile app development types

  1. Native Applications: Native applications are those which are built to use on a particular platform or an operating system. 
  2. Web Applications: Web Application is a program stored on the remote server and delivered over the Internet through a browser interface. Web apps are comparatively more reactive than websites and can operate on any operating system, be it Android or iOS.
  3. Hybrid Applications: Like the native apps run on the device and written with the web technologies like HTML, CSS, and Javascript, hybrid applications run under the native containers and leverage the browser engine.

These are various types of mobile applications that can be developed to potentialize your business. Now that we know the different types of mobile apps, let’s discuss some of the fantastic mobile app ideas that can steal the market in 2021.

Read also: Top mobile app ideas that startups should consider in the year 2020!

45 Best Mobile App Development Ideas in 2021

Remember the times when one would jokingly say, “I wish there was an app for that.” Now, this is the time where there is an app for almost everything one wishes for. In this blog, along with the trending app ideas covered for practically every industry, we have also listed some of the best app objectives that one can be considered for a startup. So, let’s have a quick look at the best Mobile App Development Ideas 2021. 

Healthcare App Ideas

Healthcare App Ideas

Medical Applications, mHealth solutions, or, you can say, Healthcare application solutions for patients have now acquired an important position in the market. Development and usage of healthcare applications are increasing along with the global growth of smartphone usage. Here are some of the trending Healthcare App Ideas for your business.

1. Personal Medical Records App

This app idea is basically a diary kind of application where patients can add their personal health-related records manually and share them with the doctor whenever necessary. This will enable the doctors to know about the patient’s health history and prescribe medicines accordingly or take any other further action.

2. Healthcare Monitoring App

Healthcare Monitoring Apps are mainly developed to keep track of chronic conditions like diabetes, sugar levels, cancer, blood pressure, and much more. The app allows doctors or healthcare professionals to monitor and track the health conditions of every patient by keeping their health history and providing the perfect treatment or prescription to the patients.

3. Appointment Booking App

Appointment Booking apps are usually built for the doctor’s or healthcare professional’s benefits. Various medical practitioners or doctors develop their own mobile applications for their clients to book an appointment. With this application, patients can even check the availability of doctors. 

Another alternative is to create a portal for the patients and the doctors to connect with each other to share the medical problems and solutions, respectively. 

4. Mental Health Application

Stress, Depression, and a sad lifestyle are some of the significant mental issues observed in people these days. Hence, you can develop an application mainly for people fighting with these mental health issues. One of the most innovative app ideas is to create an app that can track people who are feeling lonely or need urgent help. 

Lack of sleep is another mental illness faced by people worldwide. The high work pressure has led to so many people being sleep-deprived. You can help these users by developing a relaxing music application. Also, the app should help users in developing a fixed routine for sleep.

5. Pharmacy Delivery App

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced people to stay indoors for a longer time. During this pandemic, we ordered many things online, and one such thing was medicines or other pharmacy-related products. 

No doubt the situation is getting better day by day, but many people still fear going outdoors. Keeping this in mind, you can develop an application where the users will be able to upload the e-prescriptions on the application and will be able to order the medicines online. The demand for such applications is only going to increase with time. Hence, a pharmacy delivery app is an excellent idea if you are planning to launch a startup. 

6. Medical Translation App

One of the very best ideas for medical app development is the medical translation app for doctors. Many doctors have international patients who are unable to discuss their health issues properly due to the language barrier. Hence, a medical translation app can be very beneficial for the doctors and the staff as well. Doctors and staff can use this kind of application to understand the health issues of their patients and can prescribe the medication accordingly.

7. Online Therapy App

With an intention to make therapies accessible to as many people as possible, you can develop an Online therapy app to allow users to pay the subscription fees. In addition, such applications can help patients to reduce the hesitation of talking in person about their health matters.

Much more study is done in the health sector, which can be done with such healthcare app development. In addition, professional therapists can also interact with each other and reach more patients and grow their networking. 

8. Recovery App for Drug Addicts 

Somewhere somehow, we all are addicted to something or the other. But some addictions can take the life out of you, take your time, take your everything, and put you on a different track in life. Alcohol addiction, caffeine addiction, Drug addiction, and many other addictions need to be abandoned as soon as possible. 

A drug recovery app can help patients get rid of their addictions and come back to their lives. WeDoWebApps LLC can help you develop an application that can help people get rid of any kind of addiction. 

9. General Health and Wellness Test App

General Health and Wellness Test Apps are used for the people who are either suffering from a disease or want to track their health with tools like blood pressure monitor, heart rate tests, or measure diabetes. In addition, these types of applications are used by people who want to track and record their health data on a regular basis. 

10. Health Reminder Apps

Health Reminder Apps work as alarms for the users to improve their health by reminding them to perform specific tasks and achieve their personal health goals. For instance, a medication reminder app can be developed to allow users to monitor medication intake and set reminders regarding the medicines and their dosage.

A great example of this can be a Healthy Living app that provides users to track their daily intake of medications. You can even develop a water reminder app that reminds the users to consume water at regular intervals. Likewise, you can consider many different ideas for healthcare apps for your business.

Best Food App Ideas 

Best Food App Ideas

The food industry is an ever-evolving and developing sector. Food businesses do not lose their plot, given they always provide good food to their consumers. When it comes to opening a food business startup, developing a food application with the current tech can be beneficial for maintaining demand and supply balance. 

Hence, if you want your customers to use the strength of food on-demand apps using amazingly designed applications, below are some exclusive food app ideas that will promote your business online.

1. Grocery Delivery App

According to the report from Statista, an average person visits a grocery store approximately 1.6 times a week and an average of around 60 hours per year. Now imagine if there was an application that would have delivered the grocery items to your doorstep. Isn’t it so convenient?

If you are planning to launch a startup in this field, you can build a grocery shopping and delivery app that will allow the customers to hunt for grocery stores near them and place an order with the shopkeeper to get the doorstep delivery done. 

2. Food Coupons and Discounts App

One of the most unique and brilliant food app ideas that will take no time in development and find the right audience. This app will give you alerts when any restaurant is offering discounts or a coupon offering free food. This will also help the restaurants in promoting their brands. Restaurant promotions take place the whole year, and providing food at discounted rates will increase sales and marketing across the world and will attract new customers. 

Many people stay unaware of such delicious offers and miss the deal. This is where such apps come into action and thereby provide a beneficial deal for the restaurants and the consumers as well. 

3. Calorie Tracker App 

The food you eat is directly related to your health. Therefore, the more healthy you eat, the fitter you will be. Therefore, tracking daily calories is essential. These Days, it has become very simple to track the calories. There are several applications available where people can track every calorie they eat to maintain their healthy life. 

4. Apps for Exploring Restaurants

Technology has made so many advancements in the current times. One such technological advancement is you can explore so many places sitting at home using AR technology. The same is the case with restaurants. Using Augmented reality, you can promote your restaurant business to maintain client satisfaction and engagement. 

Many visitors select restaurants on the basis of how lively the environment of the restaurants is. Using Augmented Reality, you can achieve this and attract new customers to your restaurant. 

5. Customized Cooking App

Many people love to eat the dishes with their preferred ingredients. So you can build a customized cooking application in which the customers would be able to choose their favorite cuisine and ingredients to get the dish cooked by an expert chef. This will make each and every customer of the restaurant feel special. To take your restaurant ahead of the competition, you should introduce such an application. 

Moreover, you can also add the necessary ingredients to the cuisine in order to maintain the authenticity of your food. This will preserve the uniqueness of your business. 

6. Food Delivery App

 Food Delivery, as the name suggests, these applications are used for doorstep food delivery. For food lovers, this is the only way to get delicious food delivered at their doorsteps. This can be done by just enabling the location of their phones in the application.

In case you are planning to launch an online food delivery application but do not have the source to deliver the food to the customers, you can hire a third party for the food delivery like zomato, swiggy, UberEats, etc.

Read more about 3 Leading On-Demand Food Delivery Platforms for Achieving Success in the Restaurant Industry

7. Food Recipe App

If you are a Foodie, you might love cooking new dishes, watching YouTube, or reading books. What if these recipes come under an application? It would be very convenient. Isn’t it? 

You can develop an application with step-by-step guidelines to cook any dish. With this application, even inexperienced chefs can cook a great meal. You can even add different categories for various cuisines, which will help the user find cuisine and a dish they want quickly. 

8. Food Wastage Reduction App

We usually see a lot of food getting wasted at restaurants and homes. Therefore, a very unique and helpful idea is to develop a Food Wastage Reduction Application. A startup company looking to launch a food application can develop this app to provide the leftover food of the restaurants and homes to the poor individuals in need. 

As the poor and homeless population grows with time, developing such an app can benefit both the company and the poor people. 

9. Reviews and Rating Application

Nowadays, people choose the food and the restaurant based on the reviews and ratings of the restaurants posted on different websites. Therefore, any food ordering application comprises this type of feature as this helps the customers select food on the basis of customer reviews. And also help the owners know their weak points where improvements are needed. 

Therefore, a great startup idea is to develop a review and rating application where people can post their reviews in order to help other people select the best food. The owners can ask the people to post the feedback. This app will definitely help people get delicious food and owners in improving their services. 

10. Restaurant Reservation Application

What if you could make restaurant reservations from your phone while also getting cashback? Well, by developing a restaurant reservation app, it’s possible! Just by signing up to the account, the user can start making reservations at their favorite restaurants using the app. 

With every visit to an eligible restaurant across the city, you get points that can then be redeemed for cashback and coupons.

Fitness App Ideas

Fitness App Ideas

Health and Fitness are the primary concern for people of all ages these days. It is crucial to keep part of your body functioning well and avoid diseases that could stop us from performing our daily activities. Generally, the people who prefer to do gyming hire personal gym trainers and dieticians to stay fit and healthy. Therefore, developing fitness apps can be a very beneficial idea for starting your startup. Below are some of the latest and trendy fitness app ideas you can choose for your business.

1. Fitness Tracking Application

Fitness tracking apps are top-rated among every age group and around every corner of the world. Therefore, investing in fitness apps could be a great deal for your business. Generally, these kinds of apps take the data from the users and record their progress. Thus, these apps track every activity of the user and keep a record. 

Fitness Tracking Applications record the number of steps walked per day, the number of stairs climbed, number of push-ups completed, duration of time spent on a particular exercise, and other fitness measures. These days, many fitness apps are coming with fitness trackers. So, if you want to stay in the competition, develop a fitness application with the in-built fitness tracker. 

2. Workout and Exercise Guide Applications

These Apps are generally used by fitness freaks. These apps provide a set of exercises or a complete Workout guide to the people who love and want to be fit as per their requirements. Additionally, it also helps users to create and follow their regular workout and diet plans. 

3. Diet and Nutrition Guide Apps

The Diet and Nutrition apps guide the users with their diet plans and the nutrition they should take. These kinds of applications suggest what and what not to eat, guiding you with what you should eat in higher quantities and what you should stop eating to stay healthy and fit. 

If you are developing such apps, you can also add the feature of guiding the users with the right time to eat a particular food item. All these suggestions are given based on your daily workout plan. Therefore, developing such an application will definitely be profitable for your business. 

4. Fitness Assessment Application

People who are fitness freaks like to take their fitness assessments on a regular basis. If you are planning to launch a startup, then developing a fitness assessment application can give you a tremendous amount of profit. 

Fitness Assessment Applications are the ones that take weekly or monthly fitness assessments of the users to track their progress. For example, the app you will develop can take the data of weight loss, weight gain, user’s stamina, or the ability to practice heavy workouts, etc. 

5. One-On-One Fitness Consultation App

There might be many beginners who might be thinking of getting started with their fitness journey. But, unfortunately, these beginners do not trust workout guides, diet plans, etc., thereby needing one-on-one fitness consultation sessions with the fitness experts. 

Therefore, invest in an application that offers a personal consultation session for those fitness freaks who are initially unable to trust the diet plans and the workout guides. 

6. Yoga Application

Even though Yoga is not a gym-related activity but is related to people’s Fitness, many people do not get time from their daily activities to go to the yoga centers or the gyms to stay fit. For those people, a yoga application can be beneficial. 

If your niche is Yoga or Fitness, invest in developing a Yoga Application that will teach people to practice Yoga taking out time from their busy schedule. 

7. Fitness Video Tutorials Apps

If you are considering developing a fitness video tutorial application, you can provide fitness-related video tutorials made by expert fitness trainers. These applications are predominantly used by absolute beginners and do not know the proper technique for performing different exercises. Users can learn and perform the different workouts and physical exercises by watching the video tutorials on the application. 

8. Daily Fitness Activity Checklist

You can either create a separate application or add this feature into your complete fitness app; both would be suited. However, I suggest you go with the second option, as creating a separate app for the daily checklist makes no sense. 

A fitness checklist allows the users to check every fitness-related activity they compete on a particular day. It will help the users to make sure that they are not missing any fitness activity of the day. 

Educational App Ideas

Educational App Ideas

The Coronavirus pandemic has hit humankind with the most massive waves of digitization. There is not a single industry spared from digitization, and the education industry is one of them. As we can see, almost everything has moved to online applications. There are so many educational applications available on the app store. How to get recognized in the competition then? Education applications have made the learning process easy and full of fun. Therefore, if you invest in developing educational applications, you will earn a huge profit. Here are some of the best and in-trend educational app ideas that will help you earn more.

1. Application for Handicapped Kids

Handicapped kids or the specially-abled kids having some or the other disabilities, education startups should feel honoured to develop an educational app for such people. These kinds of applications should be made keeping in mind that any type of disabled person can use that app easily. 

The features of this app may include connecting the students with the teachers, other students via calls or messages, listening and writing activities, and you can also have specially designed games for them. 

2. Student’s Progress Tracking Application

Schools and universities find it difficult to keep up with the progress of the students. As a result, it becomes difficult for the teachers to pick up the students who are the year’s best performers. Students’ progress tracking applications help the teachers keep track of the student’s performance in studies and other co-curricular activities. 

Teachers can allocate the grades according to the overall development of the students that are tracked in the application. The same application can also be used for student-teacher interaction and learning purposes. It will be a beneficial educational app idea for both the teachers and the students. 

3. Language Learning App

Today, students participate in exchange programs, international competitions, or foreign activities, allowing them to learn other languages. Therefore, developing a language learning app may be an excellent idea for people who want to learn different languages and will definitely benefit your business. 
You can add a unique functionality in your app where the students will be able to set a pre-decided time to learn the different languages of their choice. The application will remind them at that particular time to ensure that the students do not forget to remember. The users can also track the progress of their learning. This education app idea will make you stand out from your competitors. 

4. Competitive Exam Preparation Application

Many competitive exams like GRE, GMAT, SLAT, CAT, JEE, etc., require thorough learning and understanding of the concepts. Therefore, investing in an application that can benefit the entrance exam aspirants can make a massive profit for your business. 

A Competitive Exam Preparation application can be a savior for the students in stressful times. The application developed by you can provide essential questions and answers, checklists, ebooks, progress tracking, reference, to-do list, or anything required by the students. The entrance exam aspirants can even give mock tests and check their performance. 

5. Career Guidance Application

Choosing the right career path may be very challenging at times. However, selecting the wrong direction may destroy a student’s entire career. This is where a career guidance application comes into the actual film. A career guidance application can help students to select what’s best for their careers. 

You can even add the functionality for contacting expert career counselors to help the students choose the path that may take their careers to different heights. If you are ready to develop a career guidance application, you can also add a list of programs users should enroll in to make their future. The developers at WeDoWebApps LLC offer the best mobile app development gold coast; they will deliver the best application according to your requirements. 

6. Private Tutor Mobile App

The recent COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the tutorship. Teachers and the students were unable to meet in person, cutting a tutors’ income too short. In such a case, developing a private tutor application can prove to be a great way to connect the teachers and the students as they will no longer be limited to any geographical position. 

Additionally, the app will allow the teachers and students to connect, no matter what the circumstances are. Therefore, making this type of application is one of the most excellent opportunities for your business. 

7. Question and Answer App

Question and Answer or Educational Applications add an exciting dimension to learning new things. If you are a startup and develop a question and answer application, you can rely on an app that allows users to increase their knowledge through frequent reading or posting answers. 

Most importantly, these learning apps are significant from a creative point of view; users can add new questions and answers at regular intervals or post answers to the already posted questions. Furthermore, you can keep these updates either free or paid; this will give you an opportunity to obtain significant revenue from your app. 

Banking and Finance App Ideas

Banking and Finance App Ideas

The bank and finance apps manage all the transactions of a company or a person. In today’s rapidly growing world, in-person physical transactions are time-consuming and outdated; the world has moved on to the digital world, so have the banking and finance sectors. Banking and Finance Apps are real-world solutions for speeding up secure transactions. Read further to get some insight about banking and finance app ideas for your startup.

1. eWallets

eWallets are the most in-demand banking applications that offer users the convenience of making payments within the blink of an eye. With eWallets, users do not have to carry any physical wallet or credit/debit cards to purchase grocery, household items, or other products. 

A report from Grand View Research shows the popularity of eWallets and unveils that the global eWallet market will reach up to $7581 billion by 2024. Is there anything else we need to say about the popularity Mobile eWallets have gained? Therefore, you should consider developing a Mobile eWallet as a startup and step into the line of succession. 

2. P2P Payment Solutions

The peer-to-peer payment market has grown swiftly in no time. Google Pay, Venmo, Zelle, and PayPal are some of the notable examples of the P2P Payment Program. These payment programs are perfect for sending money to individuals such as acquaintances or relatives. Therefore, developing P2P payment solutions is a great idea for your startup business.

People using these solutions can conveniently send money from their bank accounts to other people’s digital wallets. Furthermore, these apps are made to eliminate the need for any middlemen, allowing the users to save money on commission fees when they are doing transactions. If you plan to develop a P2P payment application, the most eminent technologies that can be used are NFC, voice commands, and facial recognition. 

3. Loan Lending App

These applications are primarily used to fill the gap between the people who want loans and the loan lenders. Using such apps, those people can connect and fulfill their requirements. A loan lending app can help lenders reach more customers and offer them loans at a higher interest rate. 

In the same way, it can also allow the borrowers to connect with various lenders and take loans from the one offering the loan at a lower interest rate. If you are developing a loan lending application, you need to ensure that you add privacy and security features to make users feel secure about their loans.

4. Crypto Exchange App

Cryptocurrency apps target users looking to enter the decentralized markets by dealing with cryptocurrencies. In these kinds of apps, users can choose from a variety of digital coins and exchange them for foreign currencies. One of the real benefits of crypto exchange apps is the information security of blockchain. These apps enable users to exchange one cryptocurrency with the other, receive crypto tokens for fiat money, and buy/sell cryptocurrencies. 

5. Personal Finance Management App

Developing a Personal Finance Management Application is another excellent idea for the startup mobile app idea. This app allows users to keep track of their spendings, investments, savings, and earnings. You can even add the unique functionality to categorize their expenses and set the monthly expenses limit. In addition, the app will give users an alarm when the expense crosses the set limit. 

A personal finance management app will help the users to smartly and efficiently manage their finances and savings. If you consider this idea for mobile app development, make sure that the app is user-friendly, functional, and appealing. Consider hiring a mobile app development company that will help you develop such applications. 

6. Financial Advisory Apps

These applications are developed for providing customized financial advice on the basis of user’s spending patterns and income for the entire future. In addition, these apps are smart enough to discover after-tax profits by examining the user’s expenses and assets. 

Additionally, the app automatically recommends some financial management solutions so that individuals can make informed decisions for their future investments. 

7. Blockchain Apps

Blockchain technology is getting famous with each passing day; people use cryptocurrency to make their transactions. Hence, developing a blockchain app that allows users to make transactions using cryptocurrency can be an innovative and the best idea for your startup. 

Veem, Circle, LAToken, We.Trade and PayStand are some of the notable examples of Blockchain applications. If you consider this app idea for your startup, make sure to go through the above applications to properly understand their business model, monetization strategy, and other requirements. 

8. Digital Banks

Users can open an account, trade, block or unblock cards, add beneficiaries, and much more by utilizing digital banks that need only a few clicks on the developed applications. Thus, digital banking apps have already served a large audience online in this digital era. Moreover, because of the integration of AI chatbots, such an application is ideal for financial assistance and quick consultations. 

9. RegTech Applications

RegTech App is yet another finance and banking app idea that is fascinating to the market. These applications allow financial companies and institutions to obey both local and global standards and follow the rules for the correct practice in finance. 

These kinds of applications will automate the major processes like customer identity verification, report compilation and submission, transaction monitoring, and many more. The goal of such applications is to practice customer retention and seek customer satisfaction. Therefore, regTech applications can prove to be the best idea for your startup.

10. Insurance Apps

Insurance is the best service for every banking and financial institution. Insurance tech apps offer highly specialized and personalized options and risk analysis. As a result, insurance companies can accelerate operations and improve the quality of their customer service by using FinTech app solutions. 

Leverage expert mobile app development services in Brisbane and Melbourne for innovative iPhone solutions tailored to your business needs.

Summing Up

Regardless of which app idea you choose for your startup, the success of a mobile app depends on the mobile app development company you have hired. It also includes the expertise, and the efforts the development team has put into crafting an app. Sometimes a highly-featured mobile application with the most complex functionalities fails to reach the targeted audience, whereas a simple yet intelligently developed application reaches the desired goal. 

Therefore, the only difference is how the mobile app development company transforms your app idea into a final product. Since 2021 has shown a massive shift to the digital world, there will be an application present for almost everything you wish to do in the near future. So, why not grab the opportunity now? If you have an app idea from the above list that completely suits your business requirements, or you have any other app idea in your mind that would hit the market differently, contact us and discuss your query. We will develop a promising application from your unique vision to transform the idea into reality. 

Things You Need to Know About Native App Architecture and App Benefits

If you contemplate the global market, business tactics, and consumer behavior, everything narrows down to one point – Mobile apps. It is like the second name of success because every business needs an app to stay connected with its widespread consumers. Whether it is about Native app development services or hybrid app development, a company tries its best to reach a targeted audience and assist them in whatever way possible. So the demand is likely to rise in future and here are some numbers concluded from a study. According to a survey conducted by Statista, the numbers of mobile app revenue going to increase a lot more than what it is now; have a look at the below results:

One cannot ignore the impact and significance this report brings to the business world. The development and design of your mobile app affect your entire business entity; however, the robustness and architecture of any app play a vital role in order to excel in the digital era of sales and marketing. Want to know about Native app architecture? Have some basic understanding from below given information:

Native mobile app architecture:

It takes a lot of things to develop an intuitive, engaging, and interesting mobile app for your targeted users. But, above all, architecture matters the most as it brings sturdiness, stability, and sustainability in a native app. App architecture is a set of aspects, techniques, and interfaces, and other structural elements. It also takes care of a mobile app’s design and overall behavior while processing the development work. The architecture of an app defines the roadmap and vision of its performance, without which an app has chances to fail. 

Base of the app architecture 

The structure of a native mobile app is divided into various layers such as the user experience layer, data layer, business layer, etc. There are many things before an app architecture reaches users and such components are essential for app architecture. 

Presentation layer

A layer containing UI/UX elements of an app has everything to do about how an end-user will experience the app. So, the presentation layer is directly connected to users and crucial to have a user-friendly app. By understanding the persona and behavior of targeted as well as other audiences, one can create a path of presentation layer for mobile app development. Once the presentation layer is almost ready, the rest of the things like themes, fonts, colors, images, animations can be decided. So, the presentation layer plays an essential role after the base of the app architecture.   

Business layer

This layer has all the fundamental workflows, including business entities and other relevant components. A developer needs to position the entire market structure and business logic of native mobile apps in this Business layer. For which problems your mobile app provides a solution? How will you render the answer to your users? How can you differ your product from the competitors? One needs to be ready with the strategies for these points in the business layer for a scalable mobile app architecture to reach success.

Data Layer

The design of a mobile app’s architecture should go hand in hand with an impressive strategy to manage user data. An app must enable efficient and easy use of the data but at the same time needs to deliver a secure system. Hence, the data layer is quite important. This layer contains many things like data utilities, service agents, and components that access app data. 

Other things about app architecture

Besides the architecture layers mentioned above, some other imperative elements contribute to cohesion in order to gain desired results. For example, as a user can only use an app after downloading and installing the application on their respective devices, the architecture has its own rules and dependencies to support the platform. Also, business logic and workflow procedures are implemented according to the main goal of the app; and access permission, data storage, seamless performance, and security are integral parts of an app’s architecture. 

To understand the architecture layers, we can consider some examples like mobile banking architecture that should take the data layer more seriously to fulfill the purpose. In contrast, any food delivery app or eCommerce app should have a presentation layer at its best to deliver excellence. Whatever the app is, architecture layers have everything to do from discovering a product to secure check out. The architecture changes as per the app requirements; for instance, a dating app and a social media app would have an app-specific structure for enhanced user experience. 

Benefits of Native app development 

You must be aware of the difference between native and hybrid mobile apps. A native app development company develops apps that work on a specific platform only, and a user can access it either through Google Play Store or App Store. However, Native app has some significant advantages, and that’s why so many popular apps like WhatsApp, Pokemon Go, and Spotify are using it. For more insight, let’s talk about the benefits of Native app development having such architectural components. 

Improved performance: 

High responsiveness and capacity of downloading all the content elements, including visuals, contribute to a native app’s loading speed. It is all possible with the assistance and support of a targeted device that pitches in for successful app performance. With every feature, the native app leverages available APIs. Hence, applications receive total support of operating systems and hardware to demonstrate the incredible performance of their native nature. Also, a native app interacts with other native APIs and does not depend on or involve other plugins. Due to lesser dependencies, native apps can execute operations faster than hybrid apps. 

User engagement: One of the primary reasons for so many popular apps’ success is that user engagement is on the next level in native apps compared to hybrid apps. With UI components, native apps have the caliber to run smoother and quicker. By considering native SDKs – software development kits, one can have a clean, well-finished, and consistent feel of the native app. It can be a package for any user as they can experience seamless navigation and smart implementations of commands. 

Easy customization: Native app development allows access to all the features and tools available in the OS and devices. This means customers can have the flexibility and freedom to craft exceptional solutions as per their requirements and desires. Apart from this, built-in testing tools make native mobile application testing effortless and stress-free. Developers can control errors on devices and address the causes with the help of remote error monitoring. Henceforth, you get a user-friendly, efficient, robust, and bug-free app that meets your business needs. 

High-level Security: As native applications depend on technologies like HTML5, JavaScript and CSS, they tend to be more secure than their counterparts. If data privacy is your primary concern, native apps can provide you a safe environment. As developers do not need to maintain separate code-bases, native apps have fewer issues of bugs and other errors. Hybrid application development like Xamarin and Cordova uses tools to access hardware via a bridge, which might impact performance, speed, and ultimately, user experience. Contrary to that, the Native app provides a safer feel with better interaction and easy accessibility. More security means more demands, and more demands mean more downloads. 

Conclusion: Mobile apps are handy, convenient, and easily accessible by users. Especially after 2020, when pandemic changed the perspective of a user and a provider as most things went online. Customers should be able to feel secure while interacting with a brand through a mobile phone. They should be able to trust the cutting-edge technology, tools, and the benefits they bring in day-to-day life. Moreover, mobile platforms are continuously coming up with innovative, extravagant, and advanced features for customer satisfaction. So, the information mentioned above will come in handy when you look for a native app development company to avail the same benefits.

Top Mobile App Development Technologies Used to Develop Robust App

It’s 2021, and we are talking about movie apps. Mobile applications are a crucial part of our daily lives these days. Each year, thousands of apps add up on the play store and the app store. These applications are used worldwide, with millions of users across the globe. Count yourself in. Your day starts with an application ringing your alarm. How does that happen? That’s because this is the era of technology. Today, we focus on technology and are dependent on technology even more than we think.

With the year 2020, there emerged a pandemic globally leading to human destruction taking millions of lives. At such a time, when sitting at home became more preferable than the happiness less your favorite fast food brings you, mobile apps have saved us a lot of time. Android app programming services have seen a boost in their growth over the past year and the current one too. Since the pandemic hasn’t bid goodbye to us, we continue to take support of mobile applications. The year 2020 witnessed as massive as 218 billion app downloads, according to Talking of the 3rd quarter of the year 2020, there were 33 billion app downloads across the globe. Isn’t that huge? This shows us how we are entirely dependent on mobile apps for most professional, educational, and daily routine requirements. Also, a whopping amount has been spent on creating these mobile apps.

With the unprecedented step taken by the Indian government of banning the major applications run by Chinese owners, there has been a splurge in the android development market to replicate the mobile apps on their own to quench the thirst of the public. Businesses have taken to the digital platform to sell their products, services or even to share information that might interest the public.

It takes an immense amount of effort and creativity to develop an application to cater to the target audience’s needs. These apps that we use on a daily basis are not as easy as developing a program. There is an extensive procedure that goes behind the development. For the developers, deciding the frameworks, language, programming tools, and tools to use is nerve-wracking. While customers bombard the developers with their demands, they get tangled up in the procedure of deciding which tools to use. We have curated a list of tools, programming languages, and frameworks for you to choose the best technologies for your app. In this competitive era, we suggest you not take any risk in this field and consult the android app programming services for a better decision. 

Here is a curated list of programming languages that can serve to be apt for your mobile app development

mobile app

  • Java: being an old one, java has served to be the official programming language of Android at a time. Custom software development prefers Java over any other programming language for mobile app development. Android app programming servicesare in favor of Java for their developments. Being the most used language worldwide for technical developments, Java has proven to be of great significance for developers. Popular projects like NASA worldwind, Netflix, Spotify, Linkedin have been built with Java. This is enough evidence to prove the prestige of the Java language.
  • Kotlin: currently, the official programming language of Android is Kotlin, as appointed by Google in 2019, in light of the preference of various android app programming services. Providing cross-platform services, Kotlin has proven to be a very useful friend to the developers. The additional effort of putting up a semicolon after every line is eliminated by Kotlin blessing the developers.
  • C++: as far as building an app is concerned, an entire application cannot be built on C++. It can be used by the Android app programming services. Mobile app development technologies list down C++ as a crucial component of their endeavors. It can create magnificent apps without compromising the performance and the user experience aspect of the mobile app. It is simple, approachable, easy to use, and a good friend of the developers.
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript: Adobe PhoneGap is the primary framework that can be used to develop an app using languages- HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These languages aid in providing a seamless experience of app development to the developer. It does not require much coding and programming if Adobe PhoneGap is used.
  • PHP: proving to be an easy one for decades now, PHP is an object-oriented language that aids developers in their endeavors. Apps that need integration are best written in this language.

Tools to begin your mobile app development

  • PhoneGap: so far, we’ve already mentioned PhoneGap earlier in this blog. PhoneGap has secured a top position in our list and among the hearts of developers for extensive mobile app development. Also called Apache Cordova, PhoneGap comes across as an open-source framework for mobile app development. PhoneGap employs CSS3, HTML5 and JavaScript. It is used to create native applications on Android, Windows, and even iOS. Combining hybrid and native apps gives the apps developed by PhoneGap a unique nature that’s neither truly native nor hybrid. It can be used to create web applications along with mobile applications. Several Android apps programming services use PhoneGap for their customized developments.
  • Appcelerator: rhyming with the accelerator, this framework truly hastens the work of android app programming services. New technology in mobile application development is inclusive of Appcelerator for a reason. It curates seamlessly hardware-based apps by using HTML, PHP, JavaScript. Native apps for iOS, Android, or even Windows are characteristic of this framework.
  • Rhomobile: mobile app development technologies 2020 has to include significantly the Rhomobile Suite. Being an open-source framework, this is powerful with Rhodes that aids the development of native apps for various platforms. HTML, CSS3, and JavaScript are used by Rhomobile along with Ruby on the Rails for its development procedure. It can be used for development across various operating systems. Be it iOS, Windows, or Android, Rhomobile has it all taken care of.
  • WidgetPad: when it comes to choosing the best technology for Android app development, widget pad is the name that pops up. The open-source, cross-platform framework that can write up your app in HTML or JavaScript is a tremendously beneficial technology used by various Android app programming services. Not just this, it lays down an abundance of options to choose from- code editing, distribution, or versioning. Operating systems functional for this one are- iOS, web, and Android.
  • MoSync: a mobile app development kit that is open source as well as can be used on multiple platforms, is a boon to the developers. It uses Ruby, JavaScript, Python, and PHP for its development procedure. Combined with Eclipse-based IDE, MoSync allows the development of native mobile apps across various platforms wielding C or C++ language.

Read also: Types Of Mobile Apps and Which One Works The Best For Your Business?

With that being said, we’ve covered major tools for the development of android mobile applications. Now, as we told you earlier, mobile app development is not limited to a few steps. Instead, it is an extensive process consisting of numerous processes and technologies. Therefore, we will help you choose the best frameworks for mobile app development in vogue these days.

Frameworks you can use in 2021 for your mobile app development:

mobile app development frameworks

  • Flutter: being a new tech in the field, Flutter has passed with flying colors and has become one of the best members of the digital framework sector. It is a new tech in the town. It is cross-platform and uses Dart as its programming language for all developments. Using an uncommon programming language like Dart facilitates the development to be robust, subjected to powerful analysis, fabricated UI, the inclusion of highlights, and provision for fixing bugs in just a matter of seconds. Being an open-source platform by Google, Flutter offers a huge range of plugins that Google supports. It can be used to create apps for Android and iOS systems.
  • React Native: with the setup of the big name in the market, React Native has won the hearts of developers over the years. Based on JavaScript, this open-source platform gives satisfactory support to IDEs. Picking up from the name enables the development of native applications for mobile for both android and iOS systems. React a native is similar to React in some ways when it comes to building up mobile apps with JavaScript along with the same design. Apps built here are real and are in no way distinguishable from the ones made up with Objective-C, Swift, or Java.
  • Ionic: the name might seem to have missed a letter- ‘c’ to make this framework an iconic one. Ionic uses HTML 5, CSS3, and JavaScript as combined together to facilitate its developments. This combination is a source of structuring native apps and UIs seamlessly. Ionic has been built ahead of Angular JS and Apache Cordova. As a result, cross-platform mobile apps are now easy to build, maintain and scale with Ionic.
  • Xamarin: the best advantage of using Xamarin is that it uses a single code across different operating systems- Android, iOS, Windows, and others using the C# language. This code-sharing benefit does not impact the native experience of the app in any way. Developers are searching for a platform that allows them to have time and effort to develop the same app for different platforms, and Xamarin is the one. The platform-specific capabilities of the operating system are not compromised at any level.
  • Native Script: this one also tops the list of most preferred frameworks for iOS and Android developments. NativeScript primarily develops applications in JavaScript with any language that trans-compiles with the same type, such as TypeScript. NativeScript consists of extensive features like Vue.js, Angular integration, Native API re-election, etc. Third parties from Maven, npm.js, and CocoaPods can be repurposed with the help of NativeScript.
  • Fargo: popularly known as V-Play Engine earlier, Fargo is the perfect platform for developing mobile apps and gaming apps. Flexibility is one of the major contributions of Fargo to the developers for creating native apps using single code for various systems. These systems can be android, iOS, web, Desktop, and even embedded platforms.
  • Mobile Angular UI: with the name suggesting angular js, this open-source framework combines the Angular js along with Bootstrap 3 Syntax. It also includes the missing elements of Bootstrap that give it an extra edge. UI components like Overlays, switches, sidebars, navbars, and morals are characteristic of this platform. It is easy to learn for the developers and provides the provision of using HTML5 to build hybrid mobile apps as well as Desktop apps for various businesses.

Concluding Words

Concluding the above discussion, we can deduce that mobile apps are the most useful thing for this generation. This era is not going to take any risks with technological developments. People today want the latest technology in their daily routine endeavors. Thus, building an application that best serves the needs of the general public becomes a necessity for the businesses that wish to flourish in today’s time. For that, choosing the best technology for mobile app development is necessary to have fewer issues and more facilities for the end-users. 

The mobile app with an enhanced user interface and dynamic functionality makes your journey a success. When looking for an Android app programming services, consider the market demand and the need for its support platform. Here we listed above are some of the most popular mobile application development technologies to help you develop your high-quality mobile applications.

Top Challenges Faced By A Mobile App Development Company

Mobile app development has become a vital part of today’s digital era. Each and everyone uses a smartphone or tablet, and a mobile app is the easiest way to opt for one’s desired information or services. As mobile apps are now an integral part of our day to day life, there is no doubt why small to big enterprises prefer mobile applications for their business to stay engaged with the audience. However, building a robust, capable, functional and appealing mobile app is not an easy task. It takes a few intelligent, hard-working, and punctual app developers who remain consistent in their efforts. 

The ultimate goal of a mobile app development company is to fulfil the desires and requirements of the clients in order to develop a long term potential relationship with them. If someone needs their brand to be updated and informed, it is crucial for the mobile app developers to deliver them the app that strongly connects them to the target audience. Thereby mobile app development companies need to be updated with their skills and knowledge. 

Besides that, many mobile app development agencies face various challenges while crafting effective mobile app solutions. Somewhere it is because the clients do not convey the desires and requirements to the developers. In reality, many app development companies face challenges in developing mobile apps for their clients. This article is all about the challenges faced by mobile app development companies. Wanna know what those challenges are? Read ahead to learn more.

Biggest Challenges that a Mobile App Development Company Tackle

– Choosing for the Right App to Develop 

The first and foremost thing that every mobile app development company faces is choosing the proper app to develop. Since there are tens and thousands of mobile apps in the market, mobile app developers get confused about selecting the appropriate app to create. While designing a mobile app, most developers are stressed to craft innovative, mobile-friendly, and out-of-the-box mobile applications that can compete in the overcrowded app market. To develop an application that stands out, you need to narrow down the basic requirements like budget, the purpose of development, and many more.

– Evaluation and validation

You might come up with a fantastic app idea for your business and want us to create the exact thing you have in your head. Nevertheless, users’ significant demands and business requirements are often challenging for mobile app development companies like us. Of course, the clientele expectations are high, and we must meet them, but on the other side, there is massive competition in the market as well. Creating an app that stands out and thrives in such a market is tough. There has to be impressive design and layouts, but with smooth navigation. There has to be all the required information but with engaging content. UI or UX should fulfil the purpose of the app and be capable of sustaining according to current market trends and needs. The app should be interactive but with sheer robustness. Creating a mobile app with such evaluation and client’s validation is quite a challenge for any app developer.

– Resource management

Regardless of how innovative an app idea you have, if you are unable to convert it into marketable capital, the efforts of building it go into vain. Creating a highly functional mobile app is not enough; as a leading provider of mobile app development services, we know that monetizing that mobile application is equally important. An app development company needs to manage resources, finances, quality of the product, etc. The investment has to be right with guaranteed outcomes, profits or ROI. It isn’t easy, but with great determination, dedication and decision-making skills, we at WeDoWebApps LLC always conquer the challenge.

– Choosing the right tools and technology

Each of us is well aware that technology keeps evolving, and there is something new every day in the market. It could be a trend, a tool, a library, a plugin, and whatnot. It is a challenging task to choose the right tools and technology to build a futuristic app. Developers have to understand the business needs and purpose of the app and whether they want it to be native or hybrid. The date of release matters because the app should be a step ahead of the market trends so that it will not demand constant updates and inputs in the features. A developer has to contemplate plenty of things before building an app that is innovative, sturdy, attractive, engaging, and gives a high-speed performance. Developers go through pros and cons and decide what is best for you in the long run, so trust your developers and have an app of your dreams. Their hard work will provide you with nothing less than a masterpiece. 

– Using Different Operating Systems

There is no secret that the operating systems keep on upgrading with time. Every upgrade comes with technological advancements that also require the updation of the available apps to meet the standard of the updated version. When it comes to designing a mobile app, the operating system is the primary issue faced by mobile app development companies. Each operating system has its respective user interface. So, the mobile app developers need to fix one among the most popular operating systems(Android, iOS, Windows).

Read also: Best Mobile App Development for Your Business

– High Competition

As we said earlier, the market has thousands of mobile apps, so app developers do not get what type of app they should develop. App developers should do thorough research about the competitors in order to design an innovative mobile application. Mobile App Developers have to create an app that is capable of engaging more audiences for the business.

– Security

Security is a significant challenge that almost all mobile app development companies face. Mobile App Developers need to work hard to address the issues that are arising during and post-development process. Also, there’s a constant risk of hackers picking up the code, which creates a significant loophole after app deployment. In short, the risk of accessing the apps via cache information. Insecure storage of data, authentication challenges, and session management issues are a few other hurdles tackled by Mobile App developers. If left unchecked, it can lead to a significant loss, i.e., information misuse and manipulation, terrible user experience, and low app adoption.

Read more about New Trends In Mobile App Development

Sum Up 

These are the primary and top challenges you should know about before assigning your project to a mobile app development company. There are pitfalls and possibilities at every stage of app development, whether designing, developing, testing, content writing and marketing, or a successful deployment. Surpassing these challenges is one of a kind victory in itself; so, the next time you seek the help of a mobile application development agency, think and analyze both sides. Indeed, you would not have to regret your decisions, and the results you receive will be a valuable addition to your business sales and marketing.

Top Industry Sectors That Can Drive Profit From Mobile Apps: Perk to Look at!


The revolution in the app development industry has brought various upgrades in the business sectors. An android apps development company has left no tables unturned in creating mobile applications that fulfill most of their daily requirements. Need to buy groceries? There is an android app. Need to pay the electricity bill? There is an android app. Similarly, from a small and simple calculator or an alarm clock to decorating the home with branded furniture or simple messaging applications to the video calling system, there has been a great revolution in the android apps development company.

Due to this revolution, the demand for mobile app developers has also increased to a large extent. One can simply think of a possibility for automation in their daily chores, and that will be on your palms in short notice with the help of the latest app development trends. Be it any industry, a travel agency, an interior décor company, or a restaurant- the android app development is possible for all, bringing the whole of the tasks on your palms, all carried out with a few fingertips.

Whether a large-sized organization or a start-up, the app development companies are now focusing on the point of how mobile apps can help the industry to grow and what the top industry sectors can benefit from mobile apps. Hence, in a nutshell, the modern applications development industry is in a rapid growth phase, and not only this, the other sectors introducing mobile applications for businesses will also observe an increment in their graph of development.

In the next section, we would be listing some of the industries that can see the maximum benefit of adopting mobile applications for their business and reach out to more customers in less time, with ease of managing their relations.

Top industries that would be benefited from mobile app development:

Top industries that would be benefited from mobile app development

Industries in the world are now finding new tactics for the incremental growth of their brands and hence the profits. In these techie times, the best solution is to introduce a mobile app to reach out to potential customers for the business.

According to some statistical figures, 90% of the businesses that provide the people their required facilities have now opted for mobile apps and have seen incremental growth in their businesses.

With the advancement in social media and other promotional platforms, these mobile apps run businesses successfully and with ease.

This section lets us see the top 8 sectors of the industry that can grow enormously by introducing mobile apps in their businesses.

1. Healthcare:

Since the pandemic, people have become more and more health-conscious and concerned about their weight and stamina. Before the pandemic, they used to visit gyms and other fitness hubs for their regular workouts and health maintenance. However, since everything has been shut down due to the outburst of the virus, people have found new ways for continuing the workouts at home itself, using mobile applications related to fitness and diet.

Healthcare app

There are thousands of fitness apps available on google play that enable their user to track their workouts and provide tips for maintaining their health. Not only the apps for the workouts, but the android apps development company have also now introduced the “doctor on demand’ apps too, through which one can consult anytime and anywhere with specialized doctors.

These apps act as a connecting bridge between the doctors and patients residing at far locations from each other, and commuting to one’s location for a minute issue, might become impossible and tedious.

2. E-commerce applications:

Many success stories and incidents have been recorded from the reputed companies like Amazon, Flipkart, etc., after the launch of their mobile applications on the play store. If we go through the statistical analysis, 78% of the total customers worldwide have opted for the mobile applications of these e-commerce platforms for their online shopping.

Also, the statistics show that the order of the goods placed by the customers is received more from the mobile application as compared to the website application.

The following graph depicts the growth of mobile e-commerce platforms from the year 2016 to 2021 in the US market:

E-commerce applications

3. Applications for the Hospitality industry:

There is a rapid growth seen in the industry of hospitality and restaurants. Now, new outlets are opening in the city day by day, providing home delivery facilities, dine-in, and take away.

To reach out to more people in the city, the restaurants have collaborated with on-demand food delivery applications to deliver their dishes to their customers’ doorstep. Some restaurants, especially the chained ones, might also have their online food ordering and delivery mobile applications.

Applications for the Hospitality industry

In terms of hospitality, many hotels offer room booking facilities in advance for future visitors, just like the restaurants offering advance table booking online in the mobile application.

As an industry focusing on customer satisfaction and leisure, the hospitality sector has the main focus on improving the customer experience and based on the rates and reviews provided by them, and they can attract more customers.

4. Manufacturing industry:

Mobile applications can help manage the manufacturing process in the company. Technologies like the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, etc., can be implemented in developing these production management apps so that more automation can be introduced in the production process and improve the efficiency of the people involved in that process.

Manufacturing industry

These apps are useful for an effective transformation of the production process based on agile, cost-effective, and employee-centric transformation.

The people involved in the manufacturing process can monitor the raw material, stock the products manufactured and delivered, etc., using these mobile applications.

Not only the management of the manufacturing process, in this pandemic situation, if an employee is located at a remote location, the training of that employee, managing the data and work, etc., can also be managed using mobile applications.

5. Banking and Finance sector:

With advancements in technologies like blockchain and cryptocurrency, the banking and finance sector has seen a drastic rise in its development. The customer data of these financial bodies need to be kept confidential and safe. The data may also contain some of the personal and sensitive details of the customer. This information is managed and passed to the relevant processing units with the help of blockchain technology.

Banking and Finance sector

According to a survey carried out under google analytics, 41% of people use smartphone applications to accomplish their banking and finance-related tasks. Be it getting the account’s status in a bank, or transferring money from one account to another, bill payment, loan request assessment, etc., tasks, an application does it all.

Fintech companies are now offering digital payment modules for their customers using smartphone applications for effective financial management.

6. Retail Business:

This is the business sector that majorly focuses on the convenience of the customer and its satisfaction. Therefore, the mobile apps built for retail businesses play an important role in increasing the development of the business. Due to this, there are a large number of options available for the customers to choose from their desired product.

Retail Business App

As mentioned above, people now prefer online shopping of goods rather than going physically to a market. As a result, various applications like Target, Best Buy, etc., have successfully engaged customers with their advanced features and functionalities.

For instance, many retailers have introduced customer loyalty schemes by providing benefits such as prioritized delivery of products, 24-hour delivery, discounts, prime member subscriptions, etc. As a result, they succeed in attracting more crowds towards their mobile app platform.

7. Tours and Travels industry:

As people are becoming more interested in visiting different places and exploring the world, the traveling industry has benefited a lot due to heavy bookings made by the people for bus, rails or flights. The tourism industry has also taken off due to the increasing number of tourists on the location during a fixed period like festivals, vacations, etc. Hence, if this industry works in coordination with an android apps development company that can bring out the best features in a mobile app, then the industry can see the never seen uphill in the development as people now won’t have to roam around for booking tickets or searching for a guide to assist in the tour. Tours and travels assistant app can handle your whole trip!

8. Real Estate:

It might sound strange, but even the real estate industry has opted for the option of listing the properties and plots on the mobile applications so that the customers located at a far location can also have a virtual tour of the property they are interested in purchasing.Real Estate

This has become possible with the help of the technique called 360-degree view. With the help of this, one can take the image or a video of the whole surrounding, and only with a few flips of the phone, the viewer of that image can take the experience of the scenario as if they are physically visiting the place.

Hence, a lot of the time of the estate agents and the customers can be saved, and especially the time spent commuting to view the property.

Concluding Lines

Apart from these top eight industries, mobile apps have shown their wonders in other fields: viz. education, lifestyle, décor, etc. One of the reasons behind the increasing popularity of mobile apps is our dependency on those apps that has been increasing day by day. Hence, the android apps development company has been working tight to overcome the industry needs and see that almost all the industry sectors can be covered and can benefit from the modern, optimized mobile applications. Performing these applications requires careful execution and android app development company with specialized technical expertise. Do you want to grow your business with a personalized, high-performance, and easy-to-use mobile application? Simply email us at